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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. If I was Rapido, I'd announce that the announcement would be at any unannounced time prior to 7am. on 10/01/22. That'd stymie Hornby and, if they simultaneously posted here at the same time as making the announcement, it'd still have maximum impact! CJI.
  2. Quite so - and you can also use caustic soda to unblock sinks!! Look for caustic soda / washing soda crystals in your local supermarket / DIY store or, if you still have one, hardware store. John Isherwood.
  3. Perhaps not impatient - more over- complicating the issue. You could simply instruct the store(s) in question to contact you prior to despatching goods, to check your current address. Alternatively, Royal Mail operate an excellent re-addressing service that I have used when moving house. I find it difficult yo believe that uou would incur a financial loss, simply because of a change of aaddress CJI.
  4. If the OP is prepared to cancel and lose money because - during a global pandemic to which he, himself draws attention - the model is delayed by six months, I have to wonder how much he wanted the model in the first place! How many of the world's displaced population would wish to have such matters as their primary concern? CJI.
  5. If, given the state of world trade at present, you are so impatient as to spend money on deposits and then cancel with no refund payable, you are your own worst enemy. Ultimately, the company has no obligation other than to make a profit. If circumstances prevent the company releasing its products and realising its profit, no-one will be more annoyed than the commissioners. Please, just get real - life is like that; we rarely get what we want, when we want it! If it has to be NOW, take up paper aeroplanes. CJI.
  6. With live frogs and a feed to each length of rail there should be no need whatsoever for the prodding finger, let alone stayalives or any other electrickery. Spend time on tracklaying and save time thereafter! CJI.
  7. https://www.wizardmodels.ltd/shop/wagons/abw/ They do look nice, and reasonably priced. John Isherwood.
  8. My preferred 'bosh' is an ultrasonic cleaner tank containing a mildish solution of caustic soda with a dash of cheap washing-up liquid. The tank has a heater, and this ensures that the model emerges in a pristine condition; a very worthwhile investment. John Isherwood.
  9. Depending on how fussy you are about the stanchions being highly detailed, you MAY still be able to obtain those for the Airfix / Hornby wagon as a spare. They are moulded in black nylon and are indestructible; Peter's Spares MAY be able to assist - I bought loads of them some years back. CJI.
  10. Some of the crimes that were perpetrated in the name of preservation are best forgotten!!!! CJI.
  11. Unfortunately, we have a similar character here - no names, no packdrill! John.
  12. Nope - but as a 'Swindon Premium Apprentice', such mythical productions must have been a huge cut above the output of the common herd! John.
  13. I'm sure that you are correct - however, my MRJ valvegear etch has none of the characteristics that I associate with SS, and has shown a tendency to rust. CJI.
  14. ........ and famously spoofed as Rollo Gregorian-Chant in a Christmas issue of MRC. CJI.
  15. Thank you, Jason. Why do certain people make these wild assertions concerning matters about which they clearly have not the slightest knowledge? If you had not put matters in their correct light, that misinformation about 101 could easily have become 'fact'. CJI.
  16. Funnily enough, the 4mm. scale version of this kit appeared on Ebay within the last couple of days. I was tempted, but resisted! CJI.
  17. Which suggests to me that, in the eyes of the average model railway enthusiast, (including myself), there wasn't a lot wrong with the earlier iterations. If you don't need / want the electronic gizmos; buy quality secondhand and save money! CJI.
  18. EXACTLY !!!! Any two locos painted / repainted in BR loco green were clearly the same colour when viewed in close proximity. I know this as an attendee at BR works open days / works visits throughout the early / mid 1960s. At both Derby and Swindon loco works I saw, side by side or end to end, brand new diesel locos and overhauled / repainted steam locos. The former were unlined, whereas most, but not all of the latter were lined orange / black / orange. Though the lining did affect the perception of the shade of green, close inspection showed that there was no actual difference whatsoever. Clearly, in service green locos varied hugely in appearance, BUT THIS WAS ENTIRELY DUE TO THE EFFECTS OF TIME AND WEATHERING. To represent the prototype, all model green BR locos should emerge from the factory in the same, (easily correctly specified), shade of green - as per the real thing. If the ultimate aim is a faded, workworn loco due for shopping, this can be achieved by weathering the model. I would repeat - there can be no justification for issuing models in fictitious shades of green. CJI.
  19. Really? I have the MRJ steel etch for LMS valvegear, and the recent model of 18000 comes with magnetic etched headcode letters, presumably in steel. I am sure that there have been others. John Isherwood.
  20. Ahh - nice to know that my limited knowledge isn't far from the truth! Regards, CJI.
  21. What exactly are stay-alives required for? My DC trackwork has live frogs, and each length of rail has its own feed from bus wires that extend around the layout. I NEVER get the merest stutter - unless I have failed to set a turnout correctly. DCC was touted as an foolproof, ultra-simple two-wire system - now it seems that all manner of electronic gizmos need to be added, not to mention the constant enquiries about different decoders, CVs, etc., etc. If I were a cynical person (!) , I would suggest that DCC was invented to keep the electronics industry going!! CJI.
  22. I would imagine that, whilst protecting the contents from sharp shocks, the springs of SHOCVANs did so at the expense of considerable, soft(ish), horizontal oscillation. Not ideal for a soft, easily distorted, paper-packed product! John Isherwood.
  23. SOME people will always pay the premium - the question is how many, and is the profit sufficient to justify the extra effort! Gadget freaks will, of course; but are lights, sound, fans, doors, etc., etc., essential components of a realistic model railway? I could afford all these extra bells and whistles, but won't buy the SFX versions; indeed, the first thing I do with models with lights is turn off all the DIP switches! CJI.
  24. Clearly, my lack of orientation is confusing me. I envisaged the watertower on one side of the crossing, with the column in question on the opposite side of the tracks; the station being on the other side of the crossing. There was a watercrane at the opposite end of the platform from the crossing, but a long train using that watercrane would overhang the crossing. I am probably mixing-up my Up and Down platforms. CJI.
  25. Without research, I am hazy on the orientation of EJ, but I do know that the location in question was close to the level crossing. As all trains watered at EJ, could the watering column have allowed long trains to fill their loco tanks without blocking the crossing? CJI.
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