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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. There won't be any petrol available by then, anyway! CJI.
  2. I would not dispute that - but that does not diminish the need to point out - vigorously - the needless errors. John Isherwood.
  3. Why???? As you have said, the model itself looks really rather good - so why gloss over the fact that, once again, Dapol have b*llsed-up the liveries. You (and I) are capable of remedying these needless errors, but many potential purchasers either cannot or will not do so, and a significant proportion will not purchase in consequence. We SHOULD call out these sloppy errors; there are plenty of knowledgeable modellers who could point them out if consulted; but Dapol, for what ever reason, simply can't be bothered to ask. John Isherwood.
  4. Dapol have a great deal of form when it comes to livery errors - it seems that there is a corporate attitude that, if it's 'close enough', it'll do. John Isherwood.
  5. I would use the etched sides and ends - braced with some strip brass on the inside - and dump the Hornby body moulding. The chassis / bogies and roof could be used. John Isherwood.
  6. How do these errors arise? Who do they employ to check the livery samples? ...... or does the factory ignore the approved livery samples, and produce something 'close enough'? Either error would be enough for me to cancel an order! John Isherwood.
  7. Tony, One reason that I used posters was that it seems virtually impossible to find steam era contempory photos of approaching trains at night - almost certainly because it would have been impossible to capture moving oil lamps at night with the then-available photographic equipment. The best that you could hope for would be a time-exposed streak of light - unless you went to the lengths that Ansel Adams did in the USA! On the other hand, BR poster paintings - many of which were the work of Terence Cuneo - are meticulously observed reproductions of what the artist saw from the lineside. The relative insignificance of the loco oil lamp illumination at night is exactly how I recall my own night time observations of passing trains. CJI.
  8. I don't understand this current obsession with lighting on models; I can only assume that those demanding this feature on steam / early diesel era models never saw the prototype. Mk. 1 coach lighting was very dim - hence the provision of individual reading lights; even with all of the latter switched on; (a very rare event); the illumination level never came anywhere near to the glare shown in the photo of the model. As for headlamp illumination - it was invisible in daylight and only showed as a weak glimmer at night - most models nowadays have headlights as bright as the floodlight on the Lickey banker! Modellers get all worked-up about the tiniest detail on the models themselves, and then insist on lighting that rivals that on an illuminated tram on Blackpool promenade! John Isherwood.
  9. Chris, You may well be correct - I never was any form of expert of all things SR, and age has taken its toll of what little I did know! Regards, CJI.
  10. Tony, I think that your memory is of a couple of BR Mk.1 BGs that the SR 'borrowed' from the WR for use on the 'Arrow'. CJI.
  11. Order duly placed with Kernow. John Isherwood.
  12. Unfortunately, the net result will be that I am reallocating my pre-orders for other items from Hattons. Once bitten, twice shy. John Isherwood.
  13. I have just been notified that my pre-order for Hornby R3897 Ruston 88DS 4wDM diesel shunter 20 in BR blue has been cancelled, as they cannot obtain sufficient stock from Hornby. This seems to be a common problem amongst list members; is this symptomatic of Hornby moving towards direct sales only? John Isherwood.
  14. None of this distracts us from the fact that you made a grossly incorrect statement concerning Hornby Dublo SD plastic bodied wagons; (concerning which I have not noted a retraction). No-one has suggested that, in all things, HD was superior to Tri-ang; this arose because I pointed out - for those who had never handled one - that the Tri-ang bogie utility van had raised 'plank grooves'; (to which statement you presumably took umbrage; given your erroneous claims re Hornby Dublo plastic bodied models). John Isherwood.
  15. Thank you - confirmation of what most of us already knew! I have tried to give KRModels the benefit of the doubt, and have supplied them with photographic material to assist their researches, but when they repeatedly come out with this kind of inane statement is does beg the question as to whether they undertake even the most cursory checks before making wild claims. Why not just admit to a 'c*ck-up' when it comes to the lighting of the first batch of GT3s, (amongst others), rather than make stupid statements which have been easily shown to be 'fake news'? I'm afraid that these proclamations do them no favours whatsoever. John Isherwood.
  16. No - he said "..... it only ever moved forwards .....". I would like to see any evidence or documentation to support this incredible statement! John Isherwood.
  17. Is this a justification for not bothering to fit a motor in Hornby locos? I hope not! CJI (John Isherwood).
  18. I'm just enjoying the chit-chat. John Isherwood.
  19. Since that bit of the thread title comes third, it's easily overlooked. Does it matter? Clearly, there is nothing particular to post concerning the 24/0 at present. John Isherwood.
  20. Who cares? There's clearly nowt to report on 18000 at present! John Isherwood.
  21. I believe so - though they may have had the injection moulding tools 'cloned'. John Isherwood.
  22. Quite correct in both respects! In the case of the 'non grooves' - this was one reason that HD was more expensive than Tri-ang; they didn't 'cut corners'. Unfortunately, Hornby (Tri-ang) still have the habit - as demonstrated with their fixed, flangeless trailing axles on Pacifics. I too am increasingly annoyed at the regular posting of 'fake news' by certain members - if you are not certain of your 'facts', don't post. This is exactly how the increasingly common model railway 'myths' come into circulation. John Isherwood.
  23. You really are having an unlucky streak with new locos, aren't you! ... what with the Kernow D600, and now this ....... ! John Isherwood.
  24. ...... apart from the raised plank 'grooves'! John Isherwood.
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