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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. just a couple from last night right old week coming up, cambrian, doncaster and hexham amongst others
  2. Just one from yesterday, again nowt interesting going on! 2 more nights of it too, the plus side being at chirk you cant get 3G so ive managed to read my copy of model rail properly on my break instead of browsing rmreb
  3. Oh dear, glad im away from it all on the logs! Nowt interestjng going on but a few iphone pics from yesterday 6K05 in WBQ Manchester bound 175 And my train on arrival 3 more nights of it then a nice weekend trundle to deepest darkest wales and back
  4. Rubbed it down today ready for another coat of yellow and grey I suspect that the yellow on the roof may have been down to 'operator error' as i also found traces of it on the conservatory door handle too, think i may have got some on my hand while cleaning the airbrush and not noticed when i picked the dbso up! I also rubbed back where the primer had pooled at the bottom of the cab end and formed a ridge once top coated, i will reprime this bit with a brush, wondering whether to fill the top of the gangway with a tiny bit of squadron putty too before respraying? And the other side which wasnt too bad but worth a rub down Hopefully get it done by the weekend
  5. 0.5, 1 and 2.7 mph on a class 60
  6. I hope 'iron horse' hasnt gone to crewe station to see it, its gone off route at coal works and has gone into basford hall via the independent lines, it will pick up its RTT route again at basford hall jn
  7. Well i gave it a coat of paint today, not very sucessuflly i might add so im going to rub it down a touch and give it a 2nd coat some point later in the week, i think a major issue was the weather, not really warm enough (well thats my excuse anyway!) First up i painted the ends with network rail 'yellow ends' i think, the label had rubbed off! That was acrylic paint that went on beautifully with no runs, the 2 vertical lines appeared after i demasked it after painting the sides I then painted the roof grey, normally i would do the light colours first but being as this was also acrylic i decided to do it next, again went on lovely with no runs, unfortunatly when i demasked it some yellow had got onto it, dont know how as i never sprayed yellow near it! The reason i left the sides til last was i was using enamel paint as thats what my only pot of sunshine yellow was and it went on awful, one side wasnt too bad But the other side had numerous runs Of course after i demasked it i discovered that the 'yellow end' paint was infact NR sunshine yellow as you cant see any difference between the sides and ends at all! So im going to rub it down and the 2nd coat will be from the acrylic pot of 'yellow end' paint which went on so much better than the enamel, in all quite pleased with it and i knew i'd have to do some work to it anyway so not overly dissapointed with how its initially come out
  8. Yeah as far as i know they will, barriers will be open by the time the 37 passes though, if not go along the horse landing and onto 12!
  9. Anyone on the wcml today might want to look out for this http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/R90053/2016/01/18/advanced 37025 heading to WWH before at some point making its way to cardiff for 3 months with colas
  10. when i walked past yesterday they appear to have demolished the cabins next to the fuel point, didnt have a close look as i was waliking towards the station
  11. im sure it did used to have semaphores on it, i'll leave it to stationmaster or brian daniels to fill the gaps in as they know an awful lot more about the area than i do
  12. aka soul destroying speeds! i once had to unload a coal train in ratcliffe at 0.25 mph and that was like pulling teeth so with 25 of these long wagons i'd be swinging from a rope in the cab a quick glance at the article in Hornby mag in sainsburys the other day suggests that the outer hopper doors are moulded onto the coupling bar so when it goes round curves they swing out, it is a heck of an overhang though so tight curves will be fun, just dont try and run a train of them on an adjacent curve to a rapido apt!
  13. some from today, heyford to crewe via wales! as it happened the train had done its rail drop by the time i booked on so i met it at oxford station and took it down to the possession limit at OX25 signal where i sat from 04:45 to 09:30 until the possession was given up 70804 and CWR train 70804 clearing its throat on auto clean i've never been able to get a shot of this gantry until today as the line was under possession, it will no doubt be history in the not too distant future into hinksey to run round, 70806 plus 3 others there too and away i went, first stop just outside wolverhampton having travelled oxford-banbury-leamington-coventry-birmingham international-stetchford-aston-bescot fantastic Mr fox snooping around then it was wolves-shrewsbury where i had a couple of minutes waiting for the signal and onward to wrexham-chester and crewe, into basford hall via the chester independent line which runs round the back of the station and down onto the freight only lines into basford hall where we backed the train in and stabled the loco 66957 66623 (shanks livery 66522 was on site too having been hired to colas last night) 66559, 90041 and 86604 leccies and that was it, nice to do a different route for a change
  14. ok, no train involved but sheesh! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-35324918
  15. oh well, nice as they are i can't justify that, unless of course i win the euro millions later then i may buy a couple...... ....of rakes of them
  16. I have emailed them but awaiting a reply, i'll see what happens monday Bet they will fly out, had a look at the pics in Hornby mag, may partake in a few if they are a decent (ie sensible) price
  17. Hi, any idea on the price of the wagons?
  18. some more from last night/this morning, proper camera this time, all unedited , straight out of the camera, check flickr for some of them tidied up later today (link in my signature) crewe to start desiro 90 on the sleeper 150 158 66 heading to arpley my train and away i went to kingmoor..... snow on the ground tonight running round china clay tanks 66152 menage a trois ready to back into the sidings and off to the station 66720 and 47848 on the sleeper again scotrail 156 and down to warrington where i had to change trains, tesco train heading through pendolino's and there we go, night off tonight so no piccies tomorrow
  19. some from last night, no camera so just iphone pics this time first up was the sleeper that was running northbound via the WCML again, video of it leaving crewe (as well as 60047 and 60095 on the 2 log trains) https://youtu.be/L-Z8MuBVeLo then it was up to carlisle, had a trainee with me so he did the run round gbrf 66 66 and 60 and into the station where there were 2 sleeper trains, the reason being they were doing a loco swap between them, the southbound had come in diesel hauled as it had come via the south western route and the locos were being swapped onto the northbound service that was returning that way (and vice versa witht he electric loco going south) interestingly the northbound service was comprised of a 66 and 47, apparently it should have been 2 x 47s but one had developed a fault so was replaced by 66720 in its kids design livery, i should imagine the run round was fun at carlisle as the 47 needed to be next to the coaches to provide ETH so coming in southbound would have meant the 66 coming off first into the loop then the 47 off and onto the rear of the 66 so it was trailing going north, combine with that the fact every road bar one in carlisle station was occupied by stabled trains! 66720 and 47848 once the southbound sleeper left 66427 arrived with a ballast job going north and a video of the sleeper departing https://youtu.be/U08aQQhn_9A same job tonight so i think i'll take the proper camera and tripod
  20. Well its running and only 40 late at the mo, the caledonian sleeper is also back over this side of the country too As that departed the baglan logs came through running 120 mins late
  21. can you see this picture? DSCF6581 by jim scott, on Flickr that one is on flickr, if you can then it may be a photobucket plug in problem
  22. Looks like an interesting night ahead, the logs are stuck in chirk due to flooding between gobowen and shrewsbury, to top it off the baglan logs is 100+ late leaving hereford heading to chirk Its lashing down in crewe and im wondering if the carlisle logs will leave at all, (im on later wbq to carlisle) if not then the baglans will have to be recessed at crewe or wrexham for the night
  23. Give the body a rub down and coat of railmatch aerosol primer earlier, got a few bits to tidy up and once the paint is 100% dry i'll give it another rub down and a final coat of primer through the air brush, the main stumbling issue is the weather really! The primer has run a little bit, nothing on the bodyside but its pooled round the tumblehome in places so i need to rub them back, hopefully the 2nd coat of primer gia the airbrush at a lower pressure than a spray can will give me a nice finish Might try and fabricate an nrn pod out of plasticard for the roof too before the next coat, im sure mick can provide me with a decent pic via the thread
  24. complete with a 'fawlty towers' style kink in the steps at the top if your going into the yard managers office
  25. No issues here, they are uploaded to photobucket, so external hosting and ive never had any issues with it in the 8 years ive had my account There are a few flickr uploads on the previous page, can you see those? (ews 66 in kingmoor on the silver bullets being one of them)
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