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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. How about picking a suitable train and looking on real-time trains for it, it will show the intermediate station stops in blue and passing points in grey The only way I can think of without physically changing at new st would be gWr Plymouth to reading then an XC reading to Manchester service where you could actually alight at Coventry (Southampton airport services go that way I think, reading go via Tyseley) or continue onward to wolves or Stafford, stoke etc
  2. Am I reading it right as the person coming from Coventry is in a car and your on a train? Plymouth to new st trains tend to carry on to derby-Sheffield-Leeds-York Newcastle etc whereas anything to Manchester from there is ex reading or Southampton Stafford is a good option for the person coming by car (apart from the roadworks north of there on the M6) or crewe
  3. ‪New Doctor Who slammed as 'unrealistic' after showing working train between Sheffield and Manchester - http://bit.ly/2RChy5q via @newsthump‬ on twitter
  4. Thought it was about time to change it! Only one pic from today, 66715 on the Iport job this week Bought myself a digital SLR earlier too ready for the winter night time shots, gonna take a bit to get used to it as I’ve never had one before but hopefully I can get some decent shots with it to complement the iPhone pics
  5. i only discovered it was closing last week, another bit of my route card gone for good
  6. Some from yeaterday Rhtt in new st And into banbury to wait for 60095 which arrived on time And away to Doncaster, first stop Hatton loop Mmmmm shiny.... And into doncaster Nice signallers let me run so I got there 2 hours early!
  7. Madness in a good way for me https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F382577729826 Didn’t know this loco was so sought after?
  8. im pretty sure ive been sat outside hampton heading towards international while a unit has been waiting at the red to cross to one of the back platforms and i could read through to his signal and when he got the proceed aspect with feather but the PRI's didnt illuminate same in the opposite direction, as you come onto the straight after lea hall you can see right through towards marston green and if there is a unit in front you can see (as in make out) his PRI's up as far as your red but not 'your side' of it (and coventry from rugby direction) interesting your brief says not to treat the PRI being lit as not assuming the next signal is cleared, ive been doing the opposite, and telling my trainees, in particular approching banbury, running on greens, if the first PRI is not lit, expect the next signal (out of view) to be a minimum double yellow as the PRI is telling you the junction route, therefore no PRI lit = no route set across the jn
  9. Only took a couple yesterday Colas 56 in the RHTT in crewe And my loco of fthe Iport job after I took it off and moved it to decoy Day off today and 60095 move tomorrow oxford to Doncaster Interesting job Thursday too, watch this space!
  10. This was somewhere I never expected to be again, 3 1/2 years since I last took a coal train in to ratcliffe with Colas I’ve worked one back there with GBRf! Had another driver with me who needed conducting along the Erewash so I stayed on for a refresh into the power station so am good for that on my own in the future 66787 this time, under the massive floodlights at 06:30 this morning Iport job tomorrow
  11. Some from this morning Derby possession job with 66718, luckily I have a model of this one so won’t have to try and buy one! Colas RHTT On Toton Getting ready to depart And into derby Donny to ratcliffe in the morning with a coal train, not done that for a while and never thought I would again to be honest!
  12. It’s so nice not to be involved in any RHTT work this season, might get more than 2 weeks out of my overcoat now! Had I stayed with Colas I’d have been doing the north wales coast and Cambrian circuit as well as the one that runs to Worksop out of Toton, I was lined up to learn it when I handed my notice in
  13. Some from yesterday, Landor st to mountsorrel and then conduct a liner running round in duddeston Class 66 lurking in the trees in Saltley, first train I’ve seen in EMR for a long time Anglia 153 en route from Tyseley to Norwich 4 hours to get from Birmingham to mountsorrel! 2 hours of which were sitting waiting in humberstone road in Leicester (Wish I hadn’t sold my rake of IOA boxes now!) After that job it was back to hams hall to conduct a driver to duddeston to run round as the direct route out of hams is blocked following the derailment, 66767 doing the honours And while I waited for the taxi to get me home 59003 passed by https://youtu.be/zk7XW4Wcaak Last minute Job swap today, derby blockade turn
  14. As it happens, just waiting for my taxi at coleshill parkway.....
  15. Nice, slightly tongue in cheek ‘obituary’ courtesy of news thump (the last paragraph is a choker) http://newsthump.com/2018/10/01/geoffrey-now-above-the-streets-and-houses-forever/ As for the ‘twangers’ sketch, absolute classic, done as a gift/Christmas present for production crew apparently, was stuff of schoolyard folklore until YouTube bought it tontge world https://youtu.be/CgbcQIT7BMc How they keep a straight face is beyond me
  16. the problem nowdays being the LED signal heads are so bright there is no issue seeing the aspect from the phone location but 9 times out of 10 you cant see the signal number plate! class 60s are a pain for that, if you put them into engine only too quick after stopping it will drop the brake, if you dont notice and have got down to say change a set of hand points by the time you get back on board the gsm-r has sent a DSD alarm to the signaller and you can normally hear him/her over the speaker asking if you are ok, you have to pick the handset up and talk to them!
  17. If I did win it (I won’t as I won’t be entering) I’d keep it as it is, knowing my luck I’d mess it up if I tried to gloss it up!
  18. Marcus37 says he’s booked on it on Monday in his peakdale wood thread
  19. Didn’t manage any pics but today is defiantly oddball livery day in Doncaster, Roberts road shed has/had the following in there: Large logo Biffa Maritime London scenes (black) Cemex Original GBRf Europorte GBRf And a Colas 60 and green 08 to boot
  20. Another day at it, insulation in place and junk cleared out to the shed Being as the big stuff needed to go in the shed Its meant I’ve had to remove the door section of the layout so it’s no longer able to be used, I’ll eventually get round to packing up the trains at some point Electrican next for a first fit then plasterer quotes
  21. Just 2 from today Did a Toton to crewe and back ‘tripper’ 66735 this time Couple of 86s at sunset
  22. Saw plenty of accidents in your rear view mirror though
  23. Just had a look at my digital edition, that class 20, shame it’s not a gloss finish on it, the Matt look spoils it which is a shame as it looks a beggar to decal up!
  24. Ive suggested painting a loco to match!
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