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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. To be honest i dont mind, we dont go out on new years eve anyway coz of the kids so i offered to work, a tasty little bonus too which should help towards some new rolling stock! The main thing is im off christmas eve and christmas day, i did offer to do boxing day but nothing happening, the job on the 27th is a simple one too, fire up a loco in greenford and work it and the train to bescot, job done
  2. Hopefully, ive managed a few hours in there this week already so hopefully a few weeks like that should get the bits i want doing done
  3. Yet another day 'control orders' due to the logs not running, might go and have a look at gresty lane later for something to do, its been resignalled so would be handy to see Annual leave from today until the 27th december but working my rest days next week, refreshing the cambrian to machynlleth Got my new years eve roster, 23:00ish from greenford to bescot, arriving 03:30, i dont go out new years eve so that suits me nicely
  4. the problem i have at the moment is there is no perminent electricity to the shed, i just run an extension cable out when im working in there, once its wired up properly i'll add an anti frost heater
  5. i can see them now on the proper computer, must be a mobile phone thing
  6. popped up to the local model shop for some supplies to carry on with the station first up on to the top of the wall i glued some U channel and the same on the rear wall, i will have to cover the ripped brick card at some point into which the 6 canopy sheet sits with the station building in place these uprights are just glued temporarily in place, ive had to move them over from the centre of the 2 canopy spans as they are too close to the edge of the platform, it doesnt look too wrong! i have a couple of lengths of lattice girder that i'll add between the legs when i fit them up properly, also looking at that last picture i will paint the underside of the canopy edges to look like steelwork rather than it being transparent moving on to the track, i'm going to add a short siding between the bay and through line, i tried it the full length of the bay line but it looked too much, stopping just short of the canopy looks good its starting to come together again now, still 2 more canopies to prepare, paint and fit to the rear wall
  7. Link is no good if your not on facebook, website link doesnt show anything abovious either So i'll have a guess, its an adams radial or Q6
  8. Lashing down in crewe today, may try and get to haslington models later for some bits and have some time in the shed, yet another day 'control orders' due to the logs not being able to run from carlisle Got a feeling tomorrow i may be moved to a chirk-hereford job
  9. I think i'll go with the stone option Ive managed to leave a small plynth 2 stone tall above the platform side of the building so the canopy can rest on it Again, with 2 unmodified Hornby canopies in place to get the idea Ive reglued the 6 canopy sheet and left the exopy to cure until tomorrow when i can get back in the shed and see how it looks in place
  10. This months offering, sammy shammy Very nice little truck, still no unimog for me though!
  11. Advice time please This is the current station retaining wall set up However i got this today mail order from modellers mecca for the princely sum of £6.50 Obviously its red brick and all the other brick on the layout is grey cut stone so how to get it to blend in, these are the options First up a new wall with a cut away for the building And in place, with the canopy on the wall above, stone finish I then reduced the height of the wall (and if i go down this route the height of the canopy), this looks much better Stone finish And brick finish So what do we recon, which way shall i go with it, stone or brick, i dont think it looks too bad staying as stone, better than i thought it would anyway Ive also reglued the canopies tonight so they will be ready to refit soon
  12. Ooh i might buy one now, not only cheaper but not having to deal with olivias directly is what swings it for me
  13. looks like i may have work later, had 2 days at home 'control orders' due to the flooding in carlisle, seems the logs will be running today all being well so i have a warrington-chirk-warrington trip this evening not even looked out of the window this morning to see what the weather is doing ref post offices, ive found one in crewe in a McCalls newsagents that is open til 22:00 every day which is brilliant, ok so if you go in after 17:20 you miss that days collection but at least you can mark parcels as dispached on ebay and its always quiet in the evenings
  14. Kind of got an unplanned day off today, should be on the logs this evening but with the flooding in carlisle they arent running, the train is north of the main flooding in the centre of the town so going to catch up on paperwork instead Heard that a work collegues' house is flooded as he lives by the football ground, thoughts to out to him today
  15. i finish on the 11th until after christmas as i had 13 days annual to use up (but i may still work my rest days)
  16. Never leave the kids to set up the nativity themselves
  17. Wow, im liking that, sure looks an imposing structure set out like that
  18. Bryan says to reduce CV 52 in steps of 2 Failing that email him on the address i PM'd you
  19. I'll have a look at that, it has been cold in there as ive still not got any electricity to the shed so i cant keep a heater going, there has been condensation on the windows recently so hopefully it may just be that but i will still get up and sort the roof asap Where the shed is located it would actually be possible to add a lean to roof above it attached to the garage wall so the shed could be completly in the dry!
  20. You havent got the acceleration override function latched on have you? (Function 13 i think) that will make it shoot away from a standing start rather than accellerate smoothly
  21. Had an hour in the shed earlier and ive come out a bit disheartened, not been in there for a bit 'for a play' and discovered a few issues ive really got to get on the roof and sort the leak as ive discovered another area which has had water dripping into it, on the same level as the other leak and only 10cm futher along Then i noticed that the retaining wall i PVAd to the risers a long time ago has come away so ive got to hoover out the ballast and reglue it But to top it off the canopies i glued together the other week have fallen apart, i glued them together with 2 pack epoxy but its come apart on the long edge between the 2 long lenths of canopies, gonna have to reglue them too So to cheer me up i had a play with my sound chipped colas 37 for a bit, had it pulling the Dapol side tippers that i modified the couplers on earlier in the year, this is the first time i've tried them since and they ran without problems, derailments or splitting, before i modified them they couldnt even make a single circuit of the layout without falling off etc
  22. Just a couple from today, chirk-hereford 60047 in hereford And departing for baglan Got on it in crewe last night to have a ride with one of my drivers, thought that way i could get to hereford and get a train direct back to crewe, forgot that the line is shut between shrewsbury and crewe so the direct train has to go via chester so its taken me 2 1/2 hours to get home so far
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