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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. Would be happy if the Met Office got it right....just once.

  2. Medizinische Kompressionsprodukte

  3. Ah well, hopes of some real Scottish prototypes dashed again. Always next year I suppose, although I've lost count of how many years I've been saying that.

  4. Ah well, hopes of some real Scottish prototypes dashed again. Always next year I suppose, although I've lost count of how many years I've been saying that.

  5. Internet now back on after 3 weeks.....have I missed anything ?

  6. Next time you have a fire drill do the Conga.... much more fun !

  7. Medizinische Kompressionsprodukte

  8. beware the thought police!

  9. Work till your 81, no contact in Schools Rugby, and some other b*ll*cks, no wonder I don't listen to Radio 2 anymore !!!

  10. Ah well, hopes of some real Scottish prototypes dashed again. Always next year I suppose, although I've lost count of how many years I've been saying that.

  11. Random drunk phone call from a friend I haven't spoken to in 6 months, he'd found my female doppelgänger at a party. Several minutes later a selfie followed, him and her, and it's like me with long hair…

  12. hey up Nora. Holmfirth in Em pre grouping era available for exhibition

  13. Everything's gone green.

  14. The junta has been deposed and it's members are reported to be fleeing towards the border in their limousines and helicopters, hotly pursued by the Revolutionary Guard.

  15. I see'd 5 Pterodactyls on my way to work this morning...

  16. is amused to see today's Daily Star headline concentrating on the real issues of the day :-D

  17. Disappointed that people don't apologise for their rants anymore.

  18. I've got an Orgone Accumulator, It makes me feel greater, I'll see you sometime later, When I'm through with my Accumulator

  19. Is preparing body and soul for the mother of all fry-ups.

  20. Jackson Pollaxe

  21. That's too weird. O bondage up yours was playing in my head. I switch on R6 and...

  22. Fun with Flags!

  23. Caley back open to traffic from Monday!

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