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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. From your photos, I'd say that the Hornby deflectors are a little too deep. John Isherwood.
  2. I invariably fit brass pinpoint bearings to all kit-built and upgraded RTR stock; a cast whitemetal wagon thus fitted rolls superbly, but can be a bit destructive if shunted with a heavy hand on the regulator! Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. £170 for a six car rake including two power cars - even for ancient models - is not really that OTT, IMHO. Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. You've done a great job on this ancient model. Just a couple of points - the correct number for a BR liveried loco is 31685, and the lion logos should face forward on both sides. Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. Here in Bodmin, too! Don't they realise that, if they don't have it, they can't sell it? However, I was told by a store manager that stocked items and stock levels are set for each store, according to store size. There is no flexibility as to what is stocked or the amount stocked - regardless of local demand. I wanted the store to stock a beef curry ready-meal instead of the three chicken varieties that they always stock. Couldn't be done - if the stocked items were changed for that store, they'd have to be changed for every store of a similar size throughout the UK! Unbelieveable - it's no wonder that they loose market share! John Isherwood.
  6. Not true, I'm afraid - there were six car types in total :- MOTOR CAR - TYPE 1 (LMR 1st class) MOTOR CAR - TYPE 2 (WR 2nd class) PARLOUR CAR - TYPE 3 (WR 2nd class) KITCHEN CAR - TYPE 4 (LMR 1st class) KITCHEN CAR - TYPE 5 (WR 1st class) PARLOUR CAR - TYPE 6 (LMR & WR 1st class) So, strictly, only Kitmaster's Parlour car is suitable for a WR rake, though the differences between the LMR and WR kitchen cars are easily addressed. A WR Type 3 2nd class Parlour Car would be more problematic, having seven passenger windows instead of the six in the Type 6 Parlour Car. The BPs were surprisingly complex - I would strongly recommend Kevin Robertson's "Blue Pullman" (Kestrel Railway Books), and the subsequent supplements, if you are seriously interested in the subject. Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. Thanks for that - much appreciated. It would seem that different manufacturers' paints need different strippers - and they change their paint formulations too. Way back, I used to swear by methylated spirits for stripping Tri-ang Hornby and Lima bodies - the Lima paint just rinsed off immediately, but the TH ones needed an overnight soak. More recently, most models responded to a spray of Mr. Muscle oven cleaner foam in a poly bag, left overnight to 'pickle'. However, the latest Bachmann finish seems to resist all my recipes. Whatever - my latest project is repainting a Bachmann inspection saloon from blue / grey to blood & custard. The numbering and white lining was removed merely by scraping with a fingernail, and the actual blue / grey paint was oversprayed lightly with Halfords white primer. It was then simply a case of an overall spray of Phoenix BR cream, followed by masking and a spray of Phoenix BR crimson. Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. In all honesty, I believe that the Blue Pullmans have now been 'done to death'. There are significant numbers of the old Tri-ang models circulating that, given patience and a realistic wallet, one can assemble sufficient for a rake. For the ultra-finicky there is the Bachmann offering, with a matching price tag. Also available, with patience and a realistic wallet, are the Kitmaster kits; which can also be accumulated over a period of time. What this thread seems to hanker after is a comprehensive source of cheap, 'Railroad' standard BP vehicles - I'm afraid it's not going to happen! The market is niche, and the sector of that market that desired the ultimate model have had it provided by Bachmann. If demand resurges in the future, Bachmann can offer another batch. The balance of the restricted market will do as it always has, and scour Ebay and swap-meets for Tri-ang and / or Kitmaster items. There just isn't sufficient demand to warrant the development of new models. John Isherwood.
  9. You seem to make the assumption that someone other than BRM should fund the running costs of RMweb. In puchasing RMweb, as in any purchase, BRM should have assessed whether its value to them as a advertising platform for their own use would cover their running costs. It would appear that either they came to the conclusion that it would do so - and were wrong - or they calculated that they could sell advertising space to all comers and get their own advertising effectively for free. All indications are that the latter scenario was the one that actually happened, and it is that attitude to which I object. Even more cynically, members were then told that they could avoid the adverts - indicating that BRM knew that the adverts would be objectionable to a lot of members - by paying a subscription. It is clear that BRM regard RMweb as simply a source of free advertising and revenue, and yet we are told that we should be grateful to BRM for letting us have free access to RMweb. There have been subtle hints from the powers-that-be that support for RMweb from BRM is minimal, which reinforces this perspective. Let's face it, without a minority of the membership, RMweb would be simply a gathering place for fan boys and frothers; for that reason the accusation of being a cheapskate is, frankly, laughable. John Isherwood.
  10. Unfortunately not - the Kitmaster models are for an LMR rake; the WR cars were significantly different. Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. Why did BRM buy RMweb? Not for any altruistic reason, but to use it as a platform to raise their profile; and that comes at a cost in running and maintenance. To then seek to offset that cost with unmoderated display of, often, dubious content is, IMHO, cynical. I access RMweb because it is there - if it wasn't, I'd probably achieve more modelling output. As it is, I almost certainly spend more time inputting than outputting. I certainly wouldn't subscribe if the site became subscription only, and I would be far from alone in this. This does NOT make me a cheapskate - merely someone who has better things to do with their heard-earned cash, and is prepared to support the site by offering input. What I do know is that RMweb would quickly wither and die if all those of my way of thinking were to leave / be excluded - and I strongly suspect that BRM know that too! John Isherwood.
  12. ..... other than they presumably sell the space on RMweb to Google. If you sell space to a purveyor of advertising, you cannot then wash your hands concerning what advertising is downloaded. I do not wish to receive any of the advertising which is downloaded with RMweb - but I object strongly to the content of quite a significant proportion of said advertising. Sorry - but with income comes responsibility, and don't let your (m)ad. men tell you otherwise! John Isherwood.
  13. Thank you for your kind comments - I look forward to the INSIXFISH with great anticipation; as you know, the transfers have been available in my range for some considerable time !! Regards, John.
  14. I had thought that it was a shame that the BPs weren't used to replace the Brighton Belle - now I'm glad that they weren't!! John Isherwood.
  15. Testors Dullcote is excellent - but don't do as I did and apply a heavy coat on a humid day! The results suggested that the stock in question had spent some time in a cement works! A light, mist coat in conditions that promote quick drying will produce a superb finish. Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. Will, Thank you - unfortunately, I only produce transfers for the BR period. Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. I'll give that a try - I have caustic soda and meths in stock; thanks very much. Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. Thanks for that - much appreciated. I have to confess to being a little wary of Dettol, ever since someone reported here that a body soaked in it has gone soft and lost detail. Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. Can anyone recommend a substance that will remove Bachmann factory paint, please? My usual method of spraying the model with Mr. Muscle oven cleaner foam, and leaving it in a poly bag overnight has - for the first time - failed me. Any help greatly appreciated. Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. I'm afraid that the most vociferous critics aren't really interested in being helpful - they just get a buzz out of finding something to criticise in the most abusive way possible. Let's face it - if it isn't produced by SLW it can't be any good ! John Isherwood.
  21. Damned if you do - damned if you don't !?! The ultra-critical amongst the diesel enthusiasts have been lambasting manufacturers for not consulting them during product development, so the manufacturers do exactly that. Then the same same ultra-critical diesel enthusiasts have the cheek to respond that it's not for the potential customer to critique the design !! Let's face it, some members here make a career out of being critical of manufacturers - they'll never be satisfied whatever happens, so why bother?!? Ignore them! John Isherwood.
  22. John, Thank you - very useful indeed. The saloon as been stripped; the body is in a poly bag with Mr. Muscle oven cleaner foam to strip the blue / grey paint; and the glazing strips have had the grey window frames overpainted cream. Tomorrow I will wash off the original paint from the body and, when dry, apply BR cream overall. After that, it will be mask and apply BR carmine; apply lining and lettering transfers; and reassemble. I also bought a bargain Bachmann BR non-corridor 2nd at the same time. That has had the LMR number removed, ready for renumbering as a WR example; and had the fixed tension-lock couplers replaced with NEM pockets. Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. I have purchased one of the above (by Bachmann) as a bargain from Kernow, and intend stripping it and repainting it in 1950s/early 60s condition. Can anyone point me towards photos of these particular vehicles during that period - I am hoping that one or more was painted in the crimson / cream (blood & custard) livery. Any information as to vehicle numbers / allocations during that period would also be welcome. Many thanks in anticipation, John Isherwood.
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