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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. I’ve just been telt off on WhatsApp! I can call him many things but not a Yorkshireman
  2. The problem you get with coming down Whalley bank with the bogie cement wagons is if you flick the brake in to keep the speed under control you lose 15mph no matter how quick you release it because the brakes are so sharp on them going up the bank is a pain if you get stopped at whalley, I tend to hold back at the distant then when it goes green floor it, you can then pass the section signal at some sort of speed Not so bad with a 60, you can stop at whalley and go of it, for those who don’t know the area, this is whalley and that bank goes for about 3 miles, it’s that slow up there sometimes that Newbryford could actually come out into his back garden and pass me a cup of tea but being a tight Yorkshireman he’s not done it yet but I have seen the teabags drying on his washing line
  3. At least it’s not fishplates and track pins or you could be waiting a while! seriously though, hope all goes well for you
  4. I do go clitheroe now and again (for my sins) and pass by arcrow, could do with a refresh of the s+c though, not sure I could show anyone anything though, have you had problems up there?
  5. I totally agree with you on that, as you know I’ve got 2 of the original BMW monstrosities on my drive and regularly get brand new ones as hire cars and I find there is no more room in a 2020 model than in my 2003 one, bigger pillars, more airbags, seats etc, mine is still more than capable of taking myself and my dad without rubbing shoulders my brother in law used to work for rover at longbridge in the offices, when BMW took over he moved to Cowley on the design team for the new mini convertible, dodging a bullet when they shut that place down, my sister ended up as production line manager at cowley, they now live out in LA where he works for space X
  6. Didn’t notice the spots on it! just one from tonight, got off at Stoke tonight as it worked out better for both me and my relief same job tonight but I may have to go through to nuneaton with it
  7. but not the tiny bit between landor st and St. Andrews jn, they come from grand jn towards it out of new st
  8. Who did they get to do the voice, jethro? just needs a “train don’t stop cambourne Wednesday” and it would be complete!
  9. no, I don’t want it, just sharing the love
  10. Some from last night, trafford park again unusual sight of a voyager heading up the camp hill line from landor st, it was an ecs from central rivers to Bristol my train, change of loco this week, 66710 Trafford park planned to get relief in crewe this morning as the other driver also lives here, got to cheadle Hulme only to get flashing yellows to send me via Stoke, avoiding crewe completely, lesson No1, always read your diagram! Luckily he got to stafford way before me and we swapped there! when I got back to crewe I thought I’d grab a pic if this, as it’s something I’m not likely to see again (until tomorrow morning maybe!), apart from the police vehicles on the left the station car park was totally empty! same job again tonight
  11. my trip to work along the M6 in both the morning or evening peak has reduced by a good 20 minutes at the moment, with another 10 mins off that again in the morning for not going via maccy Ds for a breakfast!
  12. I wish I’d bought some GBRf ones when they were available! spotted this in the bargain bit too, Bachmann weathered green 47 £86.55 (but it does say call us to check availability) https://www.kmsrailtech.co.uk/4mm-diesel-electric/68-class-470-47256-br-green-full-yellow-ends-tops-weathered-803393042837.html
  13. So why Etruria? was It the place to bail to get the connection back to crewe with another pair of 20s?
  14. Well put adb I would like to think in a world filled with rainbows and lolly pop trees that those who are buying more than one model may be doing it to buy for friends and family, work colleagues etc but sadly I suspect in some cases it’s to try and turn a profit on the ‘extras’ if you weren’t an enthusiast and not aware of the model, when we come out of the crisis you may by chance come across one on eBay or facebook etc while scrolling for something else, decide you like the look of it and buy it at an Unknowingly inflated price which is probably what the sellers are banking on, let’s hope that when some do appear for inflated prices the sellers are stuck with them (in a similar way to those who bought toilet roll and hand sanitizer to profit are now stuck with them!) all speculation of course
  15. is that a young(er) ‘Ged’ on the platform stood in front of the waiting room to the right with a Tesco bag?
  16. top marks to railtec for that gesture
  17. Close enough! (I knew I’d spelt it wrong when I posted it) ive got to set my numark USB deck back up so I can convert a stack of Vinyl I’ve got sat here to MP3
  18. 1210s now we’re talking! Are those autofon stylus?
  19. Only one from this morning, possession Sit on at Stonebridge Park, 66730 up front
  20. This bridge has been mentioned a few times but no pic in the thread, I was in a possession job this morning at Stonebridge Park so had to drive under it to get to site near the Ace Cafe, north London
  21. And more ideas to steal, sorry, borrow!
  22. I really need to get Doms VR set up in the mancave at some point, I’ve got to get the woodwork finished on the layout so I can clear all the off cuts of wood out of the floor space I’ve got a copy of pilot wings VR still sat sealed up that I’ve not had a chance to play on it
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