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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Don't tell your local garden centre !! This can't be right, can it? Just because the DIY sheds and supermarkets sell plants as sideline, why should they be able to sell when gardens centres are confined to delivery-only? I know that all these rules were drawn up in a hurry - but that doesn't mean that the obvious anomalies shouldn't be corrected in due course. John Isherwood.
  2. They two gulls 'rn't social distancing, be they - moi luvver? (It had to be Looe)! John Isherwood.
  3. Response from Wizard Models :- "... order code is LS46, £2.40 for 5 screws and nuts. These are 8BA – I don’t do any other sizes". Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. See https://www.petersspares.com/spares-Hornby-s-coded-spares.irc John Isherwood.
  5. Wizard Models supply BA shouldered bolts in some of their loco kits, for use as bogie pivots. I have e-mailed them to see if they can be supplied separately, or if they can suggest a supplier. I will post the reply here. John Isherwood.
  6. Not entirely surprisingly, the IPA was not delivered on the due date. I contacted Ebay, who have advised that the seller is no longer registered with them. Ebay refunded my payment, in full, within half an hour of my raising a case of non-delivery. Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. Drill Services of Horley. Invest in at least five of the sizes that you use regularly; I buy ten at a time. John Isherwood.
  8. I suspect that we, here in Bodmin, are not quite as far west as you are - but I know what you mean. Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. I would be straight onto the phone to EE - it could be a case of mis-labelling. In the meantime, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Phosphoric-Acid-Descaler-Rust-Remover-30-Safe-On-Metal-Surfaces-500ml-FREE-PP/133187688960?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item1f029ada00:g:4OMAAOSwFYddkfD3&enc=AQAEAAACUBPxNw%2BVj6nta7CKEs3N0qUmwtN%2B9jtvH4ktCTO5csPm30LDWmpFbMwSmzDMVWx6pLEt3mBtHBQP38ds%2FEN1X6y964qemj9kka%2BbHllSKqejqrioKIE4C19ZIh4DIV%2FcHqpgwJhyCtBDE%2BD5czU00VL3Lhd%2B2QotjFfqht712cRC3Gwj3FoIF4DJzC1U5F0%2BSIgKde%2FPzCu2RsTgkBzjzI3AwDYUQAF5Gqx6X6rmUcno84%2B%2F0eIZUqEAnd9ybrWqsb1kpPJz82Nfhq2I9emyL0PzDlxDpbXkd2A3s6ohTrsqralAaMEnoucBc2Ggq1pE7OYllIMONcJZ1iCCYB23bv1%2B1rYt2rwWd9aMvdLa%2B81mcqKQdkn1SM%2F8uWagH0cD0KodtJY0ObChqcvXCtzQ%2B7TgZSj5nuT925nmMoO9RKkJyCtMQtf%2BV5UtWagXLtP7uBp2z6NmjjmXoIATNCluFTLhi6rlCZZJpWaKxsU9mZlQSyp8kRs%2FxnEGPZ5pMHQ9bFdlVKDlwaAKFS9b0wCFlX3gAa%2BfvUy2bYABTMm%2Bk1e4byHEMpZrl9%2Bosd1hTOX%2FgSvXj%2FKwnQPr9BdMQVrrBlqkIhHxm1D85mhYZIoKnuzUyLXC83YVvaoskUJJQiUFhi27Ry%2BJ95OvASRC4tmx5NlaSqkuqbyzL%2FdCK%2BBImDc5QveWnAbj1RDo0acuUuVIoMqBWPhcuM2AWxMMtUfbx0buhnTU0MrmHFJAgc1iwJwOzMRYlNWv%2Bc1L5MznY0whRsx4HsD%2FOit50x34Dw4o9qo%3D&checksum=1331876889607ef0db66323a425f85a390bb220af963 Just mix it with twice as much water and you will have 1.5 litres of 10% phosphoric acid flux. John Isherwood.
  10. Another unqualified recommendation for Drill Services. However, I think that the OP is somewhat out of touch with today's prices for quality tools. John Isherwood.
  11. It's funny - I don't recall the Airfix mineral wagon having raised numbers moulded on, as shown in your photos. John Isherwood.
  12. Ermm - those Peco brass bearings are the ancient type - intended for wheels on non-pinpoint axles. If you fit pinpoint axles the running will be rough - you need the more modern 'tophat' bearings. https://www.wizardmodels.ltd/shop/wagons/bpp001/ John Isherwood. PS. Contrary to your post, Airfix did provide wheels (of a sort) in black plastic - as per your photos.
  13. Wizard Models seems to be the principal outlet for Markits products. Unfortunately, it seems that the supply of Markits items is by no means as reliable as it once was. Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. Most odd - I can't think how they can already have your e-mail address. By their very nature, e-mail addresses are unique. However, and easy test is to try and log onto the Sainsburys website, using your e-mail address. It will ask for your password - which of course you don't believe you have! Click the Forgotten my Password tab and see what, if any, options it offers you to change your password. If you are offered any options, use them to change your password - this will tend to indicate that you DID register previously. Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. After you fitted the 1mm. thickness O ring, did you adjust the needle position in order to ensure that it is fully forward in the nozzle when released? John Isherwood.
  16. Could it be, therefore, that by some means or another you are already registered for over 70s online shopping at Sainsburys? Perhaps, when you previously (?) registered for online shopping, you were required to give a date of birth. If so, the system will already know that you are over 70. Just a thought ...... John Isherwood.
  17. Are we mixing up our ends here? Surely, the early BR arrangement was number at LH end, with no suffix; the later (long-term) arrangement was at the RH end, with suffix? Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. The top two photos are of an LNER Diagram 164 24T twin, converted from two 12T Diagram 63 mineral opens; the third photo is of an LNER Diagram 163 26T twin, also converted from two 13T Diagram 63 mineral opens. Why it was deemed necessary to have two diagrams when the base wagons were all from the same diagram eludes me! Diagram 63 wagons were supposedly upgraded from 12T to 13T capacity as a wartime expedient. Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. Sounds like we went to the same school ! Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. Philip, I'm afraid not - signalling is a closed book to me ! Sorry, John Isherwood.
  21. If it was school milk - you drank it with relish! Even better was when the milk had frozen in the wire-crated bottles, and pushed the foil tops off. The milk monitors placed the crates on the radiators; (hot enough to burn you); and we hoped that there'd be a few ice crystals left in it by morning break. Happy (?) days. John Isherwood.
  22. As far as I can see, the coaches are numbered NE*****E. I know that I will be corrected if I am wrong - which I hope that I am - but I would have expected the numbers to be just E*****, in LNER style transfers, at the LH end of the coaches. It is my understanding that the the NE prefix was a relatively late arrival; ( late 1950s / early 1960s)? I would have expected these coaches to have been withdrawn before the RH numbering / regional suffix were introduced. I'm no expert though, so I await the rebuttal with anticipation! Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. If I'm out and about before the end of June, I'll be more than happy - and very surprised! John Isherwood.
  24. That's what I like to see - good old Hornby Dublo couplings; (though I now use the Peco Simplex R2 ones - they're a bit neater). Nowadays, I cut off the coupler head and solder it to some rectangular brass section, so that I can pivot them in NEM pockets. Regards, John Isherwood.
  25. Use just one floor - you have two identical sprues because that's the way they are moulded, and it's not worth the manufacturers' time to remove the duplicated floor. John Isherwood. PS. You'll probably not need the bufferbeams on the chassis sprue - assuming the grey ends have a bufferbeam attached.
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