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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. Now getting seriously tempted to order a late crest Q6, even though it's slightly off region. Must be all them years spent in Saudi Shields.

  2. smells of horse, and is perving over a newly-delivered Reichsbahn 01.5 #auferstandenausruinen

  3. Oh how I wish I had a machine shop.

  4. ####, just woke up and realised TRUMP IS HERE!

  5. Should I be buying shares in popcorn..?

  6. Anybody selling a boat?

  7. Im a uk citizen in Ireland, will I now be deported as result of Brexit.

  8. Some of my friends have sent me pivate message asking if I'm ok due to a lack of modeling updates. At the moment my wife is very ill, I wont dwell on what it could be as were not sure and are just keeping our fingers crossed that its not the worst case scenario. She is due an operation next Tueday which we hope might be the start to clearing it up but as you can all imagine all my time has been focused on looking after her at the moment. Thanks again for all the good wishes. Steve

  9. Is there anything worth watching on the telly this afternoon?

  10. has learnt that it's rude to stare at Philip Green.

  11. Will you stop staring at me. I find it quite disturbing.

  12. Well, considering how doomed up I felt on Friday, that was a much better weekend than it looked like then. Got the front and back gardens sorted out, a bit of cooking and started tarting up three Oxford 7-plankers for a wee NCB layout project I'm starting to brew up!Cheers, Mallard, you were right!

  13. Spent a strangely therapuetic hour stripping wire from an old Flymo lead. You only need two wires for DCC right?

  14. Muhammad Ali - RIP

  15. Find myself shadowed by the black dog today.

  16. Find myself shadowed by the black dog today.

  17. Just back from a funeral of an old family friend, it was a joyous celebration of Charlie Izzett's life. He lived life to the full and always had a joke for everyone and never put anyone down. You lot didn't know him but more than a few in East Kilbride would have as Charlie was the local rep for the Pearl assurance Society and later the 'man from the Pru'.

  18. If split frames/axles are the answer it must have been a f***ing stupid question...

  19. time is round but space is curved

  20. If split frames/axles are the answer it must have been a f***ing stupid question...

  21. Is thoroughly enjoying BBC Four .... Beethovens Fifth Symphony right now

  22. time is round but space is curved

  23. Rangers must be spinning in their grave at that result. ;-)

  24. I'm sure there's a fortune to be made in the invisible ink business.

  25. A maiden of large appetite with an intensely white, dense spade went through the hat of my good little porker.

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