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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. To the best of my knowledge, ALL waterslide paper is produced by Tullis Russell. CJI.
  2. There has been a recent suggestion of a change in the source of the transfers for Peco / Parkside kits. If correct, this is perhaps not a surprise! CJI.
  3. Mallard60022, We can't back off, even though we have sympathy for Jim. It is frequently posted here that yet another customer is in danger of losing their money, having been unaware of the facts. If there is indeed no-one in Jim's immediate circle who can take action to close down his 'trading', all we can do is keep repeating the warning, in the hope that the word gets around. No-one lacks sympathy for Jim; but we do also sympathise with his unknowing 'victims'. At the end of the day, what Jim is doing - though probably unintentionally - is fraud. What we are doing here is trying to protect him from himself. More direct action by those close to Jim would be far more effective. CJI.
  4. Really - I thought they were on strike!?! CJI.
  5. I'm afraid that, after all that's been posted here, placing an order with Modelmasters is simply asking for disappointment / frustration. CJI.
  6. What we need is some enterprising etch producer to issue a set of correct nose grilles, and a central side grille with which to cover the window. That would cover the later version, which can be portrayed in either black / early crest or lined green / later crest. For the as-built version, a second window in place of the grille is needed on one side, and some carving of two of the cab roof ventilators. CJI.
  7. I think that we ARE seeing both sides here - one side has a central grille, the other a window. If this represents what I will get with my lined green version - which I expect it will be, I will be running it with the later side visible. (I THINK that would be the grille side)? If it really offends my eye, I have a Judith Edge kit to build - if and when I can find the time! CJI.
  8. I have, during the last couple of days, paid for Peak D13 at TMC ; my FELL is apparently en-route to me; and the Kerr Stuart 'Victory' from Planet Industrials is apparently imminent! You wait years for a loco, and then three come along at once! CJI.
  9. If that is the actual model, the texture of the smokebox and coupling rods suggests either : - 3D printed items or injection mouldings from a tool that had not been fully finished / polished. In either case, it may well be the result of trying to get the model to the market in a hurry. On this evidence, one to avoid, methinks! CJI.
  10. Tony, No offence intended - I merely felt that your comments concerning provenance and devaluing were slightly at odds with your ethos of 'having a go' and pride in achievement, regardless of the results. .... but then I have never been bothered by the 'value' of a model - I build and buy 'em to run 'em! 😊 CJI.
  11. Were they ever of comparable size / popularity when they were still rail-served? CJI.
  12. Tony, I can relate to the person in question. Presumably, he had bought the loco as something he could use, rather than as a showcase model about which he could 'name-drop' its 'provenance'. He needed / preferred to have it in unlined black, and had done the repaint himself to the best of his ability. In your own favourite expression, it was 'his' - and he valued it for that, rather than for any perceived 'provenance'. I'm not sure why model builders sign their work - surely it is something of an affectation? There are excellent artisans in many fields of endeavour, and we employ them to do a job better than we could do ourselves, or simply because we haven't the time to do so. We pay them their due, but we don't expect them to apply their mark to the finished job. John Isherwood.
  13. Just been charged for my D13 by TMC. Can't be long now. CJI.
  14. Oh, but he does - and has the product of over sixty years participation to prove it. What CJI does not enjoy is anyone making wild, inaccurate statements, which they cannot / will not substantiate. CJI. 😁
  15. Why is it unacceptable / getting people's backs up to point out that an emphatic statement was inaccurate? It would seem that I am not the only person who noticed this. I have made my point, and am content to leave matters for others to make their own judgement. CJI.
  16. No - if I specify (or specified) mazak, and the factory actually put contaminated mazak in the container - which I would be unlikely to discover for some time - this would be / was China failing to deliver to specifications. Why not simply concede that your original statement was overstating the case? CJI.
  17. What is funny? You made a grossly inaccurate statement, then went on to accuse me of something I demonstrably did not say or imply, and then you try to laugh it off! Not good enough - please justify your posts in the reasoned way that I have responded. CJI.
  18. Couldn't agree more, but what has this to do with your original statement concerning what goes into containers? You did not confine that statement to to specific manufacturers; (or, more exactly, commissioners). Nor did you mention that the statement referred only to models NOT specified to include mazak. My comment merely drew attention to the all-encompassing nature of your post which was, in all truth, lacking in precision. Finally, I don't recognise the reference to disparagement in your final sentence as anything that I remotely said or suggested - perhaps you could enlighten me? CJI.
  19. In my experience these trains were known as the newspaper trains. Missing the last train from Liverpool Street to Cambridge, due to a delayed flight, gave my family and I a clear impression of the downsides of a long night on the station concourse! CJI.
  20. That's a bit of a sweeping statement! If true, who specified the contaminated mazak in at least a couple of manufacturers' models?. Mazak rot proves that what is put into a container is not always what the commissioner specified. CJI.
  21. My STOVE R has one; though I fitted simple equalised, inside-bearing running gear of my own design. As supplied, the chassis is indeed designed with dummy centre wheels. Chivers / Five79 kits are, IMHO, the best of their genre. CJI.
  22. Nope, that's it - Five79 do a decent plastic kit. The chassis can be adapted for a STOVE R. CJI.
  23. It is indeed the Five79 LMS fish van, and the chassis is available separately; and is suitable for the STOVE R. CJI.
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