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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Is this the Steve Knight / Kitmasterbloke? John Isherwood.
  2. Until relatively recent times, Cambridge Marshalls Airport (Newmarrket Road) had emergency gates mounted on NG skip chassis, so that they could be rolled quickly to one side in the event of an incident. I'm pretty sure that they were recovered for refurbishment - possibly by the local FR / WHR support group. John Isherwood.
  3. Try reading back up the thread - all your questions are answered there! CJI.
  4. Thank you, Craig, for that correction - it's an age / memory thing! The Brassmasters connection was that I obtained the etches with the intention of fitting them to, amongst other things, a BM Black 5 - which is STILL incomplete after all these years! CJI.
  5. Be aware that the etch is steel - I have quite number of them myself. I think that the etch was produced as an aftermarket item for the Brassmasters Black 5. The use of the etch is covered in the MRJ issue that featured the BM Black 5, I seem to recall. John Isherwood.
  6. The point that 'The Johnster' was making is that the model is not painted as such - what you see is the colour of the bare plastic. It will there fore be difficult / impossible to match that effect with ANY paint. Your best bet is a complete repaint. CJI.
  7. Have you clicked on the pre-order tab? Mine is there. CJI.
  8. Don't make me laugh - I don't leap to anything at my age, and I've absolutley nothing to defend. Clutching at straws, methinks! CJI.
  9. I get the distinct impression that you wish the plastic chair / plywood sleeper method of track-building to be something that it never was. Plywood sleepers were intended for rivet / cast cosmetic chair construction; plastic sleepers were intended to be paired with plastic sleepers. More than a few modellers find that plywood sleepers combined with plastic chairs will produce perfectly acceptable track - though perhaps not with the degree of robustness that you demand. Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice - don't have a tantrum if the real world fails to match up to your expectations! CJI.
  10. I get the distinct impression that you wish the plastic chair / plywood sleeper method of track-building to be something that it never was. Plywood sleepers were intended for rivet / cast cosmetic chair construction; plastic sleepers were intended to be paired with plastic sleepers. More than a few modellers find that plywood sleepers combined with plastic chairs will produce perfectly acceptable track - though perhaps not with the degree of robustness that you demand. Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice - don't have a tantrum if the real world fails to match up to your expectations! CJI.
  11. I believe that the projected 2-6-8-0 is also available as a model. CJI.
  12. Since you clearly refer to me, I will pick up the gauntlet that you throw down. I have no business interest in the demise or otherwise of Modelmaster - for that matter, it would not affect me - other than having more modelling time - if Cambridge Custom Transfers ceased to be available tomorrow. As I have repeatedly stated before, I merely make available to other modellers transfers that I produce for my own use. I in no way rely on a financial income from CCT ; and have no personal incentive to see MM close down. I do, however, have a strong commitment to those modellers who use my transfers - I usually achieve a by-return service. My interest in the MM situation is that I strongly believe that customers who commit money to the purchase of an advertised product are entitled to receive their purchases. I have no trepidation concerning legal action - everthing that I have posted is verifiably true, and so I have no concerns. However, I might caution you against casting unfounded aspertions concerning my motives. CJI.
  13. That may well be the source of the drawing, but the fact remains that radial stanchion holes require a much more complex moulding tool than horizontal ones. Think about it - you can mould horizontal holes with a two-part mould; radial holes would require at least three parts. CJI.
  14. There is a financial / cost-saving reason for horizontal stanchions - extraction of the body from the mould is much easier. The moulding tool is far less complex, and therefore cheaper. CJI.
  15. If that is the worst that can be said of the arrangement, it should be just fine !! CJI.
  16. Just a small point, but I see that we have the horizontal, non-radial handrail stanchions again; along with very yellow numbering. Otherwise, to a non-BR(ER) modeller, the model appears nicely done. CJI.
  17. Beware !!! I had one of these kits - but sold it on. Look carefully at the relationship between the cab side windows and the cab / nose area; something is very wrong there. John Isherwood.
  18. Butanone is butanone - it matters not what brand is on the label. CJI.
  19. Since these would be non-protypical saddles, I would need to know the barrel diamenter in order to advise you if I have anything suitable. John Isherwood.
  20. I have to say that, despite being purchased for track-laying, mine has seen zero use. It certainly is not strong enough to push Peco track pins into plywood - I ended up pre-drilling with a 0.6mm. drill bit and then tapping in the pins with a light hammer. John Isherwood.
  21. I could get myself into considerable trouble with that one !!! CJI.
  22. Jon, I don't think that this style of wagon had saddles as such; what you see are continuous anchor angles between tank and chassis. I doubt the practicability of using the Dublo tank wagon body; look at the Plastruct EMA range for suitable tubes / ends. John Isherwood.
  23. Fine - so will I, but I do not retract the words that I used; despite your concerns concerning legal implications. CJI.
  24. If you can post an image of the prototype saddle, I could tell you if any of the AME castings are a match. John Isherwood.
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