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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. ".... a couple of days.."? I've had these performance emails arrive even before the confirmation of order email! CJI.
  2. Agreed - that's why I try to cut some slack with people who I feel have inadvertantly insulted me. A little give and take, combined with a conscious avoidance of oversensitivity, can go a long way on - both sides. CJI.
  3. With respect - I read it as intended by the writer; a genuine query. Do you not feel that yourselves, as Moderators, often find insults relating to your anciliary occupations where none are intended. I have, more than once, suffered the backwash of perceived 'insults' that were intended as nothing of the kind. Just sayin'! CJI
  4. What is / are the origin(s) of this wagon, please? John Isherwood.
  5. Ah - to be sure - it's further away, begorrah! CJI.
  6. I take your point re basic knowledge of electricity. However, I was referring to the endless discussion of how to configure out-of-box models in order to obtain the desired / intended performance of running / lights / sounds. The overwhelming evidence is that, in this respect, DCC is anything but simple! By contrast, when I take a new DC loco out of its box, and place it on the track, it either runs as intended or not. In the latter case, back it goes! CJI.
  7. It would seem that model producers are already wary of multi-unit trains on the grounds of price. If this applies to mainstream multiple units, what chance models of niche departmental trains that would only rarely appear on the prototype? CJI.
  8. I have read too many of the endless threads about problems configuring decoder settings to believe the hype about DCC being simpler - it's simply and demonstrably not true! CJI.
  9. Coupling up to a double-header is easy with DC. This will only occur at a couple of locations, so a loco-length isolated track, with a simple ON / OFF switch, is all that is required. I model Evercreech Junction (S&DJR) in DC, and coupling-up or uncoupling a pilot loco is commonplace. CJI.
  10. What a load of meaningless gobbledygook, attempting - and failing - to excuse a clear infringement of the Trades Descriptions Act! CJI.
  11. How many of us could afford, or accommodate, a seven vehicle train? CJI.
  12. Certainly, Hornby tell us that everyone is demanding a diecast Deltic. Not sure why - the Bachmann one will be difficult to improve upon, and what difference will diecast make over plastic? We'll see if they sell! CJI.
  13. Surely a potentiometer IS a resistor? CJI.
  14. By a country mile - the most convincing photos of a model that I have ever seen !!! Congratulations !! John Isherwood.
  15. Our old standby - central Pelopennese (Greece) - apparently, the temperature is mid-30s at present! Australasia is still our favourite, but the longhaul flight lengths are getting off-putting in our mid to late 70s. Thanks for your interest, John Isherwood.
  16. Unlikely - an ex-works wagon that has just been weighed, taken for a posed photo, prior to the tare weight being signwritten. The first shower of rain would have obliterated the chalk. CJI.
  18. Now you're being obtuse! The whole point is that the fixed light technology used in Europe is not applicable to the UK, where moveable lights are required. Anyway - we're not part of Europe (any more). CJI.
  19. OK - please name the N gauge models that have had working, removeable lights. CJI.
  20. ...... and another one 'reaching out'! Are we suffering a spate of drownings amongst the membership? 🤨 CJI.
  21. Maybe that's the difference between steam era and diesel era modellers? I'd be VERY surprised if more than a small percentage of steam era modellers felt that working / detachable lamps were desireable, let alone essential. In fact, working lights in their Hornby incarnation seem to be a major disincentive to many otherwise potential purchasers - including me! CJI.
  22. You totally miss the point. German loco lights are fixed; UK loco lights need to be detachable as they convey a message, depending upon positioning. Have you read any of this thread? CJI.
  23. If you are the above person, or know of them, please PM me or email cctrans@hotmail.com . John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
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