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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. What is it about 'tech guys'? Any other profession will perfect their work before allowing the general public anywhere near it. 'Tech guys' have a rough stab at the job in hand, then dump it on the users so that they can find the cock-ups for them. It's not an RMweb thing - it is standard 'tech' industry practice - one presumes it's because they only have a vague idea of what they are doing in the first place. When I still worked for a living, we users dreaded the next 'upgrade', because we knew that it would take the 'tech guys' a whole year to get the 'upgraded' system working anywhere near as good as it had done - at which point they'd institute the next 'upgrade! Talk about keeping yourself in work! CJI.
  2. Couldn't agree more - but nothing will be done, and we'll be told that RMweb can't exist without more and more advertisements. It's a waste of time posting on the subject. CJI.
  3. Probably best if we do not go down the road that such a confirmation has regularly signposted; the views of many members are already well known. CJI.
  4. I have just been authorised to publish this photo, which will provide a little more idea of the form of the model. Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  5. Having seen the item in question, I can assure members that we are talking about the CONFLAT LD and LD containers. The transfer sheet is available to purchase now - see the CCT website. John Isherwood.
  6. Suffice to say that I take the content of that site with a modicum of caution. CJI.
  7. I can't understand some of the comments in this thread - from my personal considerable experience of Coopercraft wagon kits I can say that they were some of the best on the market; much better than Parkside. I suspect that much of the negative comment here is by members who have read much about Coopercraft under its current owner, but have zero knowledge of the products themselves. If a future owner can produce kits of the standard of the originals, they are assured of an eager reception. John Isherwood.
  8. I would if I could - all I know is that it's coming. John Isherwood.
  9. My 'principle' is that I choose to not view a platform that I believe to be the source of much personal insecurity and 'fake news'. If the price is not knowing the latest gossip relating to KRM, I will willingly go without. At the end of the day, the models will arrive when they arrive; the latest delivery 'update', which will change with the tides, etc., will not make one jot of difference. I was merely defending the position of a non-user of Facebook - end of! CJI.
  10. I think that you are confusing Coopercraft with Ian Kirk - the Quint Art was one of the latter's products. The fact that both ranges came under the control of one incompetent person should not detract from the reputation of either excellent range when they were under their original ownership. CJI.
  11. No criticism of you intended; I merely wished to explain - principally and hopefully to KRM - why the sole use of Facebook might be counter-productive. CJI.
  12. Released today is Sheet BL188 - BR Diagram 1/063 CONFLAT LD wagons and Diagram 3/400 LD hopper containers for dolomite traffic. Full details are on the Cambridge Custom Transfers website. As to the reason for this new release - watch the model railway press; all will be revealed ! John Isherwood.
  13. Rightly or wrongly, many of us don't 'do' Facebook as a matter of principle. If manufacturers confine their pronouncements to a single platform, they will miss a significant proportion of their potential market. CJI.
  14. Nice models - shame about the lack of trailing truck flanges, and their inability to follow the tracks. John Isherwood.
  15. If stretching the 12-wheeled TRESTROL, don't overlook the fact that the wheelbase of the bogies needs adjusting, as well as the length of the body. CJI.
  16. Again, sorry - but those gaps are something of a letdown. I have upgraded dozens of Tri-ang Hornby and Lima Mk.1s over the years. First, check the bogie centre dimensions; they will need changing. Cut out the pivots in an off-centre rectangle of the floor; rotate through 180 degrees, and glue back in place to correct the bogie centres. Get rid of the raised moulded lines on the coach sides; the absence of lining on BR green coaches made the sides look decidedly plain. Get rid of the tension locks couplings, and bring the corridor connections as close together as your curves allow. IMHO, if you need paper corridor connections, your coaches are too far apart! Fit compressed buffer castings - except perhaps at each end of your rakes. If you have not already done so, replace moulded roof vents with castings. The transformation will make this work well worthwhile. CJI.
  17. I believe that Fox Transfers may have what you require. CJI.
  18. Thanks for that - I hadn't come across those before. CJI.
  19. I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that many 'small traders' prefer the design and production of their products to the hassle of selling them, and having to deal with customers. That being the case, one has to wonder why they bothered to develop those products - other than for their own use. All such 'can't be ar*ed' operations achieve is frustration and bad feeling. If you're too busy, say so ; all it needs is a note on the website to the effect that no orders can be taken for ???? months. Potential customers can then decide whether to wait or not. CJI.
  20. Can anyone point me at a drawing of a under-girder turntable, please? CJI.
  21. Very nice indeed. Checking, I find that I really need a 56' or larger turntable for my project - I may still have to resort to Airfix kit hacking. Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. They're not going to sell many, then - are they?!? Ah well - so much for Chinese logic! John Isherwood.
  23. Not since Brexit - but I can't see why this should affect imports from non-EU China. Delivery from China - I generally allow a couple of months and am not often disappointed. Patience is a virtue! John Isherwood.
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