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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. Couple from today again while passing through crewe and Chester NMT waiting to head off to Newport Then in Chester, 67018 Keith heller on the arriva mk3 set, not driven that loco since my chiltern days
  2. I'm a railway professional and drive past signals day in, day out and know what each one means and how it relates to me and I still get confused between 'in advance' and 'in rear'! As long as I stop 'my side' of the red and not 'the signallers side' then all is good!
  3. dunno if you can call this a 'shed' but this is what was left of bescot diesel depot after they tore it down and began to replace it with the tin nissen hut structure you can see in the background
  4. slightly off topic sorry! very well explained simon, reading the first sentence jogged my memory to the differences, iirc "full" ERTMS is when the trains can automatically be kept appropriate distances apart via the in train equipment and control centre gubbins working together
  5. just a couple from today, busy on other matters this week but saw this while i was passing through crewe station this afternoon, an unbranded DRS 37422 with Caroline normal service will be resumed on saturday morning
  6. He's on about the poster to the left of the doorway which looks to have items for £2
  7. so whats the cambrian then? i understand the components such as etcs and the like making up the system but my training was called the 'ertms course' and as a driver i drive ertms fitted locos confused of crewe!
  8. Check out the reply below the tweet
  9. And this made me smile , a few ripe words but most beeped out https://youtu.be/XnRHF0zAsek
  10. Crying laughing at this, hope you non twitter users can see it, like something of father ted https://twitter.com/tadhgfleming/status/905176213227962368
  11. https://twitter.com/planegeek_x/status/905152322149462017
  12. Comedy mime show at the Garrick? Would that be Tapeface? if so I do want to see that as it looks brilliant
  13. spot on, thats the one i was thinking of, that SHOULD prove useful to a lot on here, proper back to basics stuff in plain english
  14. the synic in my recons he has highlighted his 'plight' as the last person to make the news when they were bowled waiting for scotsman got a pair of 1st class tickets on VTEC (or it may have well been on virgin airways thinking about it) just as well it wasn't an azuma unit or the daily mail headline may have read "japanese immigrant virgins head to the uk to humiliate elderly yorkshireman"
  15. bet he didnt need any laxatives when he lifted the toilet seat! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-41122975
  16. thats the one, not in the drivers rulebook anymore and i cant find it covered in any other section of the drivers rulebook only 'dumbed down' in that handbook edit: found the module but its aimed at signallers regards regulations rather than the principles of absolute block and for that reason the handy 'this is absolute block' diagrams are missing, still useful though if you like reading! https://www.rssb.co.uk/rgs/rulebooks/GERT8000-TS3%20Iss%206.pdf
  17. there used to be a really good section in the rulebook explaining semaphore signalling and things like station limits, home, section etc but im jiggered if i can find it now in the new on line book this may be of some use though, the current RSSB 'handbook' which has some useful info in it https://www.rssb.co.uk/rgs/rulebooks/RS521%20Iss%203.pdf
  18. Just 2 today, site driver at Hendon A 700 unit in the station And that's it!
  19. My layout has no signals, that's the easiest scenario! See enough of them in work to worry about them on the layout (yet!) When I was doing my driver training a couple of trainees were struggling with absolute block so we went to my attic layout and set up some old Hornby semaphore signals up to show station limits, absolute block section etc and moved trains past them replacing signals to suit, helped them out a lot to grasp the basics When it came to colour lights we just put some chocolate smarties next to the track and moved/eat them as a train past them
  20. Water themed, it was lashing down when I took this picture Next up how about 'new meets old'
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