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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. I wish that I could !! The solder cream stubbornly refuses to proceed down the needle. Does anyone know of a brand that will come out when the plunger is pressed?!? John Isherwood.
  2. I think that Tony is something of a Luddite when it comes to recent developments in model loco propulsion. Not many of us are still blessed(?) with a blind eye, that cannot see motors protruding under boilers, or worms poking out of firebox doors. I know that Tony will say that he uses old practices because they work for him - but, in his own words, if you don't try you don't know what you can achieve. There does seem to be something anomalous about worrying about the wrong bogie wheels, the absence of loco lamps and crew, etc.; when there are very obvious portions of an electro-mechanical propulsion system poking out of the 'steam' loco infrastructure. I know - each to our own! Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. Paul, That is what I suspected - photos of pre-WW2 origin wagons in Mobil livery seem to be extremely rare / non-existent. I know model manufacturers like 'flashy' liveries, but there are plenty of photos of this style of tank wagon - just not in 'flashy' liveries. IF I were to buy one of these Oxford tank wagons, it would be out with the black paint and on with some less glamourous transfers. What a shame! Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. Geoff, My transfer sheets come with a black & white image of the sheet, and a key describing in detail each set; (below); the transfers are printed on blue-backed paper for easier identification. John Isherwood.
  5. Thanks - so far, then, an 'interpretation'. John Isherwood.
  6. More to the point - is there any basis for this particular MOBIL livery on a wagon of this type? John Isherwood.
  7. My Sheet S2A includes two sets of BR-period transfers for these wagons - one for diagram T12 and one for diagram T13 - with RETURN TO HAYES, of course. If you model the GWR period, Sheet C89 contains, amongst many others, four sets of transfers for these wagons. See https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  8. Standard practice in swimming pools, from at least the 1960s, to avoid overcrowding. John Isherwood, (ex-lifeguard).
  9. Paul, Thanks for pointing me to those two photos - much appreciated. It is particularly interesting to see the vacuum and air pipes fixed to the bogie frame, with flexible connections to the bodies. That'll be 'interesting' to reproduce in model form! Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. Were the Cartic and Freightliner bogies one and the same - with a twin pivot added for the Cartic articulated version? John Isherwood.
  11. The K's Cartic-2 kit, commissioned by BR, was for the the large demonstration model produced to promote the late 1960s proposal for a Channel Tunnel. To haul the tunnel trains, I believe that the model used Trix AL1 locos. I recall seeing an article on the model in the contemporary model railway press. John Isherwood.
  12. I have a couple of the K's kits, bought with the original intention of converting one kit into centre cars and form an authentic Cartic-4. However, the centre cars are not a simple modification of the end cars, so I may end up with two rakes, each with scratchbuilt centre cars. Many years ago, I bought from one of the Tri-ang Hornby spares specialists of the time, a considerable number of Cartic body mouldings and bogies - again with the intention of cutting & shutting a four car rake. For the same reason as mentioned above, this never happened and I must, when I get round to it, dispose of the Tri-ang Hornby bodies and bogies via Ebay. John Isherwood.
  13. Try putting a spring wire between the jib and the body - so that tension is needed to raise it, and the spring lowers it. John Isherwood.
  14. Genesis was a company that produced cast whitemetal / pewter kits; to the best of my knowledge they no longer trade. John Isherwood.
  15. See : - I received your payment, but NO e-mail communications from you whatsoever. I check my Junk mailbox daily - nothing has been misdirected to it. Orders that I receive are acknowledged on receipt, and almost invariably turned round within 24 hours, as I am sure that my many customers here will verify. If you would care to PM me with your order and delivery details, I will attend to your order in my usual fashion. Please do not wait a month if a future order is not acknowledged - PM me here. John Isherwood.
  16. If that's true, I hope that no-one from the RSPCA is reading this - unnecessary cruelty to animals, and you confess it to have been premeditated. Just sayin'! John Isherwood.
  17. So - even then - there was not budget range available; you had your Dad's cast-offs, rather than a new trainset from Hornby or Tri-ang. So - what's changed, except the names of the manufacturers and the ease of acquiring other people's cast-offs? John Isherwood.
  18. For a a skimmer, it would probably be relatively low sided wagon. My BR-era model is an authentic face shovel on a departmental machinery wagon. John Isherwood.
  19. Tony, http://website.rumneymodels.co.uk/miscellaneous Regretably, currently unavailable due to Covid-19. John Isherwood.
  20. Did you use a new axle, or the original one? If the latter - the problem was the wheel(s). John Isherwood.
  21. The same thought had crossed my mind - and I am not unknown for being 'overly emotive'. I couldn't help noticing that, at one point above, the OP argued that there is a budget range available from Oxford, despite his assertion, in the thread title, to the contrary! John (Uncontroversial) Isherwood.
  22. So why the question in the first place? "Why is their no budget range for the younger modeller to get into this hobby"? You are simply arguing round in circles. John Isherwood.
  23. I accept there has been this perception - but I was looking for hard evidence that they are invariably better than an iron-cored motor. My suspicion is that the trend towards coreless is based on production costs. John Isherwood.
  24. Bottom line - if there was any money to be earned from your proposal, someone would be doing it. The fact that no-one is, tells us all we need to know. If you can't accept that, you'll have to find someone else to debate it with you! John Isherwood.
  25. Because it costs a fixed minimum amount to produce any range - budget or deluxe - and that minimum is NOT 'budget'. There's no getting away from that - manufacturers are not going to sell models at less than they cost to produce, are they? This is not rocket science - simple mathematics and logic! John Isherwood.
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