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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. having uploaded that class 70 picture to flickr it wouldnt let me share/embed it unless i made it a public picture, also the album it is in is also public so anyone can view it, once i made the picture public it also put it in my photostream which i dont want to do as flickr is for my "artier" shots not day to day work pictures, gif's, memes etc so im going to have to have a look at another option, smugmug may be worth a nose at
  2. 32908751786_185d97f7e4_o by jim scott, on Flickr so i can embed from flickr but have to edit out all the clicky title nonsense from around the pictures (as i have done in the 2nd picture), although technically these are not a "embeded" as that didnt work, this is a "BBCode" picture
  3. the problem is despite them being 'only pictures' photo heavy threads such as my colas one are now defunct, ive got 11500 uploaded pictures on photobucket that i use purely for linking to forum threads, ok some are from long since finished and closed down forums and blogs but my colas thread alone on here is 169 pages long with thousands of pictures on chronicling the day to day workis of the modern railway, all pretty pointless without pictures really once my pics do go awol i'm going to lock the thread and start a new one when i find a new image hosting site and ive not even thought about at my layout and workbench threads yet
  4. ive done nothing, they dont seem to have dissapeared for me yet but other say they have gone but then came back! i sure hope whoever sanctioned the new t+c's is sitting in the photobucket office NOT watching the $399 rolling in as people simply walk away from the site, hopefully those who need to pay the full amount to keep current links open (business' for example) will bring in far less income than the masses who would have paid $30 a year to use the site as was it wouldnt be so bad if all previosuly uploaded pics were still accessable and viewable (i write this as mine currently are as i wait for the inevitable!)
  5. and a fresh upload to photobucket can anyone else see that coz i can
  6. lets see if this works from flickr https://www.flickr.com/gp/99503246@N05/00ur60
  7. They are probably still in my cache on my various devices hence why I can still see them Dutch master, yes that's what I'm getting but I just want to embed them, not doing a thread full of links! I'm sure I'll find something suitable in time, saying that I may well use the rmweb photo uploader for pics in my thread
  8. They haven't gone yet, just waiting for the fateful moment to happen!
  9. That's the only reason I used it, certainly never used a photo site to store my pics in case something like the current situation happened, hence why I'm not bothered about losing anything but when mine finally goes tits up there will be 11500 or so linked to pictures on various forums that no one will be able to see! The mobile app works beautifully on a phone in my experience, use it a hell of a lot for the stuff I take on my phone when I've not got my proper camera
  10. I'm giving Amazon prime photos a try, I'm a prime member as it is for my fire stick, music and deliveries etc so have unlimited storage Just need to see it works and get used to the user interface, so far I can only see how to post a link to a photo rather than embed https://www.amazon.co.uk/clouddrive/share/I6Z7RzyAWRxxZiQsEL0c0TWLOTlYzxB0sH0v2pUu1HF
  11. I've got all the originals so I'm not worried about losing anything personally but it means my thread will be defunct Time to look for another photo hosting site me thinks
  12. Oh dear, been a Photobucket premium user for 10 years, my pics are still showing on my thread (for me anyway) for now but I've got a horrible feeling my 168 page long photo heavy thread will be defunct soon!
  13. you know what your right there, not seen a175 in multi for a while! however my last train worked for arriva was a 10 car combo, 2x2 car and 2x3 car including 175110 in its 'ghost' livery
  14. Joking apart I did try and start a rumour within work that that was the plan for them to save on hotel bills
  15. Anyhoo let's lighten things back up....
  16. One of my former work mates, a Pakistani guy from small Heath in Birmingham helped me out one day while I was selling a car on eBay, I had an Asian buyer turn up then play dumb pretending he didn't understand me and tried to make out he would only pay such and such amount for the car, after a few minutes I gave amjad a ring and asked if he could help me out, put the phone on speaker, they had a conversation in Urdu and all of a sudden the guy could understand me perfectly Next day in work I saw amjad and thanked him for his help "yeah no problem jim, glad I could help , tell you one thing though Don't trust those Bradford 's" "Well I'm glad you said that and not me" was my reply (Filter has taken out a demeaning word for a Pakistani person)
  17. thats almost as bad as this.. a binman is doing his rounds and cant find the bin belonging to a chinese restaurant...... binman: where's your bin? owner: i bin hong kong binman: no, wheres your wheely bin? owner: i weely bin hong kong
  18. those were my locos on monday night out of derby im supposed to be learning 73s at some point so i can drive them on my own rather than just route conducting other drivers
  19. Not sure, it has been replaced by another unit down the Cambrian, I actually passed it near oakengates heading towards coleham
  20. Got that bit of a job finished today Derby This fascinates me in Washwood Heath, the history you can see in there is amazing, unfortunately it's not for me to take pics but I thought I'd share this with you as it doesn't show anything commercially sensitive Basically the 4ft has a narrow gaugevline laid in between the running rails, should imagine it used to go off to the stores or something for carrying components to the units they built there over the years Even mini points! I really should get some pics before they pull the place down
  21. I did wonder as I had in my head 'ready to plant' and the base does have a 'great British trains' look about it, shame its HO!
  22. erm ok, do we have to guess the scale and work out futher info for ourselves, googling RTP models just brings up videos of model planes flying 'round the pole' which isnt much help!
  23. id have a 2 car arriva unit personally, purely based on cost 175/180s have been on wish lists for years so im hoping something will come of your plan as they are both quite well spread units geographically on a personal note i used to drive 175s for fnw and arriva so they have been a 'want' for a long time
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