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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Look closer, Mike; it's a grubby disc - not a headlight. John Isherwood.
  2. What about the two photos upthread, taken en-route to, or returning from, a technical exhibition? Since the train in which it is photographed is identical, as are the lighting conditions, it must be a 99.999% certainty that the two photos show opposite sides of 10100. CJI.
  3. They didn't even need to mirror it - both sides are identical, reading from left to right. That's why you can't tell which side you are looking at! CJI.
  4. That is a reassuring image - it certainly looks like a Peak to me! CJI.
  5. You make one big assumption - that KRM specified slides for alternative versions; what evidence do you have for this? In fact, I'm pretty sure that KRM indicated that they were only producing a single version; which makes sense, as tool slides are very expensive. Moreover, why would you have a tool slide for a detail that is incorrect for both versions? Finally, the EP had the same errors as the production models - did the operator make the same c*ck-up twice?!? The irony is, had KRM specified both sides to be exactly the same as the correct side of the model produced, 10100 would have been correct for much of the prototype's existence, in both black and green liveries! CJI.
  6. When I emailed KRM to tell them that I had returned my Fell to the logistics company, and to ask for a refund, the response came from Michael. The refund, which has now appeared on my CC statement, came from Edmonton, Canada. CJI.
  7. I entered "the fun" because I believe that Georgecomma's type of clever-a*se are most easily deflated by being taken seriously.😠 CJI.
  8. Summed up in a nutshell !! There is a reason why the established suppliers work in the way that they do, and why new announcements take a considerable time to come to fruition. A newbie comes to the market with very firm ideas about doing it their way - and it was, sooner or later, going to come back and bite them! CJI
  9. Not my recollection of the Midland Pullman - which passed my secondary school on a daily basis. I suspect that the horn sound was dubbed. CJI.
  10. Looked at from a purely personal perspective, it means that manufacturers can produce poorly researched models, and still find a market for them amongst the poorly informed. 😉 CJI.
  11. Those of us of a 'certain age' will recall that the original XP64 blue was specified to be Monastral Blue. CJI.
  12. So will I, provided that the manufacturers in question don't ignore constructive feedback, or decline available expert research. This debacle was completely avoidable, but the producer chose to press on regardless. The negative comment here is a direct consequence of that decision. Please note that I make this post in the capacity of a model railway product producer of some 23 years experience; research is the key to a successful product. CJI.
  13. Surely you realise that it would be nigh-on impossible to reproduce the offset flanges of the reinforcing by injection moulding? I scratchbuilt this prototype years ago, and adding the reinforcing flanges to the T strapping was NOT fun, and the model is in no way robust. Fortunately, I suspect that most purchasers of this kit will forgive the barely noticeable subtefuge. CJI.
  14. My advice - return the models to the address on the package address label, clearly marking your order number on the outside of the package; (it's also on the address label). It'll cost you £8.50 to send it special delivery, but you'll be fully insured and know that it has been returned by 1pm. the following day. Then - email michael@krmodels.co.uk ; advise that you have returned the model under the Distance Selling Regulations, on the grounds that it does not conform to the prototype, or to the description available at the time of ordering. If my own experience is any guide, you will receive a refund of the price that you paid. CJI.
  15. Each to their own; when I paid my £150 it was - and still is - a significant sum of money, for which I expect to receive a model that looks like the real thing; (on both sides). John Isherwood.
  16. Posted two hours ago were two photos of the locomotive; both sides, on the same day. The livery is black, but I don't believe that much, if any, detail changed by the time it gained lined green livery. Don't get me wrong - I was very much looking forward to this model; to the point where I ordered and paid for it despite having the Judith Edge kit. However, when there has been a rush to tooling without regard for available research material; and then the attitude that 'It's too expensive to correct the errors, and they've paid for it anyway!', I feel under no obligation to accept the flawed product. John Isherwood.
  17. My Fell has just been delivered - and is going straight back! 😒 Quite apart from the now-notorious, fictitious arrangement of detail on one side, the quartering is way out. Whilst the coupling rods are in sync., (as they should be), on the fictitiously detailed side, they are way out on the correctly(?) detailed side. This looks ludicrous, as the rods were always in sync., even after the centre rods were removed, due to the geared connection between the axles. Moreover, I cannot imagine that running would be satisfactory by out-of-sync. quartering. Shame - better dig out the Judith Edge kit sooner than had been planned! John Isherwood.
  18. Thank you for that - some thinking to do! I take it that the 14 days commences on delivery? (Not from date of ordering / pre-payment)? CJI
  19. So - hypothetically at present - do distance selling regulations allow us to return the model for a refund - in full or in part? CJI.
  20. I don't think that it has yet been mentioned that the green version has white numbering, when it should be cream. CJI.
  21. Well, I can see that extracting the waterfiller and transplanting it to the other end will be fun! ..... and as for duplicating the nose grilles onto the blank panels!!!! I foresee bad language ahead. John Isherwood.
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