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Golden Fleece 30

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Everything posted by Golden Fleece 30

  1. It certainly is like Lydney etc and that along with Longacre inspired its build by Kevin. The track is Gem and Wrenn along with H/M point motors, the construction including scenery was done as if it was being built in the 60's. I will look a few minor changes but the basic layout will still be giving the 60's feel hopefully. I do want to add a crossover at one end and possibly a double junction. A double junction was originally done but taken out. As I have a few Wrenn and Gem pointwork I maybe able to do this and still keep its looks. Garry
  2. After a 3 1/2 hour journey down and 5 1/2 hour return I am the proud owner of Thorpe Road built by Kevin West. Due to being busy and holidays it will most likely not get set up in its new home for a couple of weeks but looking forward to giving my locos a good run. The photo is Kevin's of the layout when set up at his house, I would love to have it set up this close to my kitchen. Garry
  3. Things have slightly improved for the A1 as some tender sides have been found, fingers crossed other parts required maybe too. Garry
  4. Hi Kevin, Sorry for the late reply but unable to find my old RM to answer your question until yesterday. Peco used the term TT-3 from the day they announced Tri-ang's release of TT in March 1957. Tri-ang called it TT and RM had an article discussing the various TT scales and attempts and as Tri-ang was using 3mm at 1:100 instead of 1:120 like others Peco's heading was Tri-ang TT "TT-3" to us . So from day one it was always TT-3 for Peco and Kitmaster followed suit when they entered the market in TT scale. Tri-ang stayed with just TT. I guess BEC/Gem etc still used plain TT as their bodies fitted Tri-ang's chassis's. Garry
  5. Hi Mike, Like you, years ago I foolishly threw away a lot of "useful" bits and pieces and sold many more off with decent models built and bought (some now classed as rare) at a model railway show once. I had just started in 0 gauge thinking I would never go back, big mistake that, and sold both 00 and TT off and how I wish I could go back and reverse my thoughts. The R1 wheelbase has been stretched to fir into the Scots body with the front axle hole being moved a couple of mm. The B1 and V2 have the chassis as standard and in real life the centre wheels were closer to the front set so that makes the R1 the ideal chassis to use. Somewhere on here there is a photo of the Hornby B17 body on a Castle chassis and a King similarly fitted. All these are wrapped and boxed away now so difficult to check on. I much prefer the individuality of the older layouts and admire the old ones in RM from the 50's and 60's far more than modern ones, I have recently been collecting old issues with TT layouts and one even had a Dublo 3-rail scenic layout. As you say they all have the sameness about them. Garry
  6. Hi David, Thats correct, I could not remember KMR. Nice heavy models, milled brass chassis. One day it may run again. I never noticed the 00 to TT Jinty numbers but do know when the lined TT version came out (incorrectly?) they could not fit 5 numbers on so used 4. Garry
  7. A few years ago I bought a 00 cast 4P and this was the motor in it. Here it is along side a 5p coin and a TT body. Garry
  8. Regarding the Harrow layout above I had not realised it was 3-rail with "brass" pins through the sleepers. Some of the best views are if you go to the 120 mobile up load photos. A dream layout it was. Garry
  9. Working my way clearing up ready for my new TT layout to come, hopefully Friday, I came across these ready to put into storage for a rainy day when I am not busy with the TT. The blue and green boxes are all spare Dublo chassis, there were more I found later. It maybe I start to off load some as I doubt I will ever get around to using many of these as I am thinking of selling a lot of Dublo locos etc off in the not too distant future. What I forgot to photograph was a box full of A4's, a box full of Duchess/city's and a few more R1's. The Royal Scot is a Bristol models kit which is very nice and fitted to an R1 chassis. The B1 is a Replica body again on an R1 chassis with A4 valve gear. 61176 was chosen because I have a photo of me stood alongside the real one in the mid 60's, transfers not varnished over yet. The V2 is Bachmann on the R1 chassis with A4 valve gear, its number is one I photographed near the B1. The Jubilee is a Jamieson one on a Castle chassis which I did not assemble it was bought like that with the tender. When bought the chassis was not included but the tender was 3-railed ready. All I can take credit for here is putting some valve gear on. A Duchess horsehoe motor in good condition, (rewound? I don't know). There are quite a few more but no time for photos. Garry
  10. Some nice Hornby Dublo here, sadly the layout has been scrapped as far as I know. This is what i call a layout :-) https://www.facebook.com/harrowmrc/ Garry ps Looking at the site there are a few photos showing it broken up but some lovely B/W photos from 1991 and some good colour dublo tankers etc.
  11. Talking of painting I am a little disappointed with Fox Transfers. A few weeks ago I bought some W/B/W for my BR J72 and the corners did not match the straight lines with the white width greater on the straight. I wrote to them 2 weeks ago and still no reply. They are quick at everything else but not helping with issues or problems. Garry
  12. Disappointed to say the least. I buy a kit, quite expensive at £50, which arrives incomplete, I then get some parts sent that are not for my loco and tender and have to send them back. I am not getting recompensed for returning wrong goods and told no partial refund on the kit as it was sold in good faith. I know I will not be getting any more from here after 2 issues with 2 kits. I did get a 3rd and know there will be issues with that later. Garry
  13. A word of warning from my own personal issue with modern magnets "Neos" I did but a few to replace old Dublo ones but had one chip and one completely crack down its centre (first 3 photos). Having read about other issues of increased bearing wear and the coating coming off (not my loco) I decided to by a magnetiser. Changing back to the old magnets and remagging them was the best thing I did. As someone else mentioned I have a lot of old originals that are still as good today as they were when made and never touched the magnets so most locos you have will probably be okay. This is my view, some swear by Neos so it is a personal choice. If you do go down the Neos they can pull wagons from an adjoining track and the EMU is restricted so someone is offering to alter their Neo magnets for that loco. Garry
  14. This is my Tri-ang 3MT. It is fitted with the 0-6-2 chassis and the 2-6-4 valve gear. Garry
  15. This is my Tri-ang 3MT. It is fitted with the 0-6-2 chassis and the 2-6-4 valve gear. Garry
  16. I liked the Trix arched roof canopy which was die-cast and have a few, which may one day end up on my TT layout. I did not like the tinplate buildings which did just look like a sheet of metal with holes punched in, nothing like a building as such and wooden platforms with a tinplate wall nailed on with panel pins. There looked to be a bit of a copy between the Dublo wooden stations and the Trix ones in the early days. Garry
  17. Ray, he did say it was a Co-Co magnet so it will be a home made job. I had heard of at least one other person doing this modification but never saw the result or if it actually worked but obviously this one did. Not something I would have attempted as I did not like the Ringfields, they were more prone to losing their magnetism more than any other. Tri-ang very rarely, Dublo Alnico's a few times, Dublo Ringfields often. Garry
  18. Ron advertises these on Ebay on a regular basis for about £148 which includes a multi meter, compass etc. These are suitable most trains, Scalextric etc. I use mine these days for Tri-ang TT motors. You will find it is better for doing Dublo EMU ringfields as opposed to using Neo's. Garry
  19. Managed some work on the A1. I was sent an A3 firebox which is completely different to the A1 and so have modified and used it in case an original does not show up. The loco is now quite freely running with coupling rods soldered to some Tri-ang ones but as yet no motor fitting installed, hopefully an XT60 will be used. I may have to make some suitable valve gear too, time will tell. With no tender sides I had thought of the Atlas one but it is too wide so I will probably have to scratchbuild one sometime. Looking a little better now. Garry
  20. Got a few etched brass coach sides today, not the flattest of parts I have to say. If all goes well with assembling them I should be able to make a full parcels train up now with one or two spare. I have always liked Gresley coaches in blood and custard which these will hopefully be although I may do the odd one in maroon. Garry
  21. Thanks Nigel, I will see what comes of my last letter as the parts found were not for the A1 so if nothing else can be found I will get in touch with him. Garry
  22. I am enjoying the series for what it is but to be fair "appreciating dual voltage EMU's" is not really part of the criteria of the public enjoying a reality TV show. They are interested in a train working whether it be Stephensons Rocket or a Eurostar. I am into original Tri-ang TT and BR steam, green diesels accepted (no full yellow ends and no blue diesels allowed) but I love watching the show for what it is and the creativity of the contestants. I don't really see what dual voltage EMU has to do with a model based on Walford which is non existent anyway. You put on a good show, and to be fair the "rush" job on track laying in my mind was the deciding factor of winning or not. Garry
  23. I am getting a little fed up of reading similar posts where a poster has not read or understand what all this is about. We have been told what can be done before filming starts, we have been told what the budget is etc so why keep commenting if you cannot be bothered to read back? Regarding the show itself, this is similar 1) it was never meant to be for serious modellers so why complain about the lack of certain items/info. 2) it was for fun and reality TV and it is certainly that. If you want to stay serious use the OFF button and carry on with your own models. 3) it gives the "serious" modellers participating the chance to show their creative flair while still being fun and entertaining. 4) why keep asking about more time for this and more time for that, reading back, filming was continuously for 3 days on 3 layouts constantly and cannot all be put into 45 minutes. Just let the producers get on with what they are paid to do, or, do some programmes yourself. 5) if you want serious modelling watch YouTube clips, go to a local club, buy a magazine, or carry on with your own layout. None of the layouts last week or this are my cup of tea but I have enjoyed watching them for what they are and will watch all the rest. No doubt in a few posts time the same issues will crop up again though. Garry
  24. This little lot has just arrived. The Brit is quite good but I may be using it for other things. The King has the better open spoked wheels and will be done in BR green and I might make a proper copper chimney for it like my blue one. There is an old Kitmaster Royal Scot motorised with another open spoked chassis which is a first for me. I do have an unmade one to do one day and this gives me an idea what to do but another different class of loco for a change, it will need stripping and the moulded lining edges removing though. The coaches are not up to much but I will use their bogies for some Gresley and Mk1 parcels kits. I know not the correct pattern for the Gresley's but easy to rewheel and use. I can always say they had replacement bogie fitted at the last overhaul :-) Garry
  25. Not quite the rarest as the Tri-ang TT blue and grey coaches had only about 400 of each corridor an brakes made, and only 298 Restaurant cars. The corridor and brakes usually go for around the £150 mark but a mint boxed Restaurant Car went for over £300 a few months ago. The one here went about a month ago for £199 on Buy it Now. The rarest loco I know of is the TT blue A1A of which I have never seen for sale yet but told one went for 4 figures quite a while ago. Don't know how many were produced though. Garry
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