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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Please read what is written - not what you wish had been written! My mention of Trump made no connection with Sam - it referred to those who believe what they are told on the internet; in the context of 'influencers' in general. John Isherwood.
  2. .....until a few people realise that the Emperer is naked, and say so - loudly !!! (As is happening here - now). We live in a world where the majority accept what they are told as fact - viz D. Trump Esq. If such a dolt can be elected to high office it speaks volumes for the gullibility of the US electorate. However, these trends inevitably go too far - eg. the storming of the Capitol. Then the scales fall from (most) eyes, and the whole charade is revealed. The same will happen to this whole 'influencer' thing - it's a house of cards, teetering on the verge of collapse; as is much of the advertising industry. It may take decades - or even centuries - but there will eventually come the realisation among those paying for the ads that they get very little for their vast sums of advertising investment. John Isherwood.
  3. If you put yourself on the internet to make money, you're fair game as far as I am concerned. Put in the effort and do the job properly - and teach yourself the basics of what you intend talking about - and you might be taken moderately seriously. Prattle on in a totally uninformed way and you deserve all that you get. All these 'influencers' and 'influenced' deserve each other - but it's the former who are laughing all the way to the bank; at the expense of the latter! John Isherwood.
  4. When most of the production has been chucked away as 'old tat', and more people want one than there are models left on sale. It's as simple as that! John Isherwood.
  5. DJH apparently produce a kit for Big Bertha. John Isherwood.
  6. (4)8045 was requistioned during WW2, and operated in the Middle East; but seems to have retained its headlight bracket for a while when it returned. John Isherwood.
  7. Graham, These look absolutely fantastic - I can't wait for my BR Bodmin / Wenford Bridge model. Just one comment - there seems to be a trend nowadays of fitting oversized coupling hooks to RTR locos and rolling stock. I am sure that this is a great help for those who use three link couplings, but it is certainly detrimental to the appearance of the model. Personally, I invariably cut off the oversized hooks, and replace them with scale etched or cast hooks. It would be very helpful for the majority who don't use three link couplings if both scale and oversize hooks could be supplied in the detail pack, for the customer to fit as appropriate. John Isherwood.
  8. Many people, including me, swear by this : - See http://www.poppyswoodtech.co.uk/ ; under 4mm. scale Loco Builder's Box. John Isherwood
  9. Looks like it will still be down to me to pioneer the milling of a Margate undriven 9F chassis block, then. The trouble is, builders are beavering away, converting our garage into the ultimate railway room. The spare bedroom is laden with boxes full of cork, track, turnouts, controller and power supply components - not to mention a veritable mountain of Airfix and Ratio building kits. I've managed to get my wife interested in constructing the building kits, but I can't see me doing any rolling stock construction in the next twelve months! John Isherwood.
  10. That'll be the BR Standard 9MT 2-10-4T then! Looking forward to seeing that one - do you have access to a milling machine? I seem to recall that paraffin is recommended as a lubricant for drilling / milling mazak. John Isherwood.
  11. Not yet - all the makings are in an old Ferrero Rocher box, awaiting the time and inclination to adapt the old chassis block. However, I am confident that the project is viable. John Isherwood.
  12. "Paranoia is a thought process that causes you to have an irrational suspicion or mistrust of others. People with paranoia may feel like they're being persecuted or that someone is out to get them". John Isherwood.
  13. Not easy to find at an affordable price, but this is the 'bible' : - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/143575920835 Do you perhaps know anyone who owns a copy? John Isherwood.
  14. I will be producing the BODMIN etc. allocation and the NOT IN COMMON USE lettering for my own use, but could not add that to my list on its own. Taking this a little further - if someone wishes to list authentic BR-era brakevan allocations; running numbers; NOT IN COMMON USE; etc., etc.; appropriate for BR(SR) brakevans and other rolling stock; sufficient to fill an A6 sheet at 4mm. scale; I would be prepared to compile a transfer sheet that could be used with the Kernow brakevan; and marketed as 'BR(SR)-specific rolling stock markings'. Over to you ..... John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  15. As the allocation boards were hand-painted on a flat board, etched plates would be inappropriate - a transfer would be better. However - and before someone suggests the apparently obvious - I would need to fill an A6 sheet with allocations; I doubt that there were sufficient allocations to do that! John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  16. My reading of the BR lettering is : - Work between Bodmin Wadebridge & Padstow only John Isherwood.
  17. I'd put good money on a dent - I can't see how you'd get that effect otherwise. John Isherwood.
  18. Interesting that the photo is not, as I suspected, one of the loco as just delivered - there is a nasty great dent on the corner of the radiator housing. This suggests that at least part of the loco has been repainted / relined in the standard Ruston livery. John Isherwood.
  19. I'd agree with that - the photographs suggest a green far closer to LNER rather than GWR. John Isherwood.
  20. Even clearer on this : - (Copyright unknown) John Isherwood.
  21. Whilst in no way condoning such comment, it is symptomatic of an information vacuum. If you enter the field of retail, you have a duty to keep your customers informed; if you decide to change or reduce such activities it is incumbent on you to inform potential customers. I sometimes read the excuse that "He can't access / doesn't know how to update his website"; absolute rot - a quick post here, copied to the model railway press, will soon ensure that the model railway community knows what's going on. If rumours are flying about, it's down to the owner of the business to broadcast his true intentions - and then stick to them!! John Isherwood.
  22. They snuck that one in on the QT, didn't they? The price increase is usually on 01/04 or thereabouts - and I bulk-buy stamps during the previous week. I got well caught this year! John Isherwood.
  23. I've yet to see any evidence of 'rolling stock' - just plenty of grounded bodies. With railway access very close, it is not surprising that wagon bodies were purchased for secure storage in preference to flimsy sheds. John Isherwood.
  24. .... except that the original Dublo 350hp shunter had a plastic body - not mazak. John Isherwood.
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