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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. D9001 started this 'legal' debate on 4th July, by raising the spectre of potential legal action after someone had the temerity, (whilst discussing the advisability or otherwise of making advance payments to new companies with no product record), of saying “If the company folds .....”. I simply pointed out that the proposition was purely hypothetical, and valid in the context of the situation being discussed. D9001 has, at this late remove, chosen to reignite the debate by once again making the case for legal action. In such circumstances my patience is exhausted, and I have chosen to verbalise my honest opinion of those who seek to profit by making mischief from perfectly reasonable debate about a subject which has justifiably exercised us, (and cost members hard cash), for some time. For that - I make no apology! John Isherwood.
  2. No - I trust my customer and potential customers to make their own judgements, and not rely on tittle-tattle posted on discussion groups. I certainly wouldn't involve my solicitor - which I don't have - as that would cost me money, to no effect. Business lawyers, IMHO, are the curse of modern society and can be relied upon to 'action' anything conceivable - so long as there is money in it. I'll put my trust in common sense, and adhere to the justified contempt that most of us have for the litigious, 'compo' attitude that the legal profession increasingly promotes. Well - you did pose the question! John Isherwood.
  3. The chassis drawing that the NRM Search Engine sent to me is smothered in dimensions and is very detailed; (too detailed for modelling purposes)? It includes numerous sections, which extend to above the body waistline. The other drawing does not have dimensions and is, I assume, the GA to which you refer. John Isherwood.
  4. There will always be a few imbeciles who will clear the shelves as soon as 'lock-down' is mentioned on the TV - and then the shops would be blamed for allowing them to do so. Damned if they do; damned if they don't. John Isherwood.
  5. Mike, Thanks for posting these - interesting to see them after the best part of fifty years.. It does remind me, though, why I lost interest in the then-current railway - shabby and unkempt seems to sum it up; and I found it rather depressing. John Isherwood.
  6. The yellow stripe for first class and the red stripe for catering weren't introduced until right at the end of the maroon / green / choc - cream livery period. John Isherwood.
  7. I have here before me the original drawings of 10100; (purchased on disc from the NRM); and they show a continuous curved profile to the body sides throughout the section between the cabs. John Isherwood. PS. I think that this curved profile can be detected in the model, immediately behind the cabs where the curve abuts the flat cab and bonnet sides - one can see the step tapering off at the top and bottom of the sides.
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/392926893186
  9. Being an LNER ignoramus - what is the coupled wheelbase of an LNER G5? Google seems unable to help me with that. John Isherwood. Ignore this - it's clearly something with outside cylinders.
  10. I'd agree that it has a standard mount for an X-04 motor; surely it must be a 4-4-0(T) or an 0-4-4(T). John Isherwood.
  11. Bear in mind that quite a few early etched designs - I'm thinking Kemilway for one - had the half-etched lines on the outside of the fold. John Isherwood.
  12. The design and costing of this project proceed apace; I anticipate having estimates by the end of the month, and garage conversion / baseboard installation is provisionally scheduled to commence immediately in the new year. Some fundamental decisions have been taken - the cassette stock storage system is indefinitely postponed; primarily because kitchen base units with four 1000mm. wide drawers are twice the price of two units with 500mm. wide drawers. I anticipate that stock storage will be in two tier stacked trays, to fit within the 500mm. wide drawers. This will involve more stock handling than is ideal; but pragmatism (and the bank balance) rules! As shown in the drawing, the layout has been divided up into colour-coded sections, but each of the 11 baseboards will be electrically independent, taking power from bus-wires fixed to the rear of the base units. There will be no inter-board wiring. In this way, each baseboard will be capable of being hinged up to a vertical position for wiring / fault-finding purposes. Adjoining baseboards will be drilled for the eventual installation of coach bolts so that they can be clamped together. Thus it should be possible to ensure no differential movement between individual boards, which would be very detrimental to good running. Point actuation will be mechanical from the baseboard edge, using slide switches and wire-in-tube to both set the point direction and switch the frog polarity. With no central control panel, operator movement around the layout will be increased, but several plug-in points for walkabout controllers will be provided. I have to admit that the development of what has hitherto been an armchair dream has provided new impetus, after what was increasingly becoming a rather boring routine of stock building towards no ultimate purpose. John Isherwood.
  13. The likeness is striking, is it not? Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. You are indeed. The obvious special traffic from the NE (ICI) was solid carbon dioxide for chilling purposes - but this would have required a highly insulated container. John Isherwood.
  15. So do I - so what? It's called OCD. John Isherwood.
  16. According to Don Rowland, 3/005 A3843B was a unique fibreglass and steel, prototype A size container, built by Willerby to Lot 3403. Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. If that member happens to be me - I am on the 'naughty step', and am denied reactions by the Moderator. John Isherwood.
  18. I don't think that 'cool' had been invented then. John Isherwood.
  19. The same way that any 8-coupled steam loco does - or 10-coupled for that matter. John Isherwood.
  20. Agreed - I know how they do it; I was just pointing out to Jonboy that his suggestion that they trawl the attendees list didn't apply in this case. John Isherwood.
  21. You may be confident that I fully understand the constraints of one-man-bands; aging and internet trading. My sole concern in the case of Markits is that I have detected a change in the attitude of retailers from amused tolerance to marked frustration, or even loss of patience. This cannot be good for Markits or for us retail customers. I do not criticise Markits or make judgements; I merely express concern at a worrying development. John Isherwood.
  22. Please don't misinterpret me - I would be devastated if Markits products ceased to be available. I have been content to make my purchases of the (reduced) Markits range via retailers, but have become concerned when every single retailer that I have dealt with recently tells the same tale of endless waits for deliveries of orders. The danger is that retailers will conclude that the hassle that comes with stocking Markits products is not worth it, and a reliable source of those products becomes nonexistent. I would be the first to applaud the creation of a predictable system for distributing Markits fantastic (but currently theoretic) range but, regretably, I cannot see that happening under present circumstances. Of late, an all too familiar tale. John Isherwood.
  23. This completely overlooks the fact that even the retailers cannot source much of the Markits range - when we get to that stage, the future viability of Markits must come into question. No matter that Mark is a nice guy - if you manufacture a range of components you have to be able to supply them to customers; or you may as well give up! John Isherwood.
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