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Golden Fleece 30

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Everything posted by Golden Fleece 30

  1. We have said it many times, probably none as we live in a cheap and then throw it away age unfortunately. A few of todays don't last more than an hour or so, just look at how many Heljan/Hattons Beyer Garratts went back and do not run even now. Motors burning out after an hour (if that), valve gear locking up and dropping off, all cheap and nasty except not cheap to buy just the parts they use.
  2. rockershovel, on 11 Oct 2016 - 11:34, said: It could be he was trying to say how good a very old loco ran compared to a modern one which is part of this topic as I related to my 50's and 60's locos giving no trouble compared to the Heljan Beyer Garratt I have. I very much doubt any of these Garratts will be around in 50 or 60 years time let alone still working if they can stop after an hour or so lol.
  3. Oh well 21" is not much really as you say compared to the Dublo version which is about 2/3 what is should be, thanks that's one little issue cleared up. Garry
  4. Where did you find the Deltic dimensions from Titan as I have both as 69' 6" in length. The prototype being 1/2" wider and with 3" smaller wheels.
  5. Ray, the drawings were immaterial regarding which ever Deltic set they had as both the original and production ones were the same length so Mecanno just made it short to possibly have less overhang on the curves. Don't forget Dublo's track centres were closer to scale than Tri-ang etc. Rearding my Airfix 0-4-2 I have had no problems with mine since it came out. It is 3-railed and runs nicely on either Dublo or Peco track.
  6. Thanks Frank, it is just a pity the body is so narrow that the motor will not go around the inner curves of the track. At least it runs nicely on the large curves. Garry
  7. We used it in school and college during science classes for bunsen burners to stand on and it was thrown around etc.
  8. Here is the Deltic coming along nicely. It will be Royal Scots Grey, the first Deltic of the 22 made. It needs the side window bars tidying up as these were done freehand, some buffers, possibly headcode info and of course nameplates. It is a long time since I painted TT size and it is more difficult than my usual Dublo ones but it will do for me, who is going to see it at 100mph? Garry
  9. Today I fitted 7 coaches with the new metal wheels and here is a video showing how well they run. With approx 900 wheels I should be okay for a long time. Garry
  10. Sorry Steve but not into foreign outline locos and stock. Regarding Heljan I am going on the two BR steam outlines they have produced as I am not really interested in diesels either so 2 out of 2 with issues to me is not good, to others it may be okay as Ian said "each to their own".
  11. It seems to still have a lot of issues/problems reading the Forum. You may have two without issues, some people still have Garratts without issues but success/runners %wise Heljan are way down the list. I have the modern Hornby B1, a couple of K1's, a Standard 5, M/Navy and Princess most of which are now 3-railed so I have stepped up to the plate and bought some as you say, and happy with them.
  12. It is now 1986 and Mallard has been restored to running order ready for its 50th anniversary. This is her first test run although some work is still needed as per the video description.
  13. I have been collecting trains (BR outline in N, TT, 00), new and second hand since the late 50's and the only loco not to work is the one Heljan one I have, the Garratt. I have said I will never have another Heljan (I don't really need more anyway) but can live without the 2-8-0. Earlier on this thread someone said don't think because one loco was not fit for purpose they are all like that, mmmm seeing all the reports of the Tango's having problems I think I was correct. Who wants scale looking but flimsy valve gear when it falls apart? Certainly not me, give me good old fashioned Hornby Dublo anytime. At least these are still running 60 years later not like a Garratt that some have lasted a couple of laps of the track and my own a couple of hours. Garry
  14. And here we have a video showing my re-wheeled wagons, and coach. The running of these vehicles has improved tremendously so plenty more to do now. Even in reverse they run nicely and what a lovely sound of metal wheels rolling along the track. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjPGkXhSyOU&feature=youtu.be
  15. Here is a short video of the Deltic in operation, as the clip says I ran out of paint so apologies for the unfinished look.
  16. Here is the Deltic in primer and fitted with Tri-ang bogies. Due to its moulded narrow width, 22mm as opposed to a should be 26mm, it will only go smoothly around the large radius curves, thankfully the points are the same radius so as you see it runs through them set as reverse curves. I will get a video tomorrow IF the weather is kind. Looking forward myself to seeing this in two tone green. Garry
  17. A resin Deltic body came yesterday and not bad in appearance but a little on the narrow side. I put a spacer in the base which has a better, but still narrow, width. It means the sides taper from there to the front and not just around the bonnets. I don't know if this caused a split in the roof, not all the way through, or whether it was there on delivery but I have flooded it with Araldite as it did not go right through and it has not leaked out. I have modified a Tri-ang motor bogie to hopefully turn on the curves due to the narrowness and thankfully if it does not work the bogie is still okay to use. At the moment it is just resting on these Tri-ang bogies as no mounting bracket has yet been made. Garry
  18. I thought somewhere long back on this post Hattons supplied Elaine's trains (or someone else) to install sound etc but after a few issues as seen on here they refused to carry on with any installations and sent a few Garratts back to Hattons?
  19. Don't forget the photos I put on here of the burnt out motor/melted commutator, and, sent them to Heljan who by return of post sent some replacements. Unfortunately after replacing the motor I cannot give it a good run as the layout is non operational now for a considerable time. Garry
  20. I have just obtained my favourite loco, an A4, along with another favourite, a Duchess. These are the Atlas models with plastic bodies and a diecast chassis. The loco chassis will be/are disposed of and hopefully a couple of Tri-ang ones modified to fit and will give me some different but "heavy" motive power. The Duchess will be repainted into a proper BR maroon but the A4 is so nice I may keep it for now. I am not keen on none BR preferring BR green but the finish of this is excellent. The tenders also have a diecast chassis which unfortunately are going to be a little harder to do as the internal wheel holders are also cast into the base but too wide apart for 12mm gauge. Has anyone else done this? Garry
  21. Obviously my track being as old as it is was very dirty, some of it original to me from the late 50's and some bought 20 odd years ago and never used by me so this as well was dirty. Here is a photo of one piece showing how half of it has cleaned up. The points have been done in a similar way but stripped to take out the blade casting. Electric points also needed the motor removing for obvious reasons. Hopefully the base cleaning will not be required again for another 60 years so it will not concern me although I wish it did but doubt I will make 124 lol. Garry
  22. Basset Lowke track was always fastened to battens as far as I can remember, possibly some Leeds too although theirs may have been home made from parts? The battens kept the sleepers in position especially on the curves and points.
  23. Me too lol I should have thought of that a few years ago when getting divorced, you live and learn as they say. Garry
  24. That is another of our Lake District friends item issues. A few times the wrong photo is used by him and I once told him about the interior of a dolls house as a TT loco. He just said "I had not seen the advert" and just left it, price wise I would not have gone for it no matter what condition but had hoped to see it. I don't know how he cannot have seen the advert as he puts the photos on not Ebay lol. Garry
  25. It is not an Exley shell as theirs all had pressed ribs on the roof along with vents. All the Anbrico coaches I have seen, about half a dozen or so, have all had plain roofs like this. Also Exley's had a cut out on the roof where the "net" was positioned. I agree it could be a Westdale but it seems to match the other Anbricos for style and lettering etc. Garry
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