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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. That is NOT what he said - though the specific question was asked. It would seem that Dibber cannot, (or will not), be specific on that point. John Isherwood.
  2. I have been on an Airfix lineside building kit spree recently and have found that, via Ebay, the original kits can be picked up for around the same price as the current Dapol / Kitmaster versions. The sharpness of detail and the quality of the plastic in the original kits are streets ahead of the current versions from the worn-out moulds. John Isherwood.
  3. I don't think that I've missed it, but was there any conclusion as to whether 20 was delivered in black or BR green? I've ordered the BR blue one as it obviously has the correct detail for 20; (weights, bufferbeams, etc.); but it'll be stripped and refinished as delivered to BR. John Isherwood.
  4. Having spent the afternoon building an Airfix 'Country Pub', I decided to spend a spare half hour before dinner designing the signage. As the layout will be able to portray, via alternative buildings, BR S&DJR; BR Midland Mainline and BR-LSWR (Cornwall), I came up with three alternative pub signs : - I trust that those amongst us who miss their customary visits to their 'local' will approve. John Isherwood.
  5. A flaw in that argument - those who are "blissfully unaware of the size discrepancy, who will therefore keep their models" are surely a potential "demand for further production runs"? John Isherwood.
  6. The quickest way - though destructive - is to longitudinally cut the worm, with a mini cutting disc, nearly down to the shaft. Then place the worm on the slightly opened jaws of a vice and split it - by placing a cold chisel in the cut and giving it a sound whack with a hammer. ..... or buy Mitsumi motors sans worms from me! John Isherwood, https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm
  7. If I had to guess at an outcome, perhaps Flangeway will flog the lot - returns included - to a box-shifter, who will sell them to the undiscerning at Railroad prices. (The trouble is, a bogie flat wagon is not the first thing that appeals to the trainset brigade)! That would incur a very significant loss for Flangeway, but I can't see any other way to shift them. John Isherwood.
  8. Has anyone used carpet spray adhesive for track laying? I'm thinking of using it to stick the cork sheet to the plywood baseboard surface. Also for laying track and ballast; (ie. spray cork; press track into adhesive; spread ballast over track; press down and vacuum off surplus ballast). Any comments will be gratefully accepted. John Isherwood.
  9. Some of these ER inspection saloons lasted a remarkably long time - can someone identify the origins of this one, please? John Isherwood.
  10. Well, the builders started on the garage conversion promptly after the New Year, and are making rapid progress. Internal framing, floor, and ceiling are installed, as is the first fix electricals. In the meantime, I have been doing as much preparatory work as possible. All the Peco Electrofrog points have been modified such that the blades are not reliant on contact with the stock rails for electrical continuity. A pair of cased transformers have been built to provide the AC feeds to the controllers, and the walkabout controllers themselves, based on cheap Chinese voltage regulators, have been completed and tested. As there will be a duplicate set of buildings, etc., in order to portray either S&DJR or Midland Mainline, I thought that I should get on with structure modelling. Various railway sheds and huts have been built; a Ratio goods depot is under construction; and the latest on the workbench has been the venerable (64 years old) Airfix Midland signalbox. I have replaced the somewhat 'chunky' windows with Churchward Models etches, and added handrails around the exterior walkway. For such an ancient kit, I think that it scrubs up very well indeed. John Isherwood.
  11. I have fond memories of a 4F, pounding up through Prestatyn Golf Course, with the empty wagons. John Isherwood.
  12. True - but a hard lesson learned not to pay up-front; if so requested, it's end of story for me. I have a local builder working at the moment, converting our garage into a railway room. He is actively discouraging me from making advance payments to materials suppliers by using his trade account, which operates on payment within 30 days from date of supply. He argues that suppliers have no incentive for prompt delivery if payment is made in advance. I will make staged payments for labour - to cover the work that I can see has been completed. Anyone who cannot or will not work under such financial arrangements has to be viewed with considerable caution. John Isherwood.
  13. This one, I suspect. https://www.hobbies.co.uk/model-boats/tools-and-sundries/amati-pin-pusher-dual-tube-deluxe?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaignid=6727975578&utm_campaign=Shopping-Research_Campaign&utm_term=&adid=493968978455&addisttype=gpla&matchtype=&gclid=CjwKCAiA9bmABhBbEiwASb35V6-uG2HzL-FzL_0OP2gCI2h4yFU6CH05JfVtVWd-ym1PNbWyNG-hPhoCJ8AQAvD_BwE Just ordered one. John Isherwood.
  14. I do not have the allocation list to hand, but it is taken from David Larkin's wagon data sheets. John Isherwood.
  15. This is what I intend to do. Do you glue the printouts to the (cork?) sub-base, or do you transfer the information to the trackbed? John Isherwood.
  16. .... as would be the case for a black-painted departmental wagon. John Isherwood.
  17. Must be local - no omissions; no subs this week. John Isherwood.
  18. Not, I hasten to add, something that I would normally offer to do. In this case, the artwork was printer-ready in the correct file format, so I was not involved in research, design or sheet compilation. Railtec and Precision Labels are the go-to printers for custom transfers. John Isherwood, https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm
  19. There really aren't any - I wouldn't still be using Alps printers if there were. Try Raitec or Precision Labels. John Isherwood.
  20. As per my post above :- "Alps / Oki / Kodak etc Microdry printers are still the only viable waterslide decal printers for the home user - if you can get hold of a good one with some ink cartridges". John Isherwood, https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm
  21. I use it for Alps / Oki Microdry - no idea about any other system. John Isherwood.
  22. Contact Spot On Transfers - 01588-640030 (Sam and Bridget); spotontransfers@btinternet.com . They produce a superb, super-thin, waterslide transfer paper with blue backing - tell them that you want the same spec. that they supply to John Isherwood. Regards, John.
  23. Alps / Oki / Kodak etc Microdry printers are still the only viable waterslide decal printers for the home user - if you can get hold of a good one with some ink cartridges. John Isherwood, https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm
  24. Because it was relevant to a discussion concerning 'influencers'. John Isherwood.
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