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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. Decided to revisit the kit before work as i wasnt happy with the saloon blanking plates when compared to prototype pictures, pictures of the real thing appear to show the window pane blanked off and the frame still in situ rather than completly flush so i removed the brass panel And refitted the glazing, i will have lost the frame relief but i dont think it will be that noticable once painted up Ive got to clean away the glue residue around the window before painting too Got the paint earlier as well, the hard bit is going to be finding the time to do it
  2. i popped out to trident trains earlier and got stopped at nantwich level crossing and what should pass but 70806!
  3. iron horse: there will be a 70 knocking about between shrewsbury, crewe, chester and chirk later in the week doing some road learning couple from tonight, 60026 heading loaded to chirk and a few hours later, heading empty back to carlisle
  4. D'oh, never noticed, it was a nice simple build though, just hope i can paint it to a good standard, not like i will have much masking to do!
  5. had an evening at the workbench tonight so decided to make a start on a DBSO conversion from a Hornby BSO, (one of the new ones), dropped a few balls on the way as there is no instructions for the kit to tell me what bits are what so i did a bit more work than i needed to with filler, anyway i was just planning on making a start but ended up virtually finishing it to a point where i can prepare it for painting its going to be finished as 9708 which is the dbso i passed out for traction on, its one of the generator fitted units so has an extra grille, it also has a UV rig fitted to the end so i'll need to model that once completed the kit http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/D9DC9031-3D14-412E-98CC-DBCC36A34306_1.jpg first job, separate the body from the chassis http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/9C9DFB46-8EBD-48C0-9CD8-F512D2844D14_1.jpg then out with the glazing, thought i'd struggle given the amount of glue but it came out very easily once i got a blade between the glazing and body http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/7B56DA11-162F-42FE-ADBA-0B0ED87ED0A6_2.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/3FFBDD4F-4C4C-489D-9339-E7FA5079A544.jpg popped both gangway connections off, one as the kit will replace it, the other for when i paint the shell http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/44EDDDD2-1076-4DE9-92FC-00A4CDDE7DCB_1.jpg part of the kit is a template for marking off the windows that need cutting http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/83C3F7F0-D119-41DF-8C5B-211EDFF86509_1.jpg removed the raised detail on the new cab end http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/C1F22824-F796-4FC9-94C2-CF05BB026402.jpg and the sides http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/1EB9D388-CD7E-45CA-9FA6-DC100EDF5EC2.jpg brass filler piece for the end, the body needed the top of the gangway trimming a touch for it to fit flush http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/918931B9-2074-4399-900C-5F00332DCFFB.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/3226189C-E6E0-4B06-8AB9-54B09C9931F1.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/81D729F3-601B-464F-9A82-5DFC207DA493.jpg this is where i dropped a ball, i glued a piece of plasticard behind the windows that needed filling on one side http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/3CA33B1A-CE53-4735-B57E-47987D00B746.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/1291D64C-0E0A-42D6-9A77-7E1450083C57.jpg before i filled the windows i used the template to mark out the new windows http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/EBFDF2AF-58C4-48DE-91C6-1C44D286F528.jpg drilled the corners then scored between the holes http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/6200A4A8-833C-4DA9-B800-42270FA4A578.jpg and popped the windows out http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/1EBDA04F-5EB0-4385-8FD0-E0845F8ABA4B.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/C4C92589-FD0A-47F2-8EA1-93AEBABEF490.jpg so back to the dropped ball, i filled the windows that were not needed http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/AD8FB8B1-F3D7-426F-B167-091A62EF0479.jpg but it turned out one of them actually needed removing completly to fit the generator grille http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/EDA77A87-0DB4-4983-B62C-00C101107801.jpg the grille is super fiddly but well worth the effort once finished you have to fold it up and fit each slat individually, i have secured them with superglue http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/3B84BAA4-29AB-472D-9969-C769C72378B7.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/15A7A87F-E8F3-420A-A50D-45D533D085A7.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/E61A3184-026C-42A3-B226-F23109D38A51.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/DE51A820-A589-4F51-8A93-D241CBA5699F.jpg and in place, you can also see dropped ball number 2, i didnt need to actually fill the new door window as there were etches in the kit that allowed me to reduce the width of the existing window, i used them anyway http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/CD6CD52D-7650-4A03-846D-A1047891DF46.jpg i scored the door using the template and cut away the lower step http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/FA2341E3-E2D2-4783-8E10-E002CAA01E7D.jpg the confusion over the window blanks was because there are a couple for saloon windows and i thought the ones for the cab end were spares depending on which particular DBSO you are modelling so on to the ends, added the window frames http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/E9C25DF3-AE8C-4126-A442-8176E674AD6F.jpg and the light housings http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/9E390B2B-B811-4B6E-871E-E8F775D332E5.jpg then onto the plough, its a 2 part unit, again superglued together http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/C3684415-E236-445A-97CD-63C5AA4AB340.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/509843DC-1A94-43F3-8BB1-A5EA44ACC281_1.jpg and in place http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/331A779C-5BE8-4DC3-B281-9D2B760210A3_1.jpg ready to be taken to the paint shop, you can see the saloon window blanks in this picture, for some reason i forgot to photograph that stage http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/0E22901A-7BC9-4DA7-91AB-E6C0BA487EBF.jpg mini me posing by my handy work http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/002921EC-4075-4429-8B05-83CDE785A57F_1.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/C683D775-AD84-468B-8035-1132DBCB8CEC.jpg grille side, the saloon window doesnt look flush in the picture but it looks better in real life, looking at prototype pictures its not flush anyway http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/s-type-driver/2014%20album/AC715C85-298F-483A-8A74-4014571A8C54.jpg before priming i need to rub down some of the brass parts with a fibreglass brush to remove any superglue residue as well as the usual paint prep, once primed i'll be able to see any areas around the new windows that may need filing down slightly then once its done i will seek a bit of advice from mick on how to make the UV lighting rig for the end, depending on how it comes out i may look at getting jason in north wales to fit me a set of working head/tailights to it obviously its not of a 'newbryford' standard but for a few hours work im very happy
  6. here we go, some from last night/this morning, some decidedly dodgy pics due to no tripod but some good ones too started in bescot, pass to london via moor st into marylebone FGW have been diverting into marylebone while the line into paddington has been shut and there was a HSt in the platform when i go there and over to greenford where my train was waiting in a queue to head north, leading the procession was 70806 top and tail with 60026 my train (or so i thought) was right behind it, 70805 leading, 70802 on the rear there was yet another train behind mine too, so off i set slightly early than my booked time, however it wasnt until i'd set sail that i realised that due to miscommunication i was on the wrong train, mine was actually the one behind, a quick call to the signaller and we arranged to stop at bicester and draw the other train alongside via the connection into the up platform, thankfully he was only 10 mins behind me so we didnt lose any time B+W pic as the signals were reflecting off the lens and onto the correct train with 70809 leading the westbury train set off first to banbury where he changed ends to head back south, i passed him there, lots of new pointwork partly in place at banbury now for the new layout and into bescot, 70803 on the rear you can just make out 70809 at the south end of the yard that i'd removed from the train and that was that, on the logs tomorrow if it runs
  7. one of them will be park hall between oswestry and whittington and i suspect the other is duddleston heath (which is on the wrexham branch), the bridge is still there a couple of miles outside oswestry on the road out to St Martins edit: if as larry says it was just the wrexham brach then one of the facilities may have been the ammo site near marchwiel that was on a branch off that line as linked to here in pgh's thread http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/79414-pghs-photographs-of-british-railways-from-c1960/?p=1252608 also regards the polish presence, there is still a polish hospital in penley (on the wrexham branch again) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penley
  8. thats me done for the night, just got home and ready to get into bed only to find a small child sprawled across my side of the bed, only problem is he has a cabin bed so i cant just pick him up and move him back to his own bed as i'd have to climb the ladder to get him in safely so its going to have to be a squash and a squeeze until he gets up with mum then the bed is all mine not a bad night in work, drove to bescot, pass to marylebone and worked a train back from greenford, only slightly embarrasing thing being i worked the wrong train off site due to miscommunication, thankfully i noticed not long after i left, so managed to arrange to 'pull over' so my correct train could catch me up and we could do a footplate swap! pics to follow in my thread later when i get up
  9. First day in work for me today since the end of november (apart from the 2 days refreshing the cambrian), so the dirst night driving trains in almost a month! Juat about to catch a train from bescot to new st, walk over to moor st and pass to marylebone, taxi to greenford and work a train back to bescot, got my camera so hopefully get some piccies, think ive got a couple of 70s, not driven one of those since about september either Weather is ok at the mo, hope it stays like that all night
  10. When i saw the picture then the first sentence below... "Turkey sandwich, sausage roll, mince pie" I thought, unusual names for the grandkids
  11. This is what its all about Gethin opening his scooby doo lego, the one thing he asked santa for
  12. Kids stayed in bed til 09:00 and now the front room looks like a bomb site, both very happy got the main pressies they asked for (and more!) Lots of lego building for me later, which i dont mind, 2 space and 2 scooby doo sets to build up, got the eldest some 'warhammer' stuff which i have absolutly no interest in and he really wants to play that later, a few lagers with dinner may help get through that one I actualty got the warhammer stuff from the alsager model railway show back earlier in the year from the club sales stand someone was selling on 4 sets so i grabbed them at a bargain price
  13. just got into bed for a few hours sleep before our ever so slightly excited 6 year old no doubt comes bounding in at 5am, he didnt get to sleep til 23:00, the eldest finally hit the sack at 00:30, this is the first year hes know the truth about the man in red "there is only one fat guy brings presents round here and his name aint santa", he did at least help us wrap his little brothers presents, hes convinced hes only getting 3 presents he'd asked for but little does he know little un "trying to get to sleep" all ready for the carnage in the morning
  14. JamesB: the joys of running round in the wappings, at least there are lights i there though I remember sitting in LBT one night back in 2009 with an ironbridge coal service and the class 60 on the train in front got stuck on the bank as the ice was an inch thick on the railhead, i knew i'd definatly be in trouble with my 66 if a 60 got stuck! Got to agree a lovely loco to drive, didnt think much of them when i first signed them but they have really grown in me now, the turning point was the first time i worked one with 3000 ton behind and it didnt break a sweat, very impressive, the only loco that comes close haulage wise is a class 70
  15. Thats lovely, i pass the old station in my way to my dads house in ellesmere, its now derelect, the builders merchant/coal merchant, whatever it was is no longer in the old station building, hope they do something with it, shame if it goes to ruin As ive mentioned before my dads house is built pretty much on the point work of the junction to wrexham just beyond the station in ellesmere, while digging the foundations for his conservatory he dug down to the ballast bed and found a fishplate!
  16. great afternoon in london, dinner in planet hollywood, then went on a london bus along regent st towards oxford st (but obviously didnt get off there as it was far too busy) then back to covent garden where my wife got selected by a street artist as his assistant, great birthday pressie for her, then charlie and the chocolate factory where we got moved forward by the ushers for or already decent seats to some great ones with a fantastic view, the only downside being the youngest was sick from too many sweets, luckily into an empty pint glass i had as i saw it about to happen! home tomorrow on the london midland stopper, then a mad rush getting the pressies to santa
  17. Dull in wembley this morning, sun trying to poke through though, going to head into the city after dinner, avoiding oxford street of course! Wifes birthday today, seeing wicked last night was her present, that and charlie and the chocolate factory tonight, was only planning on seeing one show but thought what the hell, the kids loved wicked and i know they will love 'charlie', last night was my 3rd time for wicked and charlie will be my 2nd time but first for the rest of the family
  18. We'll probably get a cheeky nando's in wembley before we set off, wifes birthday so her choice
  19. day 2 of our london break, shrek adventure, london eye, sea life and a ride on a london bus all done in the day and this evening went to see wicked, the kids loved it, surprised the 6 year old stayed awake throughout, absolutely enthralled by it yesterday we did tussauds, a brief look in the sherlock holmes shop and the thing the kids were most excited about, seeing danger mouses 'house' a post box on the corner of baker st having a lie in tomorrow then into town for the afternoon, dom wants to do m+m's world, then possibly covent garden as we have charlie and the chocolate factory in the evening which is on the edge of covent garden
  20. Early start today, off to london for 3 days, kids bouncing off the wall already and we have 3 1/2 hours on a train yet, a london midland stopper via stoke, cheapest way there, £30 return for the 4 of us advance booking with a family railcard, cant knock that at all, wifes birthdaybon tuesday so this is her present Staying in wembley premier inn, it overlooks the stadium out front and wembley park station out back, hoping for a front view though Got lots planned with our merlin passes, tussauds, london eye, sea life, shrek adventure and they want to try and find danger mouse' house on baker st (basically a post box on a corner), hopefully we can go and see a show on the tuesday too, wicked or charlie and the chocolate factory all depends on the price once the discounted tickets go on sale tomorrow morning, going to avoid oxford st but my wife does want a ride on the top of a london bus to see the lights
  21. nice vid on youtube, barmouth bridge 53 mins in https://youtu.be/OoNit6dtzbs before RETB was fitted and some interesting operational bits nad bobs round barmouth, pass a signal at danger by authority of a green flag from the box and getting told to pass the section at danger in welsh!
  22. what a brilliant video, going back a few miles on it its worth watching to see crewe during remodelling, i can only really remember crewe station as it is now, amazing to see everything have to slow to 20mph to go through the station, and a 33 in the bay heading towards the north wales coast too (sorry for the thread divert!)
  23. There is only one play im interested in and you know what that is already! Off to london tomorrow for 3 days but will have to settle for possibly seeing either wicked or charlie and the chocolate factory as the kids are with us
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