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big jim

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by big jim

  1. i think the statement on the website would point to the opposite is going to happen, unless of course you have spoken to him very very recently (i.e. this week)
  2. one i forgot to upload yesterday and today we did a run to tebay and back stopped in plumpton loop and into tebay and back to carlisle, didnt bother with pics as i was busy instructing we did take elmo along for a ride though, i dont think he made it past the end of the sidings!
  3. Some from yesterday Bescot to carlisle with 70805 and 60059 Fuelling at bescot Penrith Into carlisle and split off the locos, the 70 is hiding behind! 60 headed off to grangemouth Couple of 66s passing through 70805 on the wall While i was instructing on the 70 a railtour pulled in with a pair of DRS 37s on the front (425 and 218) dunno where it was going though and while it was there the loco hauled came in with 37401 leading, the 66s above came through, then as i was walkking back to the van 68010 in chiltern livery passed on an engineers train as well as an ews 66 on 6K05 and 60087 on the southbound logs!! Unfortunatly as the logs were delayed by 6K05 they got to chirk late so never made it back north so todays southbound logs aren't running which scuppers my trip over the s+c with the 70 so we are going to do a trip to tebay and back to get a handling turn in for the driver in training
  4. I cant say i knew him, there are a few regular ES's i deal with in that area and i did wonder if it was someone i knew
  5. A foggy on through staffordshire this morning, cleared up by wolverhampton though and it looks like its going to be a nice one Off to bescot to pick up 70805 and 60059 and head up to Carlisle with them, hopefully the 70 is fuelled or i'll have to do that before i go, in fact im hoping its where i need it to be at bescot or i'll have to shunt around to get it over to the 60 i left in place yesterday
  6. Funnily enough we have fitted 37057 with a VW diesel engine, this is it just ticking over
  7. "vapour of rmwebbers" "OO-SF of rmwebbers" just dont fall down the gap
  8. housekeeping afternoon my dad reads this thread and everytime i put pics up he says "when are you going to sort out that floor, it looks a mess" so this afternoon, armed with 2 wheeliebins, one for recyclables and the other for junk i made a start on it, almost finished, just one box to sort out and yes it was a mess once i pushed everything to the doorway but an hour later and its looking a lot better ive put down some rolson interlocking mats that i bought months ago (but havent been able to put down because of the junk), i noticed after working for a number of hours at a time in the shed over the last week or so that i have had aching feet so im hoping the cushioning action of the mats will help a bit, i'll get myself another set to come closer to the door also if anyone in the crewe area wants a bag of Bachmann scenic risers, polystyrene sheets, and a piece of space board then get in touch and if you can come and collect them they are yours
  9. The estate agent below were looking a bit worried about the ceiling bowing in
  10. This made me smile earlier, 50p from a car boot
  11. Some from today, banbury to bescot with 10 auto hoppers top and tailed by a pair of 60s Parked up in the cattle sidings Into the neck to change ends And off to bescot On arrival, had to change the points so grabbed a pic Chopped the locos off And moved them over to the down side Over the hump And split them back off, the lead one is going to carlisle tomorrow with a class 70, ive got to go back to bescot to collect it tomorrow
  12. In a taxi to banbury to collect a train to take back to bescot, should have been in bicester but for some reason it never got there Nice morning here, a little bit of fog but looks like its going to be a nice one, hopefully back in bescot for 10:30, maybe fuel the locos then home
  13. yeah, was thinking the same yesterday, just the addition of drainpipes and a touch of light weathering should make a difference to start with but a poster/advertising hoarding would look good too, ive got a fence to add round the tarmac behind the shop too. i think it will be a while before i go really far into detail in the town, i fancy adding an interior to the flat above the metromart as you can see into it nicely, similarly the burger joint
  14. link to the site http://www.touchcab.com/ thats a , must remember not to delete the app off my computer
  15. went into the shed to get something out and got a bit distracted! the more i looked at the low level station entrance the more i felt it looked wrong, slap bang at the bottom of the ramp, no pedestrian area in front etc so i decided to do something drastic which i felt would improve the area and allow me to expand in the town too inspired by my adding to the Bachmann bank i decided to have a go with the station too first up i cut the end of the low relief office off by scoring the perspex "windows" and running a razor saw along the roof the short bit i added to the edge of the "town" low relief office glued in place then i made a roof out of card and clad it in scalescenes "tarmac", looks about right to me glued it to the building and in place, obviously things to add to the roof in due course, air con units, railings maybe going back to the offcut i again cut a "bay" of windows out clad a piece of card with stone paper which i fitted to the left hand side of the cube and in place again, stuff to add, going to use some plastistrip to make some sliding doors and i'll most likely add a roof to it, may do something fancy like a swooping "porch" to give a covered drop off area/ pedestrian plaza and i forgot to bring back out what i went in the shed for too!
  16. They just fancied a change! (There is a reason but its not for me to discuss here) Im on it tuesday from carlisle (2nd mans side though) but i may not be getting off in WBQ depending on who the next driver is
  17. One on the logs from tuesday next week for a few days
  18. a couple of marcus37s engines and barrier wagons and a 37 on a network rail test train in the background
  19. couple of hours work earlier, carried on with the town bit of tarmac behind the shops looking from the front and in place i then looked at the low relief bank, i added a side wall and a roof to it doesnt quite match but its out of view so good enough and in place looking down the street overall view i then made up a coping stone to see how it looked on the wall, as the walls are thicker i have used craft 'lolly sticks' which are wider than the coffee stirrers and roughly in place, lots more to make up though i have used the thinner 'stirrer' to make up a narrow coping to break up the wall at road level, again lots more to make up then it was down to the drive through area which needed a smoothish base to add the tarmac sheets to when im ready i have added a base of 1.5mm card i have printed off a set of roads that john at scalescenes sent me, they will come down the bridge as shown but with a pavement on one side mr bean strikes again! gonna crack on with a bit more tomorrow afternoon after work
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