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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Go on then - I'll bite - what the h*ll is THAT ? CJI.
  2. I don't recall having to claim the WFP, but I qualified at least seven years ago. CJI.
  3. The heritage printers that I use for producing waterslide transfers are irreplaceable and VERY susceptible to damage from dust etc. Since I bought the first one twenty-odd years ago I have kept them covered, when not in use, with gardeners' fleece - the ultra-light, white material that is sold in garden-centres and nurseries. It totally excludes dust and debris, and is so light that it could be draped over delicate scenery without damage. Being so thin, it would be easy to store folded when not covering the layout. Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. Perhaps you should read upthread a few posts - roythebus seems to have been succesful a couple of weeks ago. ..... or am I missing something? John Isherwood.
  5. I now understand that Black Beetles are still available from the manufacturer in Australia; they bought up considerable stocks of Mashima motors before that company closed. A fellow member has posted here that he obtained a pair very recently for his Blue Pullman build. The performance of Tenshedo motor bogies is far inferior to that of Black Beetles. John Isherwood.
  6. Not for those who choose to forego being at other's beck-and-call 24/7 - there is still a significant proportion of society who choose this option. CJI.
  7. I think that what they are selling are secondhand models that were returned with split cogs - which they have repaired with replacement cogs; (new or secondhand cogs is not clear). I would guess that there should be a semi-colon between 'Pre-owned' and 'replacement ....'. As it stands, it could be misleading; but I'm sure that this isn't intentional - I think! CJI.
  8. That is always the other option to kits with a poor reputation - but you don't get even the single sheet purporting to be instructions, and any b*lls-ups cannot be blamed on anyone but yourself! Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. I am sending a PM to micklner, but interested members will be able to find illustrations of numerous examples of my modelling in threads throughout this forum. CJI.
  10. Oh that life were so simple !! If you are content to only build locos that come as easy-to-assemble kits, and are content to forego all prototypes that are not available in such format - fine. Those of us who prefer to build a representative collection of stock for our chosen location/ period will accept that some extra effort is required. Each to their own ...... CJI.
  11. I have heard this said so many times! If you want something akin to an Airfix kit, but in brass, don't bother! If, on the other hand, you take a pragmatic view that a fifty-year-old brass kit from the earliest days of such technology might be somewhat less user-friendly than, say, a state-of-art Judith Edge item, you should be able to produce a satisfactory outcome. There is no substitute for patience, acquired skill and a little lateral-thinking; and no excuse for unrealistic expectations! CJI.
  12. Thanks - but no thanks; not my sort of escapism at all - which is why your reference meant nothing to me. CJI.
  13. 'Fraid not - passed right over my head, that one. Sorry, CJI.
  14. See what I mean - condemned even when I don't comment! CJI.
  15. You might think so - but I could not possibly comment ......... (on the grounds that certain denizens of this thread would accuse me of negativity)! CJI.
  16. That is why I queried black - I have a feeling that the very dark chocolate brown is correct. CJI.
  17. Looking more closely at the b&w photo of the 0-4-0, it can be seen that the bonnet top and cab roof are a darker colour; (black?); and I would tentatively suggest that it carries the same livery details as the 0-6-0 in the colour photo below. CJI.
  18. Clearly not the same loco, but the point of the posting was to suggest what the Brush corporate livery for an internal user might have been. CJI.
  19. Interesting too, in that D0280 clearly has small yellow panels - which, for a long time, received wisdom insisted that it did not carry whilst in original livery. CJI.
  20. Having a copy of a works drawing of 10100, I can state categorically that the disposition of the cab windows is very wrong on the A1 Dinosaur Diesels kit - which was why I disposed of the kit that I had bought and waited for the Judith Edge kit to appear. Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. This MAY be the loco in question; I have no idea of who holds the copyright, but it was captioned as the Brush works shunter. As to colour, this may give a clue as it appears to show another Brush works shunter - comments welcome. CJI.
  22. My recollection of the one colour photo that I've seen is of a somewhat faded tangerine - no doubt due to general wear and tear. CJI.
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