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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. I am sure that you will have depots that supply the auto trade with paint - ask your local bodyshop. CJI.
  2. You can get ANY colour in a rattle can. Find a RAL colour chart and choose your colour, noting it's RAL number. Do a Google search on local 'Motor Factors'; most can mix paint and fill rattle cans - just quote the RAL number. .... and you can have cellulose or acrylic, matt, satin and gloss. CJI.
  3. All this angst arose from a simple observation by myself, to the effect that I found the audible warning device fitted to the 'Flirts' to be excessively loud - and I remain of that opinion, despite a flurry of ruffled feathers from certain quarters. I asked no-one to agree with me - clearly some do not - but it is an opinion to which I am entitled. End of my input. CJI.
  4. That, I would agree with 100%. John Isherwood.
  5. I'm sorry - but what we are spending so much time debating is a simple concept - called perspective! I am surprised, to say the least, that this well known visual effect has given rise to any comment whatsoever. Why on earth would BR painters - who had available a clear and concise printed specification to work from - go to the trouble to diverge from that spec. in a manner that would have made their job harder, in order to make the job look 'right'? Unless someone can point me to some irrefutable evidence that this perceived 'tweaking' of the spec. was practiced, I for one will file this idea under 'Clupeidae : red', and dismiss it from my mind. John Isherwood.
  6. Remind me please - how long ago did these tests / changes take place? .... and for how many years thereafter did the BR standard two-tone horns remain in service? ... and are there not still BR standard two-tone horns in everyday operational service. I base my opinions on personal observation - visual and audible - and have not had cause for concern as to the stability of those opinions. CJI.
  7. I would agree - what surprises me is that I have never before come across any suggestion of this lining feature. It is exactly the sort of 'quirk' that I would have expected to have entered railway folk history. I'll be honest; I just can't 'see' it! When looking obliquely at, say, a tender side, the vertical lines are noticeably narrowed by the oblique angle of viewing. In contrast, the horizontal lines are not noticeably narrowed in their thickness. Whatever; I can't see this feature becoming a issue as far as small scale models are concerned. I just hope that this supposed detail does not become received wisdom unless some verifiable evidence is discovered. John Isherwood.
  8. What was actually done in the paintshop is anyone's guess, but the official BR specification makes no differentiation between vertical and horizontal lining. The line widths, distance from panel edges, and corner radii are all set out in detail. Moreover, having seen numerous ex-works locos at close quarters during works visits and open days, I never noted any variation in painted lining widths. It always intrigued me that such immaculate lining was achieved freehand, and so I examined it closely - I am sure that I would have noticed such a feature. Whatever; someone could check 'City of Birmingham' for this supposed differentiation. John Isherwood.
  9. Regrettably, I didn't notice that these castings are handed until at least one order had been despatched; as they are all one handed, I have had to withdraw them from sale. Sorry, John Isherwood.
  10. Jidenco / Falcon Brass; I recently picked one up on Ebay and it looks to be a very nice etching. Transfers for this wagon were added to my Cambrian-dedicated transfer sheet when their kit was first announced; unfortunately, the kit has never appeared! John Isherwood. https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm
  11. I'm thinking in terms of your Taurus kit - that'll need the output shaft bearings and the final drive gear reaming out to 1/8". John Isherwood.
  12. I ordered a couple of different gear ratios of these worm gearbox motors, following your mention of them. Whilst I have not yet installed them in locos, I have to say that I find that I am unable to stall them by gripping the output shafts, despite the D flats on them. I am powering the motors with my home-built variable voltage controllers. John Isherwood.
  13. No need - I live in Cornwall and was only visiting East Anglia; thankfully! CJI.
  14. There are way too many Rednecks out there who have no tolerance of other people's opinions! While we're there, there are far too many posters out there who can't type a grammatical posting - JMHO, of course. Opinions differ - that is as much a part of diversity as is ethnicity. CJI.
  15. Sarcasm does not become you - and it does not take away from the fact that I see no reason for anything more attention-seeking that the traditional British 'Dee-daw'. You clearly do not agree - but then that is just YOUR opinion. CJI.
  16. I am fully entitled to an opinion - and mine is that the traditional British two-tone horn could not have been a problem causing accidents, or it would have been changed wholesale years ago. CJI.
  17. I am in no position to comment on any aspect of these new units except ....... ......the horrendous horns / warning klaxons !!! Innocently sitting alongside the river just outside Norwich, enjoying the sunshine and tranquility, when - a blast akin to the siren on the QE2 nearly precipitated me into the water! This was repeated every time a Flirt approached the nearby level crossing. Since when did we need a heart attack to warn us of an approaching train? What's wrong with Dee-daw? Not impressed! CJI.
  18. Ah - that's why I keep well away from the post-steam era! CJI.
  19. That is a great shame - I had high hopes for this unit and have acquired several for trials. I wonder if it might be possible to replace the worm and pinion with bevel gears? Any thoughts? John Isherwood.
  20. In my experience, plastic V-hangers etc. are best replaced with etched or cast components; there is no way that plastic V-hangers are as robust as etched or cast metal, unless they are grossly over-thick. Just my experience over sixty years or so. CJI.
  21. What's the life span of a 3D printed V hanger - somewhat less than the time that it takes to fit it to the model? Horses for courses, surely? CJI.
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