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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. I have to say that I have literally hundreds of wagons with sheet roofing lead glued beneath the floor with copious applications of superglue; no warping whatsoever, even though some have been around since superglue was invented. John Isherwood.
  2. It seems to have a family resemblance to Wansford, Nene Valley Railway. CJI.
  3. How do you induce the curve into the second, upper layer? ...... or do you simply clamp the longitudinal edges together and rely on the strength of the solvent joint? Whatever, your photo shows a very neat roof indeed. CJI.
  4. The original method for doing this recommended using crepe bandage for the binding - which can be secured with safety-pins. Whatever method of binding is used; use an over-length former, and an over-length piece of card between the plastic card and the binding. If the latter is omitted, the binding can texture the soft plastic sheet. CJI.
  5. Shouldn't be too difficult, using my transfer sheet BL109; see Cambridge Custom Transfers website. John Isherwood.
  6. You know it's a bad 'un when you just look at a drawing and think 'No chance'! Take, for instance, a published drawing of a BR-built van, 16'-6'' over headstocks and 10'-0'' wheelbase! Also, in a then-respected book of diesel loco drawings, GT3 (!) with its coupling-rod bearings on the wheel centres! Trust nothing! CJI.
  7. Immediately after placing the wheels in the chassis, AND WHILST THE CHASSIS / FLOOR JOINTS ARE STILL SOFT, place a small elastic band around the four axleguards, AND LEAVE THE CHASSIS ON ITS SIDE TO HARDEN OVERNIGHT. Splayed axleguards are usually a result of impatience to see the model standing on its wheels. CJI.
  8. I think that you missed Stewart's irony vis-a-vis the power output / reliability of the Clayton. CJI.
  9. Perhaps you'd care to expand on 'active travel'? It sounds like one of the as-yet to be invented energy sources! If, as I suspect, it involves walking and / or cycling, it'll be pie-in-the-sky for the majority of on-line purchasers. Perhaps, as an example, you could describe an 'active travel' means of a resident of, say, Girton, collecting a Red Star package from Cambridge station; (Google Maps will assist you there). CJI.
  10. Ahh - but WHICH red oxide primer? If this debate is to be repeated, reading the KRM GT3 thread first may be advisable! CJI.
  11. So how eco-friendly will it be when every package is collected by the recipient driving to the station - even in an electric car? Think about it - an (electric) van delivering to the doorstep is difficult to beat, but by all means transport the goods from despatch hub to delivery hub by (electric) train. CJI.
  12. Pedantry alert - 10800 didn't acquire the name Hawk until it had been significantly rebuilt from its original condition, and it never actually carried the name. CJI.
  13. I won't go into detail here but, suffice to say, I was once put on a disciplinary charge for telling the truth - which embarrassed a senior local government politician. A hastily convened hearing took place, between myself and a fellow officer; the haste was due to the fact that the enquiry officer was due to go on leave the same evening. I subsequently received, via the HR department a letter, supposedly from that enquiry officer, stating that he had found me guilty. The problem was, on the date that he supposedly wrote and signed the letter, he was in the middle of a fortnight's foreign leave!! My response to the Council Leader in question was that I rejected the enquiry findings on the grounds that they were fraudulent - giving my reasons - and that, under the same circumstances I would do exactly the same again. I heard no more about the matter!! Never underestimate the depths to which senior management will stoop to achieve what they cannot do by legitimate means. Stand up for yourself; do not be intimidated; and say it as it is! John Isherwood.
  14. Indeed - a day on the footplate was a very much appreciated retirement present from the owner. CJI.
  15. They are fictional - the Birds Eye containers were AFP containers which are longer than Bachmann's model of an AF type. Bachmann's model is correct in BR livery. In the same way, Birds Eye containers were loaded on CONFLAT B wagons, which were longer than Bachmann's CONFLAT A model. I supply transfers for both Birds Eye and BR AFP correct length containers and CONFLAT B wagons, plus BR transfers for AF containers and CONFLAT A wagons. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  16. But the BE containers are a fiction - both the containers and the wagon are seriously under-length for what they are supposed to represent. CJI.
  17. Most LMS and LNER fish vans were very difficult to distinguish from ordinary merchandise vans at any distance. In BR times, uninsulated fish vans were painted in the same bauxite livery as merchandise vans; only insulated vans were painted white or ice blue. Merchandise vans were not supposed to be used for fish traffic, as the structure would become impregnated with the pungent odour of fish. CJI.
  18. More likely the Colonel Fell legacy - he was not going to drop the multi-engine theory just because 10100 had a bit of a 'reputation'! CJI.
  19. If the vehicle in question has a number in the E87xxx srries, it is an NPCCS vehicle, not a wagon. All of these BR fish vans were given ER prefixes, regardless of the operating region. CJI.
  20. Anxiety - it is totally debilitating; the more so since, for a very long time, you don't recognise it. Talk to your GP; do what is recommended; talk to whoever you are referred to and - find a new life that you never knew could exist!! Anxiety is a disease / disability like any other, and is VERY treatable. John Isherwood, (one who knows first-hand).
  21. Of course, if one asked Jo / Joe Public in, say, Redruth; you would be likely to find that lithium / copper / tin mining would be welcomed with open arms - if it meant some of the currently unemployed might at some point be able to afford a home. I wonder how many politically-active environmentalists have second homes in the West Country? I am all for Zero Carbon, but it has to be accepted that there are bound to be some environmental negatives on the way. CJI. (resident of Cornwall)
  22. The problem, which is insurmountable, is that GT3s shape / design is very much 1950/60s. Look at 10000/1 and 10800 - both of the late LMS period; there is a clear generational gap in the styling. Still, if it appeals to some of us ....... CJI.
  23. ..... just make sure that the ends of the two pieces of card are in line, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. Otherwise, you'll have a parallelogram rather than a rectangle! CJI.
  24. Correct me if I am wrong but - surely the proper name for DP1 blue is POWDER BLUE. CJI. PS. Correcting myself - powder blue is too pale.
  25. I recall travelling in one from Leicester to Peterborough - it still had the (disused) buffet in one car. John Isherwood.
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