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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. I do not do any of the things that you mention, but I'm afraid that there is little chance of persuading those that do to radically change their lifestyle, in order to put try to pressure on a regime that is not influenced by external pressure. CJI.
  2. A cross-member to act as a bolster is surely not beyond any modeller requiring a motor bogie to add to a kit? The cosmetic bogie sideframes may well come with headstocks, to which could be added a NEM socket - obtainable from Peco / Parkside. If not, Evergreen strip will suffice. CJI.
  3. That may well be the case - I couldn't possibly comment further; (other than to observe that the horse that escaped via the stable door is going like a rocket and is already way over the horizon)!! CJI.
  4. Having followed this, and the other Hornby 2022 threads here, it makes depressing reading. My overwhelming impression is that Hornby have finally taken a gun, pointed it at their corporate foot, and pulled the trigger. We must hope that the ensuing injury is not terminal! Whilst being aware of the dangers of new brooms, I really wonder if the old one is finally worn out! CJI.
  5. You can't boycott a country that produces the vast majority of the stuff you need to sustain your current quality of life. CJI.
  6. So did I - so I cut-and-shut them from Hornby body mouldings and kit / RTR chassis. Not at all difficult - I posted a thread here - and I can supply the transfers. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  7. With respect, I wouldn't care to live under Chinese conditions - subsidies or no! (One party state; no independent judiciary; oppression of religious minorities; etc., etc). CJI.
  8. First priority is to install the turntable that should arrive in the next couple of days - then all the trackwork will be operational. John Isherwood.
  9. https://www.modelu3d.co.uk/product/2279/ Assuming that KRM cannot supply replacements. CJI.
  10. Now you've gone and done it !!! The kit in my hoard will start yelling at me whenever I go into the railway room! CJI.
  11. No, please! Early BR crimson, which was far too bright to be described as maroon. CJI.
  12. Money-grabbing cynicism is my reaction to this announcement. The only thing listed that would in any way cause my wallet to twitch would be the Black Five - but anyone in that market would surely, like myself, have made alternative arrangements by now. CJI.
  13. Especially as it 's one of the few Hornby wagons that come close to 21st Century standards! CJI.
  14. They would - if they thought that they could get away with it !! Hornby don't care about authenticity in wagons - they figure that they've got enough of a market with the 'if it's got a wheel at each corner I don't really care' brigade. CJI.
  15. In the main, same old same old - ancient 20th Century models at 21st Century prices. Wagons sell in multiples, and yet they still don't have decent, accurate models of the most basic range of wagons. Why do they think that the wagon kit market exists - because the RTR sector won't invest in the most basic of wagon provision. Pathetic! CJI.
  16. The Mitsumi motors that I supply come with a drilling diagram and two fixing screws. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  17. Thank you for your kind words concerning the Mitsumi motors that I have for sale. It would appear that you have mounted the motor 'on the slant', which will account for much of the whitemetal carving that you undertook. It really is very easy to drill the gearbox to allow the motor to be mounted 'square'; or, if you prefer, it is even easier to solder the motor case to the gearbox! John Isherwood.
  18. An extremely interesting photo - an example of a diagram 3/047 'B' container - a small batch from Park Royal fabricated from aluminium sections; hence the unpainted finish and black(?) lettering. The placing of the lettering to the RH end is also unusual, as is the plate numbered '15'. Perhaps Paul Bartlett has further information? John Isherwood.
  19. As others have pointed out, there are many variables in wagon kit building that mean that you cannot simply assume that your chosen combination of kit / wheels/ bearings will fit without trial fitting. Your first mistake was to use Hornby wheels; neither these nor Bachmann wheels are the correct size; measure them if you don't believe me. Use Markits or Gibson; (there may be others); which are the correct size. Follow the advice of previous posters - test, test, test. If you avoid the Cambrian range in future, you will deprive yourself of a fantastic variety of wagons that are not available elsewhere, and which run superbly when properly assembled. CJI.
  20. Balderdash!! History is fact - but I agree that its interpretation is constantly changing. History cannot be changed - if it could, I'd be amongst the first to board the Time Machine in an attempt to right all of the past wrongs done in the name of mankind. How will obliterating the memory of a man who profitted from the misery of countless others remind us never to allow it to happen again - which it will, with or without statues to remind us? Depend upon it, future generations will condemn us for our own misdeeds, but I hope that they will have greater insight than to believe that what is beyond question criminal damage can somehow put things 'right'. CJI.
  21. Clearly you haven't heard of the verdict in the recent trial of rioters who destroyed public property in Bristol. What is this obsession with trying to exercise present-day retribution for the sins of our forebears? History is fact - and memorials to men of their time who committed what we now recognise as inhuman acts should serve to remind us of their wrong-thinking. By all means add plaques setting out the current perspective - but attempts to wipe their memory from history are as misguided as the subjects of all this modern revenge frenzy! CJI.
  22. Exactly - we are now so obsessed with trying to establish exact painting 'rules' that we are looking too hard, and are seeing what is not there. Any handrail on a intensively used steam loco will rapidly loose all signs of paint - IF such was ever applied. Remember that the stanchions were attached directly to the boiler, so heat would be transmitted. Also, constant abrasion by greasy, gritty hands / gloves would remove or cover such a finish and / or burnish the handrails to a finish akin to that of the valvegear rods. Anyone who climbed into the cab of a well-used steam loco in BR times will instantly recognise the handrail finish in the original photo; darkish steel colour with a slightly greasy surface. Let's not get to hung up on such matters; unless you are trying to represent an ex-works loco. CJI.
  23. I can't believe this debate is taking place! It is patently obvious that the handrails are unpainted steel, albeit darkened in traffic. I strongly suspect that they were originally burnished for some reason. The suggestion that they are painted dark green is, IMHO, a red herring of large proportions. CJI.
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