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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. Why is that any RMWeb thread on a CERTAIN TOPIC always ends up with the same three or four indivisduals having an endless pointless (geddit) slanging match?

  2. Just upgraded to 'Firefox for AOL', seems to work much better than the out of date Internet Explorer but then that wouldn't be hard nowadays.

  3. Just upgraded to 'Firefox for AOL', seems to work much better than the out of date Internet Explorer but then that wouldn't be hard nowadays.

  4. With so many prototypes to choose from it's a pig knowing what to create and in what order - know what I mean?

  5. With so many prototypes to choose from it's a pig knowing what to create and in what order - know what I mean?

  6. Did you know (Best Michael Cain voice here) Did you know that a hot soldering iron can give your fingers a nasty burn if you grab it by the wrong end. Now ask me how I know this.

  7. Alan Bennett Class....

  8. So nice to have had decent weather these past couple of days. What a moodlifter! ??

  9. Getting rid of facebook was best thing ive done, was a bit addicted and had to wean myself off but I dont miss it now.

  10. Today, my world became a wee bit less colourful... :-(

  11. Deep Purple up full is not the best way to recover from a detached retina ...... but what the hell.

  12. Windows 10 is awful. And Microsoft Edge is even worse!

  13. That's long enough in a holding pattern for this guy, 2016 is time for some changes!

  14. Border Terrier imminent....!

  15. That's long enough in a holding pattern for this guy, 2016 is time for some changes!

  16. Well ###### me ###### with ###### and a ######! It IS a rabbit

  17. Well? Anybody on here get a gong for services to model railways.

  18. is hoping to increase the intake of prunes and bran this coming year....

  19. Feels more and more like he is living in Alasdair Gray's Unthank...

  20. Feels more and more like he is living in Alasdair Gray's Unthank...

  21. Tidying the 'hobby room' for someone who may or may not be coming to visit this week...

  22. Tidying the 'hobby room' for someone who may or may not be coming to visit this week...

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