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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. I heard they were boxed up in some wagons from the strategic reserve in box tunnel and hauled away by kestrel (In all seriousness I wasn’t aware of the class 14s in Spain until this thread)
  2. Very useful if it worked properly in the first place I’ve mentioned this scenario countless times in various ERTMS threads but I’ll put it again here As it stands now (ie cambrian ertms) on a 97 you can only input one set length for the different types of trains, passenger or freight so if input I’m a class 97 hauling a passenger train the system ‘assumes’ I have the default 12 coach train behind me, I cannot adjust that even if I have only 4 vehicles (such as on the NR test trains), similarly if I put I’m freight it will assume I have the default 10 vehicles behind me (even if I have 20, which has happened in the not too distant past) Herein lies the problem approaching a speed restriction the train has to be doing the restricted speed 100m before it, as bought down from line speed by the driver within the ‘speed hook’and once over the restriction it will not let you accellerate until 100m beyond the end of the restriction, so a 4 coach ‘passenger’ train going over say a 500m 10kph restriction has to be doing 10kph for 700m PLUS the system then counts 8 ‘invisible’ coaches over the restriction too making a 500m restriction something more like 800-850m long likewise a ‘freight’ with 20 auto hoppers will be told it’s clear of a restriction when I reality there could be 5-6 wagons still on it! It is a simple fix apparently by a quick rewrite of the software but no one seems keen implement it
  3. Some from today, China clay again crewe to carlisle, was expecting some rough weather over the s+c but it was glorious (mick reconed it was too wet to come out and see me at settle though!) DSLR pics today for a change Hellifield goods loop Arcrow quarry train passing through And into carlisle where is was indeed chucking it down minutes after I took this pic And home I went, iport job tomorrow and Friday
  4. lock lane near long eaton is a crossing that is down for an age, luckily it only goes to a golf course but is always busy coming from toton direction if i get a green at trent jn then signal protecting the crossing is off and the barrier is down, also he wont hold me at trent jn as the back end of my train blocks north erewash crossing too! out of interest the other week i timed from getting/seeing the green to the back end of my train going over the crossing and it was around about 8 minutes as i had to pull away from a stand with 1200 ton, 2200ft long intermodal train, 35mph line speed for 1/2 mile down to 10mph across the adverse cant across the MML line, 15mph once clear of that for about 300m, 1/4 mile further to the crossing then 2200ft of train to cross which for the majority will only be doing 15-20mph as i accelerate away from the 15mph restriction
  5. so grand centrals 180s are the first freight trains to be retro fitted, interesting, they will have to remove the shaftenberg coupling and replace with a hook and shackle and look forward to seeing them pulling biomass trains to sunderland very soon!
  6. not that im aware of apart from top and tail RHTT jobs, its not very often ive had to do it, that was probably only the 2nd or 3rd time if that
  7. interesting night to say the least! started off in landor st with the swindon to liverpool docks scrap train all was going well until i slipped to a stand in sutton coldfield due to severe railhead conditions, sat for a while before being collected by a local network rail manager and taken to bescot to collect a loco to rescue myself! which happened to be this, 66789 back to the train via a wrong direction move from aldrich (about 5 mile), coupled up, into multi and thankfully able to get away and all the way off to liverpool had to wait for a biomass train to leave though backed the train into the scrap terminal and shut them down for someone else to collect taxi to lime st where there is a mock up of the new stadler mersey rail unit you can have a look inside, very smart indeed and a panorama pic of the new platforms at lime st S+C tomorrow with the china clay
  8. hang on a minute, this is next weekend, i was convinced it was this one just gone i can make it after all on saturday morning, im doing the iport job on friday night then driving up to the caravan saturday morning and have to pass the front of legends to get to the main road, be rude not to do a left really (and its payday friday too!)
  9. You won’t regret it! I’ve collected £175 so far since September just by going through the cashback site when renewing my home care agreement, buying through ebay etc
  10. I was gonna order a few of those MJA wagons from Hattons Sale but resisted, not worked any yet. still umming and ahhhing over getting a rake of silver bullets as that’s a regular job for me, called in the tutbury jinny model shop on my way to work today as he had some in the other week for £30 a piece but he’d sold em, I have found another place with them for <£30 each but it’s not payday til next Friday so must resist Dont sign peak forest! I thought you would have been begging to get that signed off (after iport of course!)
  11. Have I missed something? My pics have been here all along and have no watermark on them (but I am a paying member) All the pics in my various threads are hosted via photobucket, I assume no one is seeing a watermark on them either
  12. One from yesterday, Landor st to mountsorrel and back with a stone train And today warrington to Landor st with a cement train 323 unit New and old livery voyagers Bin liner passing through My train arriving in And into Landor st Iport job tomorrow but only from decoy to the iport and back to Roberts road! Bit of variety next week with a scrap train Landor st to Liverpool docks (I’m looking at you mr Delamar!) and the tanks over the s+c again as well as a couple of trips to iport
  13. The best thing about this thread is when it says the latest poster is you nidge as you can guarantee the picture will be an absolute gem of a shot of either a celeb or an unsung member of staff just going about their job back in ‘the olden days’ It’s always my go to when I see you’ve posted something new
  14. i thought it was the lovechild of C3-P0 and R2-D2
  15. Kids and wife went trick or treating as the IT crowd! So proud of of them both especially as this afternoon was their grandads funeral and the eldest was one of the pall bearers for him!
  16. Time off work! You could have been learning iport this week give me a break from it, saying that I’m 2 days Landor to mountsorrel this week Building is looking good too
  17. The box at the north end of Basford hall is S.S North which is ‘sorting sidings’ I took a road learner there before I left Colas for him to have a look at some of the moves one of which displays an ‘E’ in the stencil indicator which the signaller questioned us on, asking me what I thought it meant, “East” was what I thought but he corrected me and explained it was the “Electric line” and it was from prior to the whole yard being electrified it was the only electrified line leading toward crewe station/south shed
  18. Interesting, I was told it was no longer mandatory for drivers going to and from locos etc but the Shunters still wore them on the ground (along with hard hat/bumpcap and a particular type of glove
  19. The track in Basford hall I s shocking though, it must be bad if they have a dedicated retailing team based there! I thought the eye protection rule had been dropped after complaints it was actually causing more risk than good?
  20. There is a sign outside Basford hall saying ‘Britain’s biggest LDC’ (load delivery centre), ground coverage though I’d say carlisle is a lot bigger end to end but with far less roads (and less complicated) Work wise Basford hall is also the busiest yard to work in, followed by bescot then Toton (north yard and bank sidings) then Hinksey and a long way down the list carlisle, Carlisle is the only one where you do your own uncoupling and running round too Doncaster decoy and Belmont are pretty busy too but I do very little in and out of those Never ever done any of the warrington yards despite signing past them for all my career!
  21. And it’s goodbye from 66749 for this week, fuelled and dropped into a stone train hopefully for me not to see for a long time! Back in on Thursday to mountsorrel
  22. That would have been westbury loop, long gone, taken up during RETB signalling changes I seem to remember reading Not even looked at the dsl-r yet!
  23. The old Yorkshire engine place, the building is still there and being used as an engineering works but no tracks any more, they were there during my fastline days (2010) but gone by the time I started going back up there with Colas (2013) I also vaguely remember the place in the 80s and remember sometimes passing it and sometimes not on the way to doncaster but it wasn’t until I started driving up there I realised it was on the thyborough loop so if you went via swinton you missed seeing it
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