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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. bit slow there nidge, I photted it a couple of months back and put a picccie up in the ‘modern classics’ thread unsurprisingly being a rover it’s someone @russ p knows!
  2. Weigh in time, today I’m 19.1 Stone so a loss of 2.5lb this week and a total loss of 3st 6lb since mid feb By 9 o clock this morning I’d already reached my 30 min exercise goal after the ride from Tyseley to new st and the station to home (6 mile + ) and I’ve got to do it again tonight in the opposite direction so a good 12-13 mile covered today, not going for a run as I’m about to have a sleep but I will tomorrow, nothing major just 5k I recon got a massage roller off someone to try, blimey it hurts but in a good way!
  3. Just 3 from last night, the 196s ran as planned, 006 last night on its first ever run out tyseley Stafford Crewe same again tonight
  4. big jim

    On Cats

    Nicola has decided she does like the bed after all
  5. Had a good run earlier with my work colleague around the park as well as a ride to the station and Tyseley weigh in day tomorrow and have kept within my weight watchers points every day so am confident of a bit of a weight loss it was nice to have a running buddy earlier who has trained all his life as he knew when to slow down and have a power walk and a stretch etc, and he didn’t speed off too fast! There was also a warm up and cool down walk as well as walking to basford hall and riding to the station which add another 4.5 mile to the total but below are the main 2 exercise sessions I did today got the ride back to new at in the morning and the station to home so that will be another 6 mile before weigh in time!
  6. Just a couple from this morning on my walk back to the car at basford hall 196 testing tonight unless cancelled, if it is then I’m likely to be on the small Heath ballast again
  7. Monday was defiantly a rest day from exercise….. i did plan on cycling to basford hall at 23:00 but it was lashing it down so didn’t fancy it and took the car instead hence the last little bit of movement at almost midnight walking from the car park to the signal! ive got a running partner tomorrow, one of my ex trainee drivers who is lodging in crewe, said he’d come for a jog round the park, he’s actually an ex professional rugby player who played for Cardiff before retiring and becoming a train driver! hea also going to get me into snap fitness on another evening so I can sample some of the core training equipment they have and see if it’s for me
  8. I’m trying to get a run in every other day but I had 3 days off it the end of last week (and I actually missed it!) however I then ended up walking a fair bit around central London at the weekend to and from euston to the hotel and the hotel to the theatre and back etc (6 miles over 2 days) i am pretty much using the bike every day though, I don’t put myself under any particular strain while on it when I’m riding to and from the station, the 2.5 mile just warms me up nicely I recon and gets mu heart pumping nicely regarding work this week, as I say I won’t be using the bike tomorrow then I have 3 days of using it to and from Tyseley and Friday is also a non bike day as I have a hire car, I’ll most likely try and do a short run on Tuesday (2 mile maybe) then a longer one on Friday as I’ll be asleep most of the day after my night shift, roll on annual leave next week!
  9. I had about 1/2 litre of water on the run then when I got back after the cool down walk and stretches I had another litre or so (2 pints) pretty much straight away tomorrow is defiantly a rest day from running and the job in on I won’t be using the bike so hopefully a fairly easy day to recover there is an outdoor gym in the park with various bits of equipment for core strength training, I’ll have to see if there is any monkey bars there, haven’t noticed any but I’m sure I can find something to swing from!
  10. big jim

    On Cats

    Nicola has decided she doesn’t want to use her comfy bed and sleep in a bag of books!
  11. Thanks for all the kudos on strava dave! as you probably know I signed up for the 10k challenge as you did so I thought I’d try it sooner than later in the month, again set the goal and thought I’d have a go as far as I felt comfortable doing but I got to an hour and thought we’ll I’m 2/3 of the way to 10k I may as well keep going! back started to hurt again at about 4 miles this time but I slowed down to a walk for a short distance and stretched a bit before carrying on, it came back on the cool down walk and stretch though, just had a hot bubbly bath to relax my muscles too! next week is looking like a decent week cycling, 3 trips to and from the station and new st to Tyseley and back (approx 20 miles) maybe another wolves to bescot ride (9 miles) as I quite enjoyed that one and I’ll try and get a few shorter runs in too
  12. Well I ain’t going to win any speed medals but I’ve just ran 10k, I was going to do 5k but I just kept going! got a bit wet part way through but it cooled me down nicely
  13. Interesting, never seen one before headed off to london for the night this morning passed my train from last night at Watford junction too
  14. Only 3 from tonight, bescot to rugby with LUL map livery class 66721”Harry Beck” bescot Rugby that’s me until Monday now, crewe to small Heath ballast job then 196 testing and a possession next weekend
  15. big jim

    On Cats

    I kept getting notifications on my ring app yesterday but ignored them as it’s normally motion at the front door but I suddenly got one saying motion detected in the garage which is my layout room, switched the camera on and there was Hank trapped in there desperately trying to get out by grabbing up at the door handle (it was locked anyway), a quick call home soon had him freed after about 4 hours! when I looked back at the video, Dominic had gone in there to get a lead for the Xbox and while he was looking in the cupboard Hank snuck behind him out of his view and gone behind the sofa in there, Dom then got the lead and turned and left the room locking the door behind him not knowing Hank was in there!
  16. Not much progress this week, a bit disappointed that the shift I’m on means I’ve not been able to get out and have a decent run, I’m trying to do at least 6 miles a week but I’ve only managed 2 so far, I’ll hopefully try and up it a bit on Sunday afternoon as for walking ‘exercise’ I’ve managed none, plenty done in work though, I may have a walk to Nantwich on Sunday and run back that will get me my goal of 2 miles and at least 3 mile running in! as for this evening I rode to the station a slightly longer route as I only did a short ride from basford hall to the station last night so wanted to make up for that, then discovered my train was, for the 4th time this week, cancelled, so I caught a different train to Wolverhampton and rode to bescot from there, I’ve exceeded my 25 mile weekly goal on the bike at least! I used the Komoot app for the ride from Wolverhampton as it sets the route best for cycling, avoids busy roads etc and puts you along cycle paths as well as still recording my heart rate, distance etc like the apple app off to london tomorrow so hopefully get a bit of waking in from the station to the hotel and to the theatre in the evening This morning commute back home, getting quicker!
  17. Just 2 from trafford park last night and a couple of vids stafford, 66725 heading to Hindlow And an unusual one from nuneaton, ledburn jn to bescot service, what I can assume is a rail recovery train top and tail with barrier wagons
  18. big jim

    On Cats

    It’s not until you get Nicola out of the cage and put her next to Hank who is a tear old and still a kitten himself you realise how little she is, loving Hanks bemused ‘what the hell is this’ face in the 2nd pic but he’s really gentle with her, she’s the one who was slapping him!
  19. Here is a pic of my dads ‘new’ car to replace his wife’s Golf 1996 Peugeot 306 bit of a classic in so much as it’s only done 7000 miles and he is the 2nd owner from new!
  20. Just one pic from the last couple of days, couldn’t be bothered getting any at night as that’s sleeping time! crewe heading north last night of it tonight then a ballast tomorrow evening
  21. My dad scrapped one of his MK4s golf only yesterday, I was tempted to have it off him, tidy it up cosmetically and sell it on quickly it was a 2001 Golf match 1.6? Turbo Diesel 5 for in red with a fresh 12 month ticket, just serviced, decided to scrap it as it needed 2 front wings which were an advisory on the MOT, he said it smoked a bit but don’t most diesels of a similar vintage! took it to the scrappy and got £175 for it, I’m sure I could have doubled that on eBay with the 12’month MOT but I’ll never know he’s still got his 2003 one though
  22. Weigh in day….. Lost 2lb this week so 19.3 Stone now (122 kg) that’s a loss of 48lb (22kg) since mid February Last week Exercise wise: 27.3 miles on the bike 1.8 miles walking 7.2 miles running Hopefully lose a few more Lb this week and be that bit nearer saying I’m 18 Stone (ok the top end of it but still!) Been quite a hard one this week as I’m on nights but I’m getting a commute in on the bike every day which is 5 miles a day and yesterday I got my wife to drop me off 2 mile from home while on the school run and I ran back from there off to london this weekend to see a show so won’t get any exercise in but I am planning on walking from euston to the hotel in Piccadilly Circus
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