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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. The lower one of the two would appear to be a rack loco, judging by the proximity of the pinions to railhead level - presumably the jackshafts drove the pinions. CJI.
  2. So, why not ignore the 'rivet counters'? Exactly what I'd expect from KRM - it's always 'their' fault! Not a nice character, by all accounts. CJI.
  3. At the end of the day, what is shown to the public as an EP is decided by Hornby in the UK. If the factory make an 'ill-advised' EP, there is no obligation upon Hornby to publish it. One can only assume that Hornby themselves were unaware of the defects. CJI.
  4. I use rectangles cut from those ultra-thin food bags - on the basis that they seem to be made of much the same plastic as that used by the model manufacturers to protect models from rub marks on the paintwork. CJI.
  5. BBC Southwest went out today, looking to film a St. George's flag - it took them all day to find a single example flying. We should be ashamed - not of the flag - but for its absence! Some sixty years ago - when I was a Scout - there was a full military parade, on the Sunday nearest to St. George's Day, in every sizeable town and city in England. CJI.
  6. Aren't these the former 2/001 ARM WE armour plate wagons? John Isherwood.
  7. What I still fail to understand is, if Hornby's design team are as knowledgeable as we have been assured, why ANYONE thought that a fixed Royal Train headcode could possibly be acceptable. It should NOT need the members of this forum to point this out. There was a time when forum members commented on the minutae of detail on new models; now, it seems, companies are putting out poorly researched EPs, relying on potential customers to identify the most basic of errors. CJI.
  8. Since we are a body of known eccentrics, with a penchant for the past, perhaps we might be spared the latest of 'trendy' evolutions of the English(?) language, if only to pander to our sensibilities? 🤨 CJI.
  9. First adopted by politicians when asked ANY question, in order to give them a chance to make up a remotely plausible response - or not! CJI.
  10. Come on, Andy, have you never had cause to grumble about the advertising department on here? A mildly humerous observation, nothing more! CJI.
  11. Something that, it would seem, even RMweb suffers from! Money talks, and doesn't listen to anyone else! CJI.
  12. A contradiction in terms - no such things! I know what you mean, though - if they pay, we'll advertise it! CJI.
  13. I know that they want the advertising revenue but - how much damage does this do to 'Steam Railway's reputation? CJI.
  14. Be aware that part of shank was inset into the streamlined body; if fitted with the full shank length visible, they are to long. Hence Lima's short shanked buffers. CJI.
  15. Well - you learn something new every day! CJI.
  16. Here, here!! Talk about getting *nal about minutae! CJI.
  17. Since you've asked - despite apparently not wanting to know - the arc of the roof curve is far too deep. A comparison of the model with a photo of the prototype will reveal all. Well - you did ask ......! CJI.
  18. The INSIXFISH has been done as an excellent etched kit by Macgeordie of this parish. CJI.
  19. Thanks Mike - I knew it was a fraction of an inch; just couldn't be sure which one! 🤔 John Isherwood.
  20. No - you are correct with 5/32"; I blame age! CJI.
  21. Not true, I'm afraid - they were 3/32" dia., and you had to use special brass axle bushes to fit 1/8" Romford axles. Hornby Dublo used 1/8" axles. CJI.
  22. Now completed and running on the layout. John Isherwood.
  23. I suspect that it depends upon whether the item in question is available ex-stock, or if the transfer livery has to be custom-applied to a kit which is / is not to hand. CJI.
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