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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. What's the life span of a 3D printed V hanger - somewhat less than the time that it takes to fit it to the model? Horses for courses, surely? CJI.
  2. At present I have stock of several different V-hangers from Appleby Model Engineering. PM me with the critical dimension. John Isherwood.
  3. I ignore all reviews, in fact I don't read / watch them. I form my own opinion and, if the product is poor, back it goes. CJI.
  4. Sorry - but it is the dome that shouts 'toy'; Tri-ang did this with their GWR Single in the 1960s and it looked rubbish even then! Sam who? Oh, the kid who runs trains on the carpet! CJI.
  5. .... and transfers from me (Sheet BL145 @ https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm ) . CJI.
  6. Not being familiar with this particular derivative, I think that you will have to be more specific concerning the modifications to L236 - or provide a photo. John Isherwood.
  7. ... or the guy who moved to a rural village in the Southwest, and bought a house across the road from the church. He has now reported the historic church clock to the Council for exceeding the legal noise limit; the church is consequently required to reduce the decibels of the clock bell !! How to win acceptance in your new community !! CJI.
  8. Perhaps you'd care to enlighten us as to the scale of magnification of that image? It measures 190mm. horizontally and does not completely cover a single splasher!! You appear not to own one of these SECR locos, but do you spend your time examining your models with a high-powered magnifying glass? CJI. John Isherwood
  9. I have to agree - when the absence of lamps or 'wiggly pipes' offends, but a da*ned great lump of mechanicals in the cab isn't worth worrying about! There really are some conflicting standards, or a selective 'Nelson's Eye' at play here. I know that you plead pressing time, Tony - but perhaps the same reason applies to the lack of lamps and 'wiggly pipes'? John Isherwood.
  10. Tony, I don't pretend to read all of your - or anyone's - postings, so I must have missed your revised method of applying DJH mechanicals to smaller locos; sorry. I still maintain, though, that for sheer breadth of application and ease of assembly, High Level have it covered. CJI.
  11. My method for cutting the gear shafts is to mark the steel; a black marker pen helps; then cut the shaft, when held in vice, with a cutting disc in a mini-drill. CJI.
  12. Great - use the (twice as expensive, drop-in) DJH product - it's much quicker. However, if you're NOT a builder of ex-LNER (or other) very large locos, be prepared for a great deal of non-prototypical metal to be seen whirling around in front of the firebox. Apparently, whilst the absence of loco lamps is unforgiveable, this mass of mobile mechanicals is virtually invisible! John Isherwood.
  13. No chance of photos - rushed off my feet !!! If you want anything, don't procrastinate - they're going faster than I can pack them. Snooze - you lose. John Isherwood.
  14. I would expect the real thing to exhibit exactly the same height difference with a full load of coal and water - that is what springs are for! CJI.
  15. Full details are there - I have the orders to prove it! Press the screen refresh button (circular arrow). John Isherwood.
  16. I have now collected and listed the available components - see https://www.cctrans.org.uk/ame.htm If you anticipate needing any of these items in the future, order NOW - once they are gone there will be no more! All the items listed are for 4mm. scale; NO other items, in any scale, are available. When ordering, please use the item codes given in the list. Please read the list carefully; particularly the section at the end concerning ordering and payment; ALL ORDERS MUST BE MADE VIA E-MAIL. Orders will be despatched in basic packaging; (a poly-bag within a padded envelope). John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  17. Some years ago, I recall reading here on RMweb of a forthcoming authoritive treatise concerning railway milk tank wagons. At one time, there were frequent references to its imminent publication - but now all that I hear is a overwhelming silence; (I'm afraid that I cannot recall the name of the prospective author). I have always declined to produce milk tank wagon transfers; prefering to wait for the 'bible' on the subject to be published. Does anyone know if this mythical volume is ever to appear - or is this aspect of railway history to be forever covered in only a fragmented format? John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  18. At the end of WW2, my (recently deceased) father was a Captain in the RE, in command of a detachment of Gurkhas. Their task was to replace railway bridges in Burma that had been destroyed by the retreating Japanese. Dad was provided with a rail-adapted Jeep for use when inspecting the various construction sites. He did recall reports being received of tanks advancing on his command post - which it transpired were actually an unanticipated delivery of bulldozers!! John Isherwood. PS., He also recalled seeing the first of the Burmese Beyer-Garratt locomotives being moved up-river on barges as he was going down-river for demob.
  19. Does Redgate Models of this parish do rewinds - or just remags? CJI.
  20. Look up-thread a bit - I can see them. CJI.
  21. John Talbot tells me that he has sorted and labelled the castings - for which I am extremely grateful. I will be collecting the castings on Monday next, and will post here details of what is available, and how to order it, as soon as I can. Keep checking here and at https://www.cctrans.org.uk/ame.htm ; this will be a final, once only, never-to-be repeated opportunity to obtain the remaining stock of the excellent Appleby Model Engineering components; on a strictly first come - first served basis. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  22. ..... and be honest when he cannot supply due to stock problems; issuing refunds instead of repeatedly fobbing customers off with "It's on it's way". I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for this kind of deception. CJI.
  23. I certainly didn't doubt your statement - I was just surprised. CJI.
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