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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. I too think that this is getting out of proportion - a problem / solution is being sought that doesn't exist. Detach the airbrush from the jar slowly and carefully - any paint remaining in the airbrush should drain back into the jar when air is admitted. If the two are separated too quickly,the jar is not there to receive the paint - cue spilled paint. As has been pointed out, the 'drain back' can be hastened by letting air in via the trigger. All forms of painting can be messy - hence the usual practice of avoiding doing it in the domestic environment. If climactic conditions are unsuitable for outdoor painting, wait until they are, and do something else. Patience is an essential ingredient of railway modelling. John Isherwood.
  2. True - but in the 4-8-4 format it has two vents over the cabs; in 4-4-4-4 format there are four vents per cab. John Isherwood.
  3. .... though it is, unfortunately, back-to-front - ie. mirrored !! John Isherwood.
  4. See up-thread for the BR diagram (1/418). John Isherwood.
  5. It will be interesting to see if the model follows the prototype - which, in 4-8-4 format, had to have the centre rods removed, to make it a 4-4-4-4, because the transmission of forces via the rods 'fought' with the geared transmission. As I understand it, the model will have geared linking of the driving axles, so the same problems that affected the prototype in 4-8-4 format may be evident in the model when fitted with the longer rods. John Isherwood.
  6. Thanks for that info., most appreciated. Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. If it's driving a TT - the correct voltage will be that which looks realistic and allows manual indexing. A reversing switch will, of course, still be necessary - but it won't need to be centre off. John Isherwood.
  8. Well - the Government priority list has certainly gone out to the supermarkets !! Over the past 24 hours, my wife has been contacted by Sainsburys, Tesco and Asda; all keen for her to patronise them via a Priority Delivery slot. It's nice to feel wanted! John Isherwood.
  9. If you've ever seen the amount of crud that is released by giving, say, an assembled Comet loco chassis kit or a coach kit, a few minutes in an ultrasonic cleaner, you'e be totally convinced. After a few years of using a small one from Lidl, I have recently invested in https://www.amazon.co.uk/FORAVER-Ultrasonic-Stainless-Cleaning-Commercial/dp/B07CGLLZKP . It heats the water to an adjustable pre-set temperature; (I add a pinch of washing soda and a drop of washing-up liquid to the water); and I set the timer to 5 minutes. The tank will take a loco or bogie coach with no problem. Any flux residue is neutralised, and all scale, filings, glass fibres, grease, fingerprints, etc., etc. are removed and can be seen, in amazing quantities, on the base of the tank after the 5 minutes are expired. When dried, the model is ready for painting - money well spent! John Isherwood.
  10. https://www.craftstash.co.uk/cricut-joy-digital-cutting-machine.html?___store=default&awc=7803_1586530461_ddecc64f5391b9ebd3b835638591fcaf&utm_source=Kiesproduct+%2F+Shoparize+CSS&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=affiliatewindow Is this the Cricut machine that you use? Please could you give a few more details of its capabilities - material types and maximum thicknesses; could it cut out a 4mm. scale coach side in plastic card; etc? I would also welcome input from others about alternative cutting machines. Many thanks in anticipation. John Isherwood.
  11. The favourite trainspotting location for our 'gang' was at Wigston Magna station on the Midland Mainline - right next to the "Pukey Pie Factory" - as it was universally known in the locality, even by those who worked there! Perhaps a bit unfair - I had them from the local chippie on regular occasions, and they were perfectly palatable. In later years I travelled in Oz and NZ, and the famous local pies have a remarkable similarity to "Pukey Pies"! John Isherwood.
  12. https://www.rkeducation.co.uk/rkpsu-v1-single-output-psu-for-model-railways---built-2918-p.asp This one, (I have bought a sample), seems to have an ON / OFF switch incorporated. John Isherwood.
  13. Works for me - and I've been using it for years; 15% for brass and nickel silver, and 7.5% for whitemetal. John Isherwood.
  14. As per Paul Bartlett - https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/bchgrain - they were for internal use within the breweries of Burton-on-Trent only; they would not have ventured onto BR tracks. (Incidently, Paul refers to them as being COVHOPs; they were indeed covered hoppers, but these wagons were usually referred to as GRAIN hoppers - COVHOPs being used for powders). John Isherwood.
  15. At that price, I'd want it guaranteed unopened - not missing the roof vents and with coal added to the tender. Still - someone will buy it. Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. When doing these Comet re-sidings, I take out the sides completely, and file away the thickness of the brass sides from the ends. That way, the width of the finished coach is correct - not over-width by twice the thickness of the brass sides. The rigidity of the sides is achieved by soldering brass angle section to the tops and bottoms. John Isherwood.
  17. I can only refer to my own experience of my own local (5 minutes away) Screwfix - as a DIYer. I go online, search the product and choose, check availability at the branch - which is invariably either immediately or tomorrow. I collect, immediately or tomorrow as appropriate, and am always served with efficiency and politeness. Screwfix is my go-to source for anything that they sell - a far cry from the alternative; Homebase! I speaks as I finds! John Isherwood.
  18. My latest posting crossed with Michael's - the apology is accepted. I would submit, though, that your repost of my comment re feelings might more appropriately have been directed towards the original comment concerning me. John Isherwood.
  19. The emojis do not conceal the sentiment expressed - far too often, posters write things that they know may offend, but then try to defuse them by putting an emoji at the end. Better to keep one's feelings to oneself. John Isherwood.
  20. Looking at Paul's photos, the bufferbeams should be full width; the buffers had offset hinges at the ends of the bufferbeams. John Isherwood.
  21. I have to say - despite the complaints voiced above by others - that I am full of admiration for the way that the UK Government has responded to what would have been, six weeks ago or less, an inconceivable situation. That most of what we consider to be the essentials of life continue to be available, speaks volumes for the organisational competence of those charged with their administration. Had I been asked at the time, I would have forecast apocalyptic scenes, with civil disorder and normal moral standards widely abandoned. Yes - their have been some incidents that demonstrate that there will always be a tiny minority who will seek to survive at the expense of the rest of us; but we knew that and despised them anyway. I say - three cheers for us, and thank you and well done to all who provide essential services, together with the Government for pulling their collective fingers out and taking some truly bold and radical decisions! John Isherwood. PS. ..... and get well soon to Boris!
  22. That's not really called for - I have only tried to help an initiative of which I have no need to take advantage. I took a great deal of care and enjoyment in researching GT3 for my model, and I am more than willing to share that information. My initial skepticism was purely due to the then-recent DJM debacle, and the rather vague information that you put out at the inception of your project. John Isherwood. PS. Both colours appear a tad dark to me - but I am putting that down to my screen; the actual colours used on GT3 appeared differently according to lighting.
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