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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. can we all clap for Andy at 8pm? (he is our carer after all)
  2. personally I think he put his point of view, which is shared by others, across perfectly Don’t you find it In any way patronising for that very reason, you don’t get any thanks in ‘normal’ times but now people have realised you actually make a difference without a demanding a parade in your honour at the end of every working day they are being guilt tripped into making you feel appreciated? As I put in the other page it’s not the whole clapping of the NHS I don’t get, nice sentiment I guess but now it’s decided it’s a movement encompassing just about anyone who can justifiably be allowed out to work outside of lockdown, that in one fell swoop had just watered down the whole concept One positive to come out of all this is I hope those with ‘sheep mentality’ will realise just who are the important people in the world, not the kardashians, Beyoncé, YouTube influencers, over paid footballers and pop stars but those who get on with real work without fuss and those fellow family members who have had to sacrifice a lot the last few weeks and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future
  3. As I say I quite liked it but it really needs another gear and the seat to go lower, I do prefer the old shape one too i had a look last night and you can get the sporty one for around £3-£4K now about 3 years old which is really good value we too have a dealer 500m away
  4. I’m going to lift a couple of post I did in another thread and put them here as it’s more appropriate........ Am I alone in thinking this but is this whole clapping business a bit pointless? don’t get me wrong the NHS workers are doing a fantastic job, going above and beyond but now it’s apparently turned into a weekly let’s clap everyone else event, delivery drivers, shop workers, bin men, train drivers even, somewhat diluting the original sentiment no doubt we will see people trying to outdo each other on a weekly basis With the most outlandish salute as lockdown continues then when the virus is contained and life goes back to normal and people are allowed out or EastEnders is back on at 8pm it will soon be forgotten about and people will be complaining about how long it takes to see their GP I’m a long way down the pecking order when it comes to ‘key workers’, I’m doing my bit to keep things moving, I don’t feel like I deserve to have praise thrust at me for simply doing my job in the safest possible way to keep a roof over my families head clapping the real heroes on the front line, yes clapping an overweight train driver, no
  5. Having had a look, it’s a 1.5 of some description from top gear mag.... It’s a 1.5-litre petrol, with 105bhp and 101lb ft. 0-62mph in 10.4 seconds, which is competitive with rivals. On paper, all is well.On the road, though, all is not well. This engine is a dog. The torque curve is peaky so you’ve got to rev it to feel like you’re making any sort of progress. And as soon as you do that, it gets harsh and raspy.It’s not even especially eco. Combined fuel economy is 48.7mpg and emissions are 136g/km. When 3-Series saloons are trundling around with under 110g/km, that is seriously poor.
  6. I’m a long way down the pecking order when it comes to ‘key workers’, I’m doing my bit to keep things moving, I don’t feel like I deserve to have praise thrust at me for simply doing my job in the safest possible way to keep a roof over my families head clapping the real heroes on the front line, yes clapping an overweight train driver, no sorry, anyway this is supposed to be a funny thread, apologies for the divert normal service will be resumed soon
  7. Am I alone in thinking this but is this whole clapping business a bit pointless? don’t get me wrong the NHS workers are doing a fantastic job, going above and beyond but now it’s apparently turned into a weekly let’s clap everyone else event, delivery drivers, shop workers, bin men, train drivers even, somewhat diluting the original sentiment no doubt we will see people trying to outdo each other on a weekly basis With the most outlandish salute as lockdown continues then when the virus is contained and life goes back to normal and people are allowed out or EastEnders is back on at 8pm it will soon be forgotten about and people will be complaining about how long it takes to see their GP
  8. Did a bit more earlier in the week but got increasingly frustrated by the corner and viaduct area, ran a few ideas around in my head then earlier went in with a fresh head and reconstructed the area to give me a lot more room (without losing too much floor space to walk past) First up I thought of widening the top board that originally I cut back narrower same on the opposite side to make the castle area slightly wider I then hit upon the idea of making the castle area a lot bigger using the wood I was going to put the other side of the viaduct drop And with a board placed roughly at the right height you can see how much more room I have for the various bridges over the valley, I may well order another ‘ironbridge’ to make it double width I have ordered a noch curved viaduct section so the existing stone viaduct can have a radius 1 curved section at the centre or one end the other thing I’m hoping is Now the tracks that will eventually cross the doorway are all on the same level I may be able to fit a hinged section rather than a removable one in the doorway
  9. Slight thread drift, had one of the new generation MG as a hire car yesterday MG3 Been looking forward to getting this car since I got the confirmation earlier in the week, first impression, Obviously built to a budget but not too bad to be fair, don’t know what petrol engine it has but it went well enough, not break neck acceleration but got to 70 quite nippily, bit noisy on the motorway at 70, probably could do with a 6 speed box internally, not bad again, plasticky with some sort of burbury check in sliver across the dash, the seating position was too high for my liking, the guy who took it off me is about 6”8’ so I don’t know how he got on in it! Decent radio, DAB, apple CarPlay etc but the heating controls were a bit strange, you can only see what Heat and blower setting you are set to via the screen meaning you have to twiddle your knob to get the display to show the info probably worth a look at again in the future for a 2nd or 3rd hand one When values have dropped to bangernomics levels, also be interested to try the sport version (hoping the seat will be lower!)
  10. Same job again tonight but only one way, will be heading back south on Saturday morning now HST passing saltley Double headed freightliner heading into landor st And parked up in Trafford park til Saturday
  11. https://www.hattons.co.uk/66909/lima_l205279_class_50_50021_rodney_in_br_large_logo_blue/stockdetail.aspx 50021 “Dave” for sale at hattons too!
  12. looking at a couple of points you raise.... i thought all of us who have bought one or six of these models would like at some point to know if the little niggles are going to be corrected? the issue regarding the light problem on some locos answered with a no we can’t fix it, sorry the im not buying one yet boys will never be if he says no we are just leaving it as it is on all counts certainly true in my case, well until they end up in the bargain bin as spares or repair anyway! Hattons dont sell Bachmann anymore do they,one wonders why lots of speculation over the how’s and why’s if you can be bothered looking we just need radial steering on the model now,any chance Dave. i hope that’s tongue in cheek, seems the model can’t go in a straight line without a wobble yet alone Get the centre axle to steer round corners!
  13. Sad news, 1980s comedy legend Eddie large has died of Coronavirus https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-52136768 Didn’t recognise him in the first picture on the BBC website
  14. and it’s posts like that which make manufacturers, shop owners, knowledgeable people say “sod it, I’m not posting on RMWeb any more” im no apologist for hattons or Dave by any means, I’ve no financial or commercial interest in hattons, but maybe, just maybe, and again I’m not using the current worldwide situation as an excuse but perhaps he has bigger fish to fry than sitting in front of a computer Screen attempting to type answer a question he does not know the answer to himself just to appease a few people, cut him some slack!
  15. Couple from Tuesday waiting at landor st for my train, colas 70 passed by complete with new logos 66781 on my train Got relief at Tamworth instead of nuneaton
  16. big jim

    Panic buying

    i’m monitoring my weight too, lost a few lb already
  17. big jim

    Panic buying

    move been making sure I fill my car at the Birmingham/Walsall end of my commute as it’s almost 10p cheaper than the stations in crewe it will be interesting to see how much less I spend this month running just one car for work (that hasn’t moved this week as I’ve got hire cars), then no McDonald’s, no greggs, no eating out, no non essential shopping etc no doubt the electricity and gas bills will rise as there are now 3 people at home during the day who need feeding and heating (even though I sneakily turn the Hive heating down when I’m out!)
  18. big jim

    Panic buying

    Having just googled it it does look tasty! we got something similar from Nantwich food festival last year I think, like a chilli jam here are a couple of twitter things that made me chuckle the last couple of weeks
  19. big jim

    Panic buying

    I haven’t got a clue what that is, I’m more of a birds eye potato waffle kinda guy!
  20. big jim

    Panic buying

    I should imagine there would be quite a few husbands would rather be sat in a ‘partner crèche’ than be dragged round the shop
  21. @montyburns56 do you have locations for your pics above, I know the first one is crewe but I can’t place the rest
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