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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. BMW mini are notorious for it too, if it isn’t the reservoir It the pressure release cap that goes faulty my mini one has a normal coolant reservoir with a non pressurised lid, but my cooper S has a pressurised system In it, the reservoirs on them fail by splitting along the centre seam lots of companies do aftermarket metal ‘racing’ reservoirs but they want over £100 for a decent one for the cooper
  2. You must shop in the same place as Newbryford
  3. I watched ‘4 Kids and it’ on sky movies over the weekend, a modern take on the old E Nesbit book set in modern times it’s supposed to take place in Cornwall and at one point the kids run away and have to return to Cornwall, the filming took place in Ireland (Wexford) so the train they catch is actually an ‘enterprise’ service, don’t now which station it’s filmed in though
  4. Politeness works both ways the twitter user simply put a picture of his NSE branded unit (or could possibly be NSE ‘inspired’ branding), I don’t know if ‘network south central’ existed within NSE, only to be told bluntly by someone supposedly within the NSE society that the branding is copyright! stupid thing is this has really bothered me today, Worried that aspects of future modelling will be affected by individuals/groups/societies whoever buying up out of copyright liveries, logos, designs etc to make a quick buck, if they don’t get however much they want for a company to use their copyrighted livery then it won’t get produced and we all lose out I’m sure something similar happened in the past with ‘in copyright’ EWS livery elements which meant there was a shortage of ‘official’ decals for ages as none were getting produced
  5. that’s what I thought hence why I started the thread, it seemed at first read that the NSE society were coming down hard on an individual modeller for showing his NSE branding on his own model on Twitter it appears to me now that it it was a member of said society trying to be a mouthpiece and was corrected by a person with more authority, (that’s how I see it anyway) I totally get the making money out of a logo position, I had to get permission from colas to get some decals made for some models (class 67 or 70 iirc) when I worked for them and they were keen to make sure I only had the correct number made for my own use with a few spare livery elements incase of errors
  6. what would happen to a Transfer company Who already has a stock of transfers made under an old agreement? And say I painted a loco in NSE livery and decided to sell it on eBay as surplus to requirement, or indeed decided to sell my Bachmann NSE thumper unit could they get the listing pulled?
  7. Put the wood down for the middle level of tracks, corked it and laid the tracks The high level line can go over the top on a single track steel bridge The branch line can continue up and over the mainline to a small station overlooking the gorge, I’m going to cut the board back along the blue line then when I eventually do the scenery I will have a big drop down from the station to the gorge bottom, the heritage and narrow gauge line will come out of either a pair or single tunnel portals through the rock face below the station I may set the viaduct up with the curved bit in the middle As in the picture so when it exits on the left hand side the bridge will be facing the mainline tracks so I can fit the curve in to come back over the door section
  8. Don’t know what to make if this really, a twitter member has put some pics up of some work he has done on some network south east models, Only to be singled out by the Network south east society...note the reply below the initial post... the link to the NSE society website is below https://www.nsers.org/trademark.html as I say I genuinely don’t know what to make of it but seems from other tweets too that you have to ask to seek permission from the society to use the logos if you intend to make a profit from your models, similarly those transfer producers who already make NSE transfers will have to ask for permission from now on too see this further tweet
  9. Laid the track along the rear wall of the layout ready for when I fix the high level boards down on that side of the layout The middle line is going to be raised slightly to differentiate it from the heritage line that will run in the inside Remade the dropped section for the long stone viaduct to span Imagination time again, dual gauge track over the viaduct Standard gauge heading over the viaduct while the narrow gauge waits And over the other side And the narrow gauge heads over the viaduct
  10. Just a couple from this morning, rugby back to bescot 66759 this time, another first time loco for me
  11. they also do the livery elements for it too, I’m looking for another donor loco to do that one at some Point (is 66731 suitable?) regards the hattons loco, I’ve dug out my lenz controller so may give it go later (it’s not chipped but I’ll see if it wobbles)
  12. That’s not all of them, 2 more GBRF, fastline, shanks and DRS are in other cabinets!
  13. glad I never got swept up in ‘the hype’ when these were announced and kept my Bachmann 66s, even with the hattons one sat amongst their midst they still certainly look more than acceptable
  14. Well that was like pulling teeth!
  15. 3rd picture down looks like Phil Daniels on the loco footplate! parklife!
  16. Ive just got this image of the person who took the picture stood in the window for hours staring Suspiciously at the bin “jean.....jean....come an’ ‘ave a look at this, the bins floating!”
  17. well it’s turned up and I’ve just opened it with some trepidation, very very disappointed, no rattles from the box, every single rotating axle box still attached, number plates in a straight line, and no glue marks! i can’t test it yet to see if it wobbles but initial impressions visually is it looks a stunner, let’s hope when I eventually run it (and fit sound) I don’t find any issues now what can I moan about instead ok, truth be told one nameplate was wonky but unlike carefree’s model above the nameplate slid back into position under my finger and there were no glue marks so I suspect it’s fixed with tape?
  18. glue marks aside, those are truly awful looking nameplates!
  19. Post No1, picture 3, first idea stolen for my layout! I was wondering how to model the main entrance to the lower level station, I take that is the scalescenes modern station building?
  20. Don’t know why I’ve woken up at this ungodly hour, it’s most likely coz I’ve been on lates/nights earlier in the week and my body clock has gone to pot, been awake for about an hour, nice dawn chorus that just as I typed was interrupted by a couple of canada Greece honking as they flew over the house! working later, rugby to bescot with a returning empty Ballast then hams hall to crewe light engine with 66783 ‘biffa’ going to try and get back to sleep for a few more hours
  21. I don’t think it is, the puddle is just tricking your eye into thinking it is, have a look zoomed in without the puddle
  22. Just consciously heard the first plane fly over the house for weeks, (Dallas to Frankfurt Boeing 777 at 39000ft) being on the flightpath for both Manchester and Liverpool depending on the wind direction you tend to zone out normally but this morning was the opposite! also slept with the Window open and no taxis passing on the nearby main road into town at pub/club chucking out time, nice dawn chorus going on at the moment the boys camped out last night in the back garden in Their tent, couldn’t quite manage to pitch it far enough Away from the 2 plugs ive got in the garden so they could plug their phones and handheld consoles in, the eldest (15) came in at 03:30 claiming it was raining and cold and was going to his own bed so we decided to bring the youngest in too for safety, he was out like a light and the tent was lovely and warm with the 2 duvets they had in there, I should have just stayed out there and gone to sleep myself
  23. unfortunately I’m not on Facebook but I’ve seen the YouTube channel you should start a thread on here (so I can nick some of your ideas for my layout!
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