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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. I think We as a group are just trying to lighten the mood a bit, I don’t think it’s like anyone has forgotten why we are in the mess we’re in, yes we’re all worried (I hope), I’m lucky, I’m in a fairly stable position work and health wise but one slip up and I could be laid up for months unable to work and that worries me, my dad is elderly, as is my step dad, I’ve been ringing them to see they are ok as I can’t go and see them, if I sat here all doom and gloom worrying about the future I’d probably go mad, and although some of the positives on here may sound trivial to some, to others they may be significant milestones, my stupid ‘milestone’ this weekend was cutting the grass and weeding the driveway, I normally pay someone to do my lawns once a month but for the first time in 3 years I got the mower out and did it myself and quite enjoyed it, so much so it spurred me in to do the driveway, that has now got me looking at other housework that needs to be done none of which I’ve had the faintest interest in doing when I could have procrastinated elsewhere away from the house
  2. Only a few from today, pleased to say not many photographers about for such a fine day, couple on the stenson branch, one of whom was there to catch me on film in both directions in 2 different places 4 hours apart, hardly an essential trip! Bescot, Drax 60 Newly named 66175 “rail riders express” see below for details of the relaunched club https://www.railriders.club 66715 again today Toton Interestingly on my way in to work this morning I passed a 9F, 92212 and it’s tender on a couple of low loaders on the M6, not something you see every day!
  3. It managed to get to the top of the drive without breaking down then? (im just jealous, I’ve always wanted a TVR Griffith) notice it’s got a Cheshire number plate too, was it originally from graham Walker in Chester?
  4. big jim

    Panic buying

    The beauty of having a ring video doorbell, we had something taken the other week off the step, person in question denyed it, showed them the video and it was returned
  5. Silver lining.......No one had mentioned brexit for weeks
  6. hopefully my commute down the M6 to work in the morning will be a quiet one!
  7. big jim

    Panic buying

    we started using a milkman about a year back, people scoffed and said it was easier and cheaper to go the supermarket, those same people now are unable to join his delivery round as he is also too busy ours delivers about 02:00-0300 normally
  8. big jim

    Panic buying

    You could always 3D print a new wife when she finds out
  9. For the money they go for now they are a good car, gutted to have had to get rid of mine after 4 years but it was starting to cost money with major bits going such as the drive shaft and injectors its been sold to a college for the students to practice basic mechanics and bodywork on and they intend to get it through its MOT and sell it on for a profit Enjoying its replacement though, the Touareg, no go in it at all, 2.5 diesel, even with the superchip bluefin running its so slow off the mark compared to the Murano, nice and comfy though
  10. Back to the shed after a couple of months hiatus, I decided to crack on with bit more woodwork before hopefully fixing down the remaining low level tracks later in the week Enabling me to fix the high level bits I place first up was the mill area with its narrow gauge line, it was going to be a return loop but I’ve had another idea which means the line can run round as a complete loop I’m not sure whether to raise the back (Lighter piece of wood) higher up, only about 2-3cm to make the mill split level, I’m thinking it may give me a bit more work though The bit I’m going to add is a triangle on one edge of the loop (going to be fun to wire up) 2 separate lines dropping down to a single lead to the low level I’m going to extend the baseboard out along the rear wall, so the narrow gauge line can run down on a curve alongside the ‘heritage line’ couple of mock up pics, YEO waits for the road toward the mill as Bridget heads light engine the opposite way Bridget heads down the incline as Yeo heads into the mill and then the fun bit, using tillig dual gauge track I’m going to get the 2 gauges to join together across the rear wall it can then split back apart on the opposite side of the layout where the narrow gauge line can continue round in a loop and the standard gauge line can stop at a dead end The other week I picked up these Noch viaducts from Bryan (howes models) when I called round to see him Which fit nicely in the cut away bit in front of the iron bridge without obscuring it
  11. Never heard them called that, the only variation I know of was DBS (driving brake standard) they will always be known as dibso’s though
  12. Way ahead of you..... Just done a Hayes to acton yard aggregate trip!
  13. Which is what we did on the way out of the possession this afternoon
  14. As a result of the corona virus threat Dagfields craft village where trident trains is based has decided to close for the foreseeable future (apart from the very good farm shop) therefore richard can’t open to the public at the moment HOWEVER he is still on site and is offering a mail order service, items can be ordered on the website http://www.tridenttrains.co.uk/index.php but if you want to speak to Richard about any aspects of an order or maybe there is something not on the website he may have in stock then he is on site the following days: wed, thur, fri 10:00-16:30 Trident can be contacted on 01270 842400 Below are some of the brands trident stock please support your local business’
  15. I think most companies have put a no road learning, conducting, single man in cab policy in place at the moment, ok, there will be times when someone needs to travel or come to the cab to speak to you, last night for example the NR picop and engineering supervisor needed to speak to me which I did out on the platform at a (hopefully) safe distance I was wondering about the taxi thing last night as I had to take one from site to bescot and will do later, I’d hope that the relevant companies we use through a 3rd party biking company have something in place, the bigger companies like Addison Lee have put out emails saying what they are doing to help prevent the spread and what they would like customers to do to co-operate but the smaller local ones I’ve not seen anything or been asked to wash my hands, sanitise before I get in the taxi (we have hand wipes on the locos) unfortunately at the moment there is that culture of ‘what a bloody joke’ about the precautions I place but I personally have been a lot more careful with personal hygiene the last few weeks (that makes me sound like a right dirty sod) but I am washing hands more, in the cab I’ll wipe down the hard surfaces I’ve touched before I get off etc and the next driver gets on (similarly do it when I get on incase the driver before didn’t do the same) scary times
  16. big jim

    Panic buying

    funnily enough I was thinking of going to B&Q later today for a few sheets of ply to crack on with the layout as I’ve got 4 rest days coming up next week, combine it with a trip to trident trains for some track too popped into crewe’s newest petrol station earlier which is also a Sainsbury’s express to grab some flowers for my wife for Mother’s Day from the kids, managed to pick up a pack of loo roll too, I don’t know which she will be more happy to receive in the morning as it was starting to get a bit desperate here!
  17. hand signals from the coach.......’left at this junction’ anyway just 2 from tonight, possession job to Tyseley, 66747 (66715 on the rear), a long train made up of falcons, coal fish, oba, salmon, 1900ft and 1800 tons worth! 66747 In Walsall at a signal check and after being relieved at Tyseley bringing it back off site later today to bescot
  18. as is 14 looking the opposite way towards Kingsbury jn
  19. big jim

    Panic buying

    As opposed to movements in many British toilets!
  20. Tell you what, once the corona panic is over if you want to fly my wife and myself out to Australia for a few weeks so she can sort it for you by exorcising the place then feel free!
  21. My 15yr old is gutted, he does a fine rendition of the gambler on the karaoke, along with Johnny cash and Waylon Jennings he was one of his fave artists of all time he picked a fine time to leave us!
  22. Only took a couple of pics last night, due to the risk from corona virus me and the conductor driver weren’t allowed to be in the same cab so we ended up with someone who like me signed part of the route but not the other and vice versa so we just drove our respective bits and sat in the DBSO when not required, we did however make sure we were opposite ends during the turn back moves in Sandhills to save walking down the track next to the 3Rd rail which neither of us like doing! we had 37612 which I’ve not had for a while Sandhills ormskirk it also went to Kirkby and newton le Willows and back to crewe where I got off, ballast tonight on the line to Stratford upon Avon
  23. All I’m seeing is the orange cant rail stripe there is however an orange conduit from the cab to above the 4 air intake Grilles running along the cant rail though
  24. Few from last night, trafford park first up was a trip to Birmingham to get my train, spookily quiet! stafford Rush hour new st Trafford park IM tonight around Liverpool, due to the corona virus there are measures in place to keep drivers protected so I’m only driving part of the job then sitting in the train until required later in the turn, better safe than sorry!
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