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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Give me strength !! Ever since the day when two neanderthals swapped a bone for a rock, there has been something called supply and demand. If you choose not to purchase when supply is good, you pay the price when supply is virtually non-existent. If that is being moral-free, we're better off without morals. Get real, please! John Isherwood.
  2. ...... or, more realistically, a deaf driver needs to contact the signaller. Life is inconvenient without common sense! John Isherwood.
  3. I don't disagree with that - I am no apologist for the EU! I just feel that Europe has much more pragmatic approach to risk - if you act like an idiot, you'll probably die like one! I can understand those 'at the front line' being keen to avoid the traumatic aftermath of foolish behaviour, but you can't regulate away human stupidity. John Isherwood.
  4. Statistics! Have you looked at the vertical axis? Life is risky! John Isherwood.
  5. I think that you'll find that we left common sense behind when we left the EU. John Isherwood.
  6. Are there large piles of crushed slow-moving vehicles and deceased domestic animals at European LCs? John Isherwood.
  7. Somehow, I can't imagine our French / German / Spanish / ........ neighbours getting worked-up about whether we UK drivers could understand their LC signs! John Isherwood.
  8. That assumes that all potential customers read RMweb - how many non-RMweb modellers have Modelmasters lists and may send orders by post, with cheques as payment; or may well place orders in response to https://modelmaster.uk/ ? When I am unable to process orders in a timely manner I give prior notice on my website, and give a realistic date on which normal service will be resumed. It is the least that potential customers can expect. Is it really impossible for someone to put a warning notice on the Modelmaster website? John Isherwood.
  9. Why does an uncouple axle, with no direct drive, need to be 'in sync'? There were numerous verified instances of, amongst others, 0-6-0Ts running as 2-4-0T or 0-4-2Ts for prolonged periods - usually to allow them to operate over sharp curves. If there are genuine, engineering reasons why a 2-10-0 could not run as a 2-8-2, please explain here. John Isherwood. John Isherwood.
  10. There may well be reasons why this situation exists, and there may well be reasons not to publish them in this forum - but a complete information vacuum, and an attitude that 'we know but we're not telling', can only generate frustration and speculation amongst existing and potential customers. I refuse to believe that persons with outstanding orders cannot be notified of the reasons, and their payments refunded - if necessary by a third party; perhaps one or more of those 'in the know'? Unless the true situation becomes generally known, the number of justifiably disgruntled persons will only grow, and this will result in legal action sooner rather than later. John Isherwood.
  11. Thanks Ade - well worth the extended design time! John Isherwood.
  12. I think that you are probably correct! John Isherwood.
  13. If an order to CCT is not acknowledged within 24 hours, I have not received it. Perhaps you would care to contact me by PM? John Isherwood, CCT.
  14. Steady, methodical progress. Installation of the LV bus wiring is nearing completion. 2mm. bare copper wire is being used, supported by 'chocolate blocks', and threaded through 4mm. coloured PVC sleeving between supports. In this way, walkabout rectifier / controller sockets can be wired-in at any point on any board, and track section switches can be similarly locally sited on the 40 x 40mm. cable trunking which forms the front edge of each hinged board. There will be no physical or electrical inter-board wiring connections; each board will be autonomous. Following no particular convention, the wiring code is :- BLACK & BLUE - 15v AC; CONTROL CIRCUIT A BROWN & GREY - 15v AC; CONTROL CIRCUIT B RED - 0 to 12v DC POSITIVE; CONTROL CIRCUIT A GREEN/YELLOW - 0 to 12v DC POSITIVE; CONTROL CIRCUIT B WHITE - 0 to 12v DC COMMON RETURN; CONTROL CIRCUITS A & B It can bee seen that the full-width cupoards at each end of the room are ideal for the storage of larger tools, (pillar drill, spray booth, etc.). Similarly, the numerous drawers within the base units that support the baseboards; (plus the wall cupboards above); are ideal for stock storage. John Isherwood.
  15. It seems that Ruston is not the only one who fails to understand your reason for needing to increase the wheelbase, and how this relates to the gauge - I too am mystified. Please explain why the wheelbase needs to be greater than the gauge. John Isherwood.
  16. My home 'beat' was Wigston Magna in Leics., plenty of (brand new) Peaks there.
  17. Ah - a SLW fan boy! (From Wigston Magna perchance)?
  18. .... an' wind's bin blowin' 'em 'round like confetti !
  19. Campbeltown & Machrihanish Light Railway 0-6-2T - probably OO9 kit-built on chassis of model shown on box label. John Isherwood.
  20. You were correct, of course - how did we know? Magna Junction - when are we going to see the first EP of your 'Ultimate Peak? Oh - you're not? You do surprise me ...... ! John Isherwood.
  21. ...... or to breed and perpetuate the 'stupid gene'! John Isherwood.
  22. Ah, but in those days we had that now supposedly extinct commodity, common sense; and an awareness of self-preservation. Nowadays, the presumption is that everyone will do the stupidest thing possible in any circumstance, and that society has a duty to protect us from ourselves!! Is it to be wondered that the 'stupid gene' is thriving, not having natural selection to keep it under control? Puts on tin hat and hunkers down in slit trench!! Incoming H&S profession artillery!!! John Isherwood.
  23. Few of us would - if that's the worst defect it's a bl**dy good model! John Isherwood.
  24. Mine runs on a pair of Black Beetles - one in each power car; see I gather that these are no longer produced, but Ebay may be able to assist; or High Level may have something suitable when they reopen. John Isherwood.
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