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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Attached are the instructions for my transfers; I will be posting six sets today in response to requests received this morning. Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. It has recently been posted here that Wrenn did not perpetuate the horseshoe chassis, but adapted the HD R1 chassis. That was not the first time that I have come across this information. CJI.
  3. Not true - please check before posting. CJI.
  4. Didn't Wrenn N2s have HD-style R1 chassis - in which case the motor is a separate item, surely? CJI.
  5. I intend to operate my DC layout using common return cab control. I have installed two https://www.rapidonline.com/vigortronix-vtx-126-050-212-chassis-transformer-230v-50va-12v-12v-88-3930 chassis transformers; (though I subsequently wondered if one of these would have sufficed, as they have twin 12V AC outputs). As I understand common return cab control - and please correct me if I am mistaken - the 12V AC supplies to the controllers must be from separate transformer windings. Does this imply two separate secondary 12V AC windings on the same core as a single primary 240v winding; or two entirely separate 240V / 12V AC transformers? If the former, I assume that I could use the twin 12V AC outputs of a single https://www.rapidonline.com/vigortronix-vtx-126-050-212-chassis-transformer-230v-50va-12v-12v-88-3930 ; if the latter, I would need to use one output each from two https://www.rapidonline.com/vigortronix-vtx-126-050-212-chassis-transformer-230v-50va-12v-12v-88-3930 ? As to cab control itself, the two 12V AC supplies - from whatever source - will feed a pair of voltage regulator controllers as per The DC outputs from these two controllers will be used for the cab control system, by using a single return bus wire, with two separate 0-12V supply bus wires - one from each controller. The supply to each track section will be from one or the other controller, selected by two-way, centre-off toggle switches. I am checking all of this as I have just managed to destroy my first two transformers, due to an inadvertent short circuit on one of the 12V AC bus circuits !! I now find that the https://www.rapidonline.com/vigortronix-vtx-126-050-212-chassis-transformer-230v-50va-12v-12v-88-3930 chassis transformers are out of stock, so I have had to order a pair of https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/chassis-mounting-transformers/0504672/ I will double-check for short circuits in the two 12V AC bus circuits BEFORE connecting up the replacement transformers!!! All comments gratefully received! John Isherwood.
  6. That van is the one allocated to Bodmin / Wadebridge / Padstow and should have these transfers : - See above to find out how to obtain them free of charge! John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  7. It couldn't be easier - just request a set of instructions when sending your SAE. John.
  8. I still have twelve sets of these transfers remaining, from a sheet of fifteen sets that I printed. Surely more than three of us need a Bodmin / Wadebridge / Padstow road van, that ran on the Wenford Bridge branch? The only cost will be an SAE - see above. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  9. Cut off the surplus length with the nut screwed onto the length which will remain in use. Dress up the cut end of the screw with a file; then unscrew the nut, which will remove any remaining burrs, etc. The screw will then go back into the nut without any problem at all. CJI.
  10. Because I can make perfectly acceptable 'layout' coaches from T-H Mk.1s; I will not pay current Bachmann prices for a coaches; be they Mk.1or Porthole! ..... that's the benefit of being a modeller rather than a 'buy it and run it'! CJI.
  11. I've wondered this myself; my guess is that they relate to the correct rail level relative to the platform level. CJI.
  12. If you really want to see empty shelves, try a Co-op in Wales! We were recently in Machynlleth, and couldn't believe the acres of empty shelving. I suppose that hauliers are reluctant to deliver to such time-consuming destinations. We're just glad that, here in Cornwall and adjacent to the A30, Asda seems to be relatively unaffected by shortages. CJI.
  13. Reclad fresh meat container; viz. end vents. CJI.
  14. That really isn't acceptable, is it? Good registration of colours is vital for lining transfers. John Isherwood.
  15. Lived here in Bodmin for getting on for ten years, and the Blisland Inn is our 'local'; I've never seen those lights operate, and I don't believe I ever will do. John Isherwood.
  16. I don't follow that - if a train travels via the new route instead of the old one, the passengers on it will travel via the new route, and extra capacity will have been generated. The problem is that more people want to travel from A to B than the existing route can carry; the additional passengers who constitute the extra capacity won't care if their train uses the old or new routes, even if the journey times are exactly the same. CJI.
  17. I have used a couple of opposed pole micro magnets set into the buffing plates of a Midland Pullman set; (the plates are mounted on close-coupling units). The results are very good, especially as the unit has a motored power car at each end. CJI.
  18. Go a bit further east and you'll find a whole raft of 'GASHOLDER STREET, GASHOLDER ROAD', etc., and the adjacent Gasholder Works. I suspect that the 'trainset' circles of factory tracks in this area are associated with the manufacture of gasholders - which were / are usually circular! CJI.
  19. Since I have been unable to identify any other number / allocation pairs, I have decided simply to produce transfers at 4mm. scale for the allocation boards and NOT IN COMMON USE / 10-18 for S54663 - the Bodmin / Wenford Bridge van. I have included two sets, as a safeguard against application errors, and you will need to carefully erase the existing tare weights and their black patches. I have not included the van numbers as these seem to be perfectly satisfactory on the model. These transfers will be available, FREE OF CHARGE, if you send a small SAE to me at CCT, 6 Roseland Gardens, Bodmin, PL31 2EY; the SAE should contain a close-fitting piece of card, ideally glossy, so that your transfers will arrive in good condition. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers. https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm
  20. Phil, I did say 'a quick buck', not a 'fortune' or a 'lottery win' - my concern is that this limited production will probably 'queer the pitch' for a mass market offering for the forseeable future. CJI.
  21. At my age, I don't have the slightest interest in making money, or in wasting my valuable modelling time on commissioning models. As to the price, I merely observed the example (above) of the forthcoming Oxford GER van - which I do have on order - and the price that Oxford seem to be able to make money at. I cannot believe that an injection moulded iron mink would be any more expensive to produce than a (somewhat larger) GER van. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why, were Oxford to commission an iron mink, they would need to charge considerably more than they are doing for the GER van? I haven't the slightest idea why Rapido are offering a not massively dissimilar, but a bit larger, moulded GPV for £32.95; you'd have to ask them. I merely refer you back to the example of the Oxford GER van. CJI.
  22. So - a not entirely disinterested perspective. I respect your entitlement to express your views, but I exercise my right to do so as well; without being the subject of insult and invective. ..... and I won't take instruction from you as to when I post here! CJI.
  23. No - because you'd be mad to try it! The Rails project is simply picking off low-hanging fruit, and leaving the rest of the potential crop to wither on the tree. CJI.
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