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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Well done, Phil - I never envisaged anyone trying that. More commonly, the Ew, CO and tare weight were more widely distributed around the wagon side panels. I suppose that the painter who marked-up the prototype of your wagon suffered from OCD - as do I ! John Isherwood, https://www.cctrans.org.uk/
  2. I'm amazed that the Caprotti Black 5s have never been done RTR - I recall seeing my first one at Prestatyn back in the 1960s; impressive, if somewhat lacking in grace! Since 'oddities' seem to have a particular sales attraction at present, I would think that there would be a good market for them. Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. Can't see it selling too soon with the note "This product belongs to the following era(s): Epoch 4 - German: 1971-1985"! John Isherwood.
  4. Me too - please PM me if they become available. John Isherwood.
  5. Quite possibly - but not continuously. If you miss the first batch, you may have to wait a year or so to get one from the second release. No manufacturer 'churns them out for years' any more - they have to book their contractors' production slots well in advance. John Isherwood.
  6. Because, at one time, it was 'preserved' in that livery in the Dart Valley Railway museum - or so we are told. John Isherwood.
  7. Do as I do - have nothing whatsoever to do with reviews, unboxings, bloggers, influencers, social media (with the exception of RMweb), etc., etc. Form your own opinions, and simply ignore the existence of the myriads of self-publicists who add nothing whatsoever to the quality of life, or to the (sadly diminished) standards of today's society and ethics. John Isherwood.
  8. I had the privilege of building one of Roy's first Peckett kits - I was blown away by the quality of the etching and casting, and the accuracy of the model. I was inspired to modify the kit slightly to make the Bagnall Price valvegear more functional. I did do a review / build report for the MRJ, but it was never published. I also built one of his IC loco kits - which was also superb. A move away from O-16.5 intervened, and I never had the pleasure of building any more of Roy's kits. Roy was also influential in encouraging me to up-my-game when it came to painting and liveries, and he sold me my first, S/H airbrush compressor. A visit to his home was always a pleasure, and his Crows Nest Tramway was incredible for the detail which he had incorporated into such a tiny space. A thoroughly nice, quiet and helpful friend, who inspired one todo better and was ever ready to be of assistance. RIP Roy. John Isherwood.
  9. This is the wire in question - https://www.rapidonline.com/reely-high-quality-steel-spring-wire-0-5mm-x-1000mm-51-1577 I wanted wire that would be dead straight, not coiled. John Isherwood.
  10. Mr. Clarke has now been identified. John Isherwood.
  11. 3.5mm. dia. brass rod with an axial 0.5mm. dia. hole is a bit 'beefy' to crimp, I'd think. The load on this joint will be axial, push / pull, with a movement of 2 - 3mm. I'd be worried that the available movement would be compromised if there was any 'slippage' within the crimping. John Isherwood.
  12. The wire does, in fact, enter the hole - albeit snugly. Loctite 603 was going to be my fall-back option - with drilling, tapping and a grub screw as a measure of last resort! John Isherwood.
  13. The steel wire in question is spring steel / piano wire. John Isherwood.
  14. Surely, not fulfilling demand is extremely undesireable for all concerned - customer, retailer and commissioner; (Hornby, Bachmann, etc.). I can only conclude that the latter companies' market research is woefully deficient, as this under-supply situation seems to be occurring more and more frequently. I know that no-one wants to to end up with stock on shelves, but there seems to be a culture of over-caution when it comes to production batch commissioning. John Isherwood.
  15. As part of my proposed wire-in-tube turnout actuation system, I shall need to join 0.5mm. dia. steel wire to 3.5mm. dia. brass rod. The brass rod has been axially drilled 0.5mm. to a depth of 5.0mm., and I need to be able to solder the steel wire into the axial holes in the brass rod. I seem to recall reading that soldering steel can be problematic - will there be problems with what I intend doing, if I use phosphoric acid or paste flux? Any advice will be gratefully received. John Isherwood.
  16. I have received a BACS payment from a P.D.C. Clarke, but no e-mail to advise me to what the payment relates. If you are that person, or know them, please contact me ASAP via cctrans@hotmail.com ; cctransuk2020@gmail.com or PM here. Thanks you, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  17. BL54. Regards, John Isherwood, CCT.
  18. Chris, My comments were not meant in any way to be derogatory - just an expression of an alternative view. John Isherwood.
  19. Well then - someone has to say it - you started it !! In the context of the debate about the finer points of 18000s livery; it surely is relevant? To the manufacturer who needs to know the correct colours, it shouldn't be just "technical guff". John Isherwood.
  20. I couldn't agree more - I initially try the 'correct' department, but if that doesn't work I send an e-mail to the CEO; (finding his / her details is dead easy, via the internet). I head the e-mail "For the personal attention of ****************, CEO, ************ Ltd"; there is not a PA in existence who would dare not give the CEO at least a sight of the missive! Invariably, I get a somewhat flustered PA calling me, explaining that ************* doesn't personally deal with such matters, but assuring me that he / she has given instructions for the matter to be resolved promptly. Also invariably, it is! The last time that this was effective was an e-mail to the Director of the Land Registry - a notoriously 'no-can-do' authority. John Isherwood.
  21. Don't waste your money - it IS fixable, but they won't want to do it. Do you have a local model club - someone there would fix it in no time? John. Isherwood.
  22. I doubt it - I had to contact Asda to ask why I was charged for my last delivery. John Isherwood.
  23. Some information directly from Asda Customer Service - as of 01/11/20, Asda no longer waives their delivery slot charge for Vulnerable Priority Slot Holders. It seems that this latest 'Lockdown' does not qualify for the same concessions as the previous one - at Asda, anyway! John Isherwood.
  24. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274573934548?ul_noapp=true I don't think that this one will appear here as a Good Buy !! John Isherwood.
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