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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Very, very, loosely !! John Isherwood.
  2. Not as far as my experience has shown - Substitute or Don't Substitute - that's it. John Isherwood.
  3. It may go against the grain if you normally patronise Waitrose but - try Tesco. My wife has priority for slots at Asda, Sainsbury's and Tesco but, last weekend, the only supermarket that could offer a priority slot around a week ahead was Tesco. Asda had nothing for a fortnight, and Sainsburys wouldn't let us book more than a week ahead - and all slots were taken. We have now registered for a priority, recurring weekly slot at Asda. Priority is great - if they'll let you book! Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. Am I missing something here - surely Sainsburys own Argos? It's all profit to them, anyway? The only thing that I can think of as a 'reason' for this 'rule' is that, with social distancing producing queues outside supermarkets, the extra queue length generated by Argos customers could discourage grocery shoppers from using Sainsbury's. That, though is a penalty of combining two operations under the same roof! John Isherwood.
  5. Louvres - of their nature - are not see-through; they are sloped, and the top of one coincides with the louvre abouve it. Air can pass through, but most rain cannot. As etched, louvres in the form of the D&S GCR milk van above are unrealistic - they look, (and are) like bars; blanking behind them increases the illusion that they are supposed to be sloping slats. John Isherwood.
  6. Tony, The Mitsumi motor is 11.5mm. in width when mounted vertically; I would combine it with a High Level gearbox - probably a Loadhauler or a Loadhauler+. This combination runs superbly and virtually silently; it really is the best way of powering these 0-6-0s. Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. Tony, Yes, I built an MPD Midland 3F a couple or so years ago, and posted the build on RMweb - though I can't find the thread at the moment. The grooves in the boiler are indeed intended for brass boiler band, but beware - on the 3F they were in the wrong place! I ended up filling the grooves with plastic strip; sanding it down ; and fitting correctly located bands from adhesive tape. The splashers were apparently intended for the undersized wheels of a proprietory chassis - I had to replace them to accommodate correctly sized / spaced wheels. (I surmised that the kit had been designed to fit an RTR chassis, and had then been upgraded with an etched chassis). Take nothing for granted - check wheelbase, axle positioning, ...... everything! Good luck, John Isherwood.
  8. You could fit two of those gun limbers, or possibly a limber and gun, on that LOWFIT - the drawbar of one could be beneath the rear of the other; an authentic method of loading. John Isherwood.
  9. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/model-railway-kits/254573595912?hash=item3b45c4cd08:g:nqcAAOSwvFlenCYk Currently at a VERY silly low bid. No personal interest - though I was tempted ! John Isherwood.
  10. Thank you for that - exactly how I intend to finish my model. Regards, john isherwood.
  11. Neil, A bit of research has indicated to me that the cutting-down of the cab roof did not affect the central roof area; only the eaves. I'm not sure why the whistle was moved but, if the arch was tight but not flattened, the whistle would have cleared the top of the arch. My understanding is that the arch which dictated the cab modifications was originally for a horse-worked colliery line, so a narrow but high-ish arch would make sense. Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. I, too, bought clippers, and my wife performed her first haircut on me - the result, frankly, is just as good as I am used to paying £10 for. She used the cutting guard that equates to a finger thickness - which is what I have at the barbers - and simply mowed my mop as I would the lawn! A touch of tapering at the back and round the ears with a shorter guard and - job done. My wife now has another chore! It would be a little more awkward doing it myself but, with a mirror front and back, I think that it would be possible. Anyway, with social distancing, who's going to see! Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. ....and that material hanging over the running plate is almost certainly white asbestos matting. What price Health and Safety then ?!? John Isherwood.
  14. Garden fleece - it is ultra-light; (no damage to delicate detailing); but prevents dust getting through. I also use it to keep dust out of my precious, irreplaceable Alps printers. John Isherwood.
  15. Ahh - we'll perhaps have to make a double pick-up next time we're allowed to go to Hayle; (my wife find Philps' pasties a little too peppery for her taste). Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. Whose pasties ? Never 'eard of 'em ! Barnecutt's pasties of Bodmin aren't bad, if you can't get Philps'; (nor are my wife's; but we've only been living in Cornwall for eight years) ! As for Ginsters - least said, soonest mended; they use MINCED beef - sacrilege !!! John Isherwood.
  17. Everybody's missing the most important aspect of this photo - Philps' pasty bakery and shop; (top RH corner, on the edge of the quay). Motorcyclists drove, (until very recently - and will again), all the way down from Birmingham; bought and ate a pasty; and then drove all the way back again ! John Isherwood.
  18. Having noted your location, I can only say 'It's not rocket science' !! Sorry, John Isherwood.
  19. I built the MTK GRCW two car unit when these kits were still widely available; the quality was not bad at all, and I ended up with a very nice model. To anyone who has done a couple of cut-and-shuts, etc., I would say Go Ahead. Fitted with a High Level motor bogie, it would make a smooth-running, unusual model. John Isherwood.
  20. Subscription copy arrived this morning, in deepest Cornwall. John Isherwood.
  21. Nah - too much modelling to do. I do provide white departmental transfers - but only for those wagons which were introduced, from new, in Gulf Red livery; as per prototype. David Larkin copied the Derby wagon building records which include, in most cases, the livery and lettering colours, as well as the original allocation lettering. My transfer list relies heavily on these records, so white lettering for black wagons does not feature. I am well aware that repaints very often had white lettering, but rarely in the original lettering style / layout. Since there are no records of this, other than photos of individual wagons, it is not possible to produce sheets of authentic transfers for these later liveries. Sorry, but my range of authentic as-introduced transfers will have to suffice - others offer bespoke transfers if these are required. Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. Don't be disheartened by comments concerning misplaced lamps, headboards, etc. - they only reflect the personal foibles of the commentator. Invariably, whenever I read such comments, I turn to the commentator's own thread and look critically at recently posted images - from my own perspective as a wagon builder. Without exception, I can find anomalies of equal or greater import to me - from my point of view, you understand. Criticism can be constructive - but it should be taken primarily as an expression of the criticiser's priorities, rather than a comment on any actual deficiencies in the model in question. Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. I only spoke to Dave on a few occasions, and we never met. Nonetheless, you know when you are speaking to a fellow modeller - as opposed to someone who just wants to sell you something - and Dave was that person. Interested in your project; keen to give advice; and generous to a fault with whatever he had available that might help. The hobby is deprived of one of its good 'uns. This will be my personal memorial to him. RIP Dave. John Isherwood.
  24. Clearly I am not going to make any progress with such a vehement defender of the 'profit is all' system of world trade. Sooner rather than later, the reality of the limitations of the planet on which we live will dictate that a system which relies on relentless growth and the pursuit of personal wealth is no longer viable or sustainable. I doubt that I will see the day, but I anticipate major global upheaval before the harsh reality of the vulnerability of h0m0 sapiens has widespread acceptance. It is very interesting to see how precarious is our whole way of life, when a microscopic virus can totally disrupt the whole world trade system. If it achieves nothing else, I would hope that COVID-19 can sufficiently shake the complacency of the great and good, to achieve a reassessment of how the world's resources are exploited. I'm not holding my breath, though! John Isherwood.
  25. You have my sympathies ! This precisely why I, as Cambridge Custom Transfers, only managed to offer a bespoke transfer service for a very short period. Most potential commissioners saw me as a free research resource; for instance : - "I would like some lettering for a model of the old van that used to stand at the back of the loco shed at XXXX". Right - have you a photo of the van, or a sketch of the lettering? "No - but I can clearly remember it being there for years - somewhere, there must be a photo". Do you have any idea of what the lettering was, and it's size? "Not really - it was something like STORES VAN or TOOL VAN or MESS VAN" - I'll bet one of the magazines has a photo". Sorry, I only produce authentic transfers - not 'generic' ones. "But surely you can produce something appropriate - they'd sell like hot cakes"? End of conversation!! That is why I forward all enquiries for bespoke transfers to you - you are clearly far more patient than I am! Regards, John Isherwood.
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