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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Nope! If they insist on making fools of themselves, it comes with the territory! CJI.
  2. Thanks - that was I was (unsuccesfully) trying to link to. CJI.
  3. IMHO, the adjustable length, lockable with a screw, drawbar arrangement cannot be bettered. Why on earth do designers insist on trying to fix something that is not broken?!? CJI.
  4. Read the post above yours - re fitting flanged wheels for 30" radii. It is clearly possible; Hornby simply don't choose to do so. CJI.
  5. You would think that someone entrusted with surveying a prototype loco would have been able to detect temporary fixtures! Did it not occur to ANYONE during the design and approval process that there was an odd lack of provision for side and rear-view visibility? What have I previously posted about Hornby and a lack of railway knowledge - (swiftly rebutted by one of our Moderators)?!? CJI.
  6. Easy enough to calculate - measure widths of window and label on image, calculate ratio; apply ratio to window width on model - eureka, width of label!
  7. If you re-read my post, I did not propose a swivelling rear axle - I said "fixed, flangeless trailing truck WHEELS". I would be quite happy with an alternative rear axle with flanges, sitting in a slot in the mainframes.I CJI.
  8. Thank you for this; a very useful assessment. I don't want to spoil anyone's enjoyment of this new development, so what follows is definitely my PERSONAL view. Steam is a state of existence of water - its behaviour in our atmosphere is controlled by many factors - NONE OF WHICH CAN BE SCALED! Whilst Hornby are to be congratulated for what they have achieved, I would stick my neck out and say that miniature steam generators will NEVER be able produce an effect that mimics the behaviour of smoke and steam when emitted by a steam locomotive. The laws of science simply dictate that what comes out of the P2 funnel resembles what comes out of the spout of a kettle, as opposed to a steam loco. For instance, a steam locomotive, standing at rest in a siding, emits lazy curls of, mostly, smoke - not the abrupt on / off spurt of steam, which is evident in the first layout shots in the video. I could go on, ad infinitum, but it all comes down to the physical behaviour of tiny quantities of water vapour as opposed to large volumes of smoke and steam. CJI.
  9. Ironmink's designs are THE BEST! I have quite a number of his models that I have bartered with him for producing suitable transfers. When printed properly, his designs need ZERO post-printing preparation - simply remove the supports, paint, and fit wheels and couplings. I would say that models produced from Ironmink designs are equal to, or even better than, RTR quality. CJI.
  10. Ironmink has an associate who will print to order - contact Ironmink for details. CJI.
  11. Ironmink don't sell anything - they post their designs; you download the designs for free; and print them on your 3D printer - or get a friend to do it for you. CJI.
  12. Back in the day, (1960s), there were a LOT of snakes on the Midland Mainline embankment and cutting sides in that area. CJI.
  13. You are trying to redirect Hornby's sales strategy - it won't work! Like it or not, Hornby see a market amongst the 'don't know, don't cares'. They don't, apparently, see the same sales potential amongst the 'do know, do care, might change scales'. You may be correct - but you don't have the business clout to do what they are doing. That is life - we'll have to see who was correct, in due course. CJI.
  14. PRECISELY - and look at the situation now! RMweb didn't exist then, but I haven't the slightest doubt - in fact, I recall it - that the same complaints that you are making were widespread about N scale at that time. Face it - Rome wasn't built in a day; but I agree that some form of coordination in Hornby's releases wouldn't go amiss! CJI.
  15. Jason, You are (deliberately?) missing the point - the core audience for TT120 is not the same as that for 2mm. scale - it doesn't WANT to know the difference between classes of pannier tanks. You may wish that your fellow purchasers of Hornby's latest scale were more discerning, but they're not! CJI.
  16. I'm afraid that the introduction of BR blue spelled the end of my interest in the current railway scene - nothing in that colour will ever disgrace my model railway. CJI.
  17. I would repeat my opinion that the CURRENT TT120 market is not YET as sophisticated as the 2mm. or 4mm. scale ones. No-one is suggesting that TT120 will not develop to the same extent as the other scales but, as a newcomer, it is inevitable that it cannot yet support such detailed differentiation that you advocate. Personally, I think that Hornby would have been well advised to have released regional sets containing complete, albeit short, passenger and freight trains. CJI.
  18. As has already been said, TT120 is largely aimed at the 'don't know, don't care' brigade. To that market, a pannier tank is a steam loco with square tanks and no tender - end of! CJI.
  19. Perhaps so - in that case, it might be best if they proof-read Hornby's press releases, etc.! CJI.
  20. This is what happens when you run a model train company with people who know nothing about trains! CJI.
  21. An excellent composition; do the head and tail lights really appear so brilliant, or is that a function of the photographic exposure? CJI.
  22. I would be interested to hear how the existing 'generic' coaches have sold - not via heresay, but from someone who has had a financial interest in selling them. I am aware that there is a sector of the market that isn't too fussed about accuracy, and just wants coaches to match the livery of locos. What I'm not certain of is how large, or otherwise, that sector really is. CJI.
  23. I am now at the painting stage of this Southern Pride kitbuild, and can report a couple more pitfalls to avoid. The visible solebars above the bogies are too deep, and are intended to be built up from a fold-up web off the floor etch to which a supplied brass angle is soldered to form the lower flange. Break off the fold-up webs and discard them, and solder 2 x 2mm. brass angle beneath the floor, to give the impression of a channel section. The plastic bogie pivot bosses are also too deep - discard them and substitute an 8BA washer and nut on the supplied 8BA pivot screws. A couple of 2 x 2mm. plasticard sections glued beneath the floor, either side of the bogie pivot screw at one end, will eliminate any tendency for the body to rock. Running is excellent, and I managed to fit NEM pockets to the bogies by cutting and bending one of the brass bogie end bars. I don't know how SP came to introduce these design errors but, if built as intended, the finished models would tower way above all other stock. Built as described above, they run with buffers and rooves exactly matching Mk.1 stock. Photos to come after painting and lettering. CJI.
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