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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Me too - this elimination of all traces of reality is a publishing obsession nowadays. John Isherwood.
  2. KRM didn't omit interior detail by "mistake"; it was a conscious decision. Some of us are concerned that these conscious decisions demonstrate a poor understanding of the market. John Isherwood.
  3. Neither do I - but plenty of the more recent RTR wagon producers seem to find a market for their products at a more realistic price. The days of Lima-type 'generic' models are gone, IMHO. John Isherwood.
  4. Paul, I think the essence of the disquiet expressed here is that two kit manufacturers - presumably both researching the same model, and having potential access to the same (limited?) historic material, managed to produce these : - whereas KR Models produced this : - It may well be that neither of the kits is spot-on; but a lot of those who have posted critical comments here might reasonably have expected from KRM something approaching the detail of the models supplied by the two kit producers. John Isherwood.
  5. That's fair enough - it'd take ages to scale one up and 3D print it, anyway! John Isherwood.
  6. Indeed; it'll be a challenge - but there were bound to be some penalties when I abandoned my plans for a whole loft, near-scale rendition of Evercreech Jct. for something that would got in the garage.I John Isherwood.
  7. Not sure what you mean by a pinch point. The track plan is closely based on Evercreech Junction; albeit concentrating on the section between the junction and the station. The curves onto the lift out are inevitable, given the location of the side door. John Isherwood.
  8. We have banked with the Alliance & Leicester / Santander since they became a bank and offered current accounts. When there was significant interest paid on savings accounts, we transferred the value of our credit card spending from our current account to a savings account; then, at the end of the month; the monthly total was transferred back to the current account just before the credit card direct debit was due. We used to make a small but worthwhile interest that way. We still do this, but the interest is virtually non-existent - though we do get some cash-back from our credit card. John Isherwood.
  9. My builder is about to start work this coming Monday on just such a project - though the garage does have a window in the end opposite to the up-and-over, and a side door. The up-and-over will be sealed; all the walls and the up-and-over will have self-supporting inner frames; (ie. no fixings to the single course brickwork); filled with foil-faced insulation and have an interior face of plasterboard. The timber window frame / window and the side door will be replaced with uPVC; and a floating floor will be installed. A proper ceiling with downlighting will be provided. The two long sides will have kitchen cabinets with four drawers each, with a gap on each side for knee-holes when sitting. The drawers will be used for stock and DIY tool storage. The two long sides will also have wall unit cupboards with LED lighting beneath. These will be used for storage of household paint tins, DIY materials, etc. The two end walls will have fabricated frames and cupboard doors to match the kitchen cabinets - these spaces to be used for storage of large items such as garden chairs, etc. In place or the usual worktops, the builder will fabricate and install baseboards; (10 No.); each hinged to the wall and capable of being secured in a vertical position, below the wall units, to allow easy access for wiring, etc. There will be a hinged lifting board across the side door. The walls and ceiling will be plastered and painted; the floor will have heavy duty vinyl laid. All this is NOT cheap - but as this will be my first, and last, permanent layout in sixty years of modelling, my wife has generously agreed to the not inconsiderable expenditure. On the positive side, the garage is too small for modern cars but, once converted, it can be advertised in any future house sale as a hobby room / home office / home gym, etc. Exciting times!! John Isherwood.
  10. Do correct me if I am misinterpreting this - but those chains would seem to be far too large for the smaller scales. John Isherwood.
  11. I suspect that the upper half of the body is painted grey; then the blue and the white lining are applied over the grey. The blue being somewhat translucent, the grey shows through as a lighter band around the lining. John Isherwood.
  12. It would be perfectly possible to produce a better model than the first EP from the interior photo that has appeared above. Maybe not 100% accurate - but a d@mned sight better than the blank panels of the EP. John Isherwood.
  13. As a driver, I have to have a compulsory UK driving licence, which has my personal details and a photo on it. If I can't produce it when asked to do so by a police officer, I have to present it at a police station. This has been the case since I applied for a provisonal licence, some fifty-five years ago. In all that time I have not suffered any of the supposed disadvantages that have been put forward against having compulsory ID cards. If you've nothing to hide - there's no problem. John Isherwood.
  14. Who cares? All the quicker for those that want / need the jab. ..... but, as has been said, life without proof that you've been jabbed could become rather more restricted. Each to their own! John Isherwood. PS. I don't care if Bill Gates does know every time I go for a cr*p!
  15. Peco / Parkside ex-GWR MINK G - unless I'm much mistaken. John Isherwood.
  16. Tony, Try brushing the 'fog' away with a dry, stiffish brush. If that doesn't work, a coat of Klear will deal with it - and the abrasions on the glazing. Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. I couldn't agree more! I cancelled my order at the first mention of traction tyres, and bought a full set of Craftsman kit / Markits wheels / High Level gearbox to go with a Mitsumi motor. (I'd had the full set for ages - but sold it when the Bachman model was first announced)! When I saw the first photos of the finished RTR model, and learned that it would come with optional traction tyres, the temptation was too great - my order was reinstated. I am in no way disappointed, and I cannot for the life of me imagine why Bachmann even contemplated traction tyres. Anyone in the market for a full set of Craftsman kit / Markits wheels / High Level gearbox / Mitsumi motor? (Seriously). John Isherwood.
  18. Ah - I see the problem! Compared to the Hornby and Bachman models, the solebars are very deep. John Isherwood.
  19. Are the bogie centres correct? The end axle looks to be very close to the headstock. John Isherwood.
  20. I thought that feudalism was abolished rather earlier than that - had the exploited peasants built their wattle and daub shacks actually on the trackbed? John Isherwood.
  21. A slightly blunted cocktail stick can be handy too! John Isherwood.
  22. A pin chuck https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/261553101352?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=261553101352&targetid=1003232594598&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1006537&poi=&campaignid=10199638297&mkgroupid=101938342477&rlsatarget=pla-1003232594598&abcId=1145987&merchantid=101736784&gclid=CjwKCAiA25v_BRBNEiwAZb4-ZcmCosFvRz2Xaq_3FEbHLvaJ3VxK_Hh4pPAwDC4vzp4P1aZRv5wpFBoCZGAQAvD_BwE John Isherwood.
  23. That'll be the 'vast majority' of the market for a model of an obscure wagon, produced in relatively tiny numbers, that only ran in traffic on one route in the northeast of England, I suppose? If KR Models alienate the enthusiasts of that line - the very section of the market that is likely to buy these wagons in multiples of nine models - the 'vast majority' of the remainder of the potential market will be able to hold a group meeting in a telephone kiosk! John Isherwood.
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