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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Quite possibly - which is why I wrote "whoever". CJI.
  2. I must have misunderstood - I thought that I'd read that Sunday's content would be accessible on Monday. CJI.
  3. Could it be increased traffic from viewing the virtual exhibition? CJI.
  4. I did pick up criticism of whoever undertook the first attempt at body panel refinishing - that was virtually spelled out without room for misinterpretation, and the photo is self-explicit. CJI.
  5. For most of us - yes. It's the absence of flanges which is a step too far for me, and for a good many others. CJI.
  6. 'Works' is subjective - can flangeless wheels where there should be flanged ones ever be said to 'work'? Clockwork, four-wheeled 'Pacifics' 'worked' in their time - but wouldn't pass muster as scale models nowadays! CJI.
  7. The Hornby WC is the easiest. I'd guess that it was designed with a pivoting truck, but changed to a fixed truck with flangeless wheels. If only all Pacifics were designed that way - modding to pivoting trucks with flanged wheels would be a doddle! John Isherwood.
  8. So do I - but I ensure that the trailing trucks are able to move as the curves dictate; in accordance with the prototype. John Isherwood.
  9. Why bother? Surely, if using flangeless wheels, two axle holes in the mainframes will suffice? This seems to work for Hornby - if you like that sort of thing; (I don't). CJI.
  10. My favoured way of making cabs removeable is to solder a short length of brass tube (or a brass nut) into each corner. Place or tack solder the cab into its correct location and lightly mark the centre of the tube or nut on the footplate; then remove the cab. Drill clearance holes for fixing screws in the footplate. If using brass tube, tap the bores to take the fixing screws. John Isherwood.
  11. With a bit of TLC, the Lima / Hornby model can be brought up to much the same standard. OK - flush glazing would improve it further, but it serves my purposes. CJI.
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/154731327752?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l3160&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=0ea9f3328e7c47a1ba4678353a0c04a2&bu=43125875451&ut=RU&osub=-1~1&crd=20211204033237&segname=11021&sojTags=ch%3Dch%2Cbu%3Dbu%2Cut%3Dut%2Cosub%3Dosub%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid Anyone desperate for an Impetus fireless? CJI.
  13. In my experience, financial considerations quickly overcome pride !! CJI.
  14. As you have nothing to lose, why not give it a spray of Halfords grey primer? The apparent texture in that photo suggests to me a neglected, corroded body. At the very least, it could be used as a practice piece for weathering techniques; withdrawn Iron Minks were popular as internal user stores. CJI.
  15. So how does this statement square with photos of Crewe-built Standard Pacifics with black running plates, and with previous Hornby models of those prototypes? I will believe that some Crewe-built Standard Pacifics had green running plates only when I have seen an unambiguous colour photo to prove the point. CJI.
  16. Cwmorthin Valley and Croesor Quarry - coincidently just used as the commentary setting for the last episode of 'Universe' on TV !! John Isherwood.
  17. My Kitmaster Midland Pullman runs (very well) with a Black Beetle as the inner bogie of each power car. CJI.
  18. As a last resort, carefully scrape off the moulded rotary wipers with a new, curved scalpel blade; polish the affected areas with 1200 grit wet-and-dry paper; then apply a coat of Klear. The result should be unmarked, clear glazing. CJI.
  19. Has "this issue" been issued, then? CJI.
  20. Jason, They ARE illegal on 'roads' - correct designation, carriageway. Exemptions have been authorised in a limited number of areas for RENTAL e-scooters only. So, it is illegal to use a privately-owned e-scooter ANYWHERE on the public highway; carriageway or footway; or in a public place. You said that it is not illegal to ride e-scooters on roads (carriageways); far from being correct and extremely misleading. It is this kind of misinformation that has encouraged every Tom, Dick and Harry to buy an e-scooter and belt around our towns and cities without regard for other road-users, believing that they are 'green' and legal. Add the fact that the Police can't be bothered with the paperwork associated with enforcement, and you have a perfect recipe for dangerous chaos. CJI.
  21. Last I heard - and I may have missed something - they are only approved for rental use on the highway in certain experimental conurbations; not nationwide. That's not to say they are not being illegally used elsewhere - they certainly are! CJI. PS. Do a Google search on 'e-scooter highway use' - see Met. Police advice.
  22. Despite all the attempted justification from Hornby, is ANYONE persuaded that this is anything other than a cover-up of a factory b*lls-up? Easier and cheaper than holding up your hands, and having to provide correctly finished bodies FOC! CJI.
  23. This sounds very familiar - I sometimes think that it is social interaction that is the primary requirement, rather than buying products! However, we are all short of time; all necessary information is there to read on my website; so I simply respond with a link to the website. When it comes to customer service though, I try and provide a by-return service; even though I carry no stock and print to order. I feel that processing orders is my first priority each day - achieving that gives peace-of-mind when it is done, anyway! I am in need of a turntable myself, but I have concluded that an Airfix kit and a very low revving gear-motor will be the quickest, cheapest and least stressful means to that end! John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  24. Exactly what I've done with my new-build layout - and it works a treat! CJI.
  25. I had a rattlecan of paint custom-matched to ICI Transport Blue. A complete waste of money - the result is BR Rail Blue !! As Dr. Beeching came from ICI, perhaps that isn't surprising ! CJI.
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