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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Hattons advise me that my BR version is in transit. John Isherwood.
  2. You can still get Black Beetles directly from Oz - MUCH better than SPUDS. With two Black Beetles, a solid brass chassis and a whitemetal body, my Dave Alexander 10800 (see above) will pull anything, and 'irons out' the track in no uncertain manner. Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. Ah, I know the photo - I'd got it into my head that it was the same loco as D2999, before BR bought it. Regards, John isherwood.
  4. D9998 ? I've heard of it on occasion, but are there any photos? John Isherwood.
  5. Just one point - could you explain how the fireman would get coal from the 'tender' whilst on the move? (It'd be a bit of a hike when stationary, too)! CJI.
  6. For the sake of completeness, I will post all of my archive photos of 10800; I am unaware of the copyright holders of these images, (except where watermarked), and will remove them on request. John Isherwood.
  7. For the sake of completeness, I will post all of my archive photos of 10800; I am unaware of the copyright holders of these images, (except where watermarked), and will remove them on request. John Isherwood.
  8. For the sake of completeness, I will post all of my archive photos of 10800; I am unaware of the copyright holders of these images, (except where watermarked), and will remove them on request. John Isherwood.
  9. For the sake of completeness, I will post all of my archive photos of 10800; I am unaware of the copyright holders of these images, (except where watermarked), and will remove them on request. John Isherwood.
  10. For the sake of completeness, I will post all of my archive photos of 10800; I am unaware of the copyright holders of these images, and will remove them on request. John Isherwood.
  11. For the sake of completeness, I will post all of my archive photos of 10800; I am unaware of the copyright holders of these image,s and will remove them on request. John Isherwood.
  12. Further images of 10800 undergoing conversion to 'HAWK', and as completed. Copyright BrushVeteran (G.Wareham) Copyright BrushVeteran (G.Wareham) John Isherwood.
  13. Agreed! What about D2999 - though I've a feeling that there may be a kit around; am I correct? CJI.
  14. Don't forget D0227 - which no longer exists, unfortunately. CJI.
  15. For the BR(SR) period, 10800 was in black. Removing the lower grilles should be an easy task, and a partial repaint in black of the affected areas cannot be too taxing. CJI.
  16. The rebuilt 10800 was very significantly different from the original - much new body panelling to different profiles. Copyright unknown. It would require extensive alternative tool slides - or even a complete body retool. John Isherwood.
  17. Note that this was as delivered to Brush before rebuilding; it would seem that BR undertook some degree of refurbishment, as it had previously been stored at Derby in the condition shown below. Copyright of all images unknown. John Isherwood.
  18. They were primarily developed by Peco in order to allow their then-new Hardlon pinpoint wheelsets to fit into their Wonderful Wagons, which had previously been designed for plain axles. They were offered as separate items so that modellers could modify existing stock to 2-rail, pinpoint bearings, etc. John Isherwood.
  19. Not for me, unfortunately. 11001 is an obvious candidate for Heljan; it was not a 'mainline locomotive', but it was intended for trip working on the mainline. It would present no problems for Heljan, as they have experience of jackshaft drive 0-6-0s in their D9500 model. That said, I have the Judith Edge kit for 11001, so I wouldn't be in the market for an RTR model. John Isherwood.
  20. You may find that https://peco-uk.com/products/plastic-bearings are of use in this application. They were introduced back in the 1960s to allow pinpoint axles to run in plain axle holes designed for Hornby Dublo, etc. wheelsets. Being nylon, they can be cut to length, and produce superb running. John Isherwood.
  21. I am sure that a quick search of RMweb will produce links to numerous threads that I have created; some will relate to the activities of CCT, but many will relate to my own modelling projects. I do not have a single thread for all of my non-CCT stuff; I tend to open suitably titled threads for individual projects - that enables members to instantly decide whether they wish to read my posts; (a quick check of the threads that I started produced seventeen non-CCT-related threads). This is exactly what I challenge Rob to do - open a thread entitled, say, "Rob's RTR Loco Image Manipulations"; that would leave no doubt as to the thread content and would be a regular stop-off for his followers. Now what is unreasonable or mean-spirited about that? CJI.
  22. Not mean-spirited in any way at all - merely a request for Rob to do as most of us do, and open his own thread in which to display his work. What is unreasonable about that? I await your answers with interest! CJI.
  23. What I can't understand is why, despite numerous requests to do so, Rob stubbornly refuses to open his own thread in which to display his work. I can therefore only conclude that he is not confident that it would attract the level of audience which he evidently craves. Instead, he consistently posts in other people's popular threads, thereby exposing his images to the wider audience that such threads attract. So, a challenge to Rob - please open your own thread for your images, and allow members to choose whether they wish to view your images. .... and, before it is pointed out, I can and do block Rob's images - but this would not be necessary if he would simply open his own thread! CJI.
  24. Anyone who uploads an image to the internet does so in the sure and certain knowledge that the horse, at that precise moment, has bolted! Despite the legal nicities, the image is in the public domain for all practical purposes. In order to regain any control over its use, it will be necessary to resort to the legal profession; not something to countenance unless you have deep pockets. If you are precious about your images, don't post them on the internet - it's as simple as that. CJI.
  25. I think that it is safe to say that an all-encompassing, definitive list does not exist - unless someone knows differently. As with most matters to do with railways, research, research, research is the answer. CJI.
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