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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. Thinking of having a stab at being a bus driver. Needing to bring in a bit more bacon that I currently do!

  2. Would someone with an insatiable appetite for muesli and similar be called a cereal killer?

  3. You can't have an opinion about anything with the ' snowflake' generation we have. Be offended - your arms won't fall off or anything.

  4. Why has it become so difficult to find employment, I keep searching the job sites on the internet but it has got to the point that the brain is in information overload and it dose not know weather to come or go.

  5. Why are weddings so expensive? Daughter gets married on 15th and cost of one day would buy the most fantastic layout and collection of kit that would keep me amused for years.

  6. Wondering if I can score some Laserglaze without travelling to a faraway expo...

  7. You are not alone..... Speaking as a 61 year old who has full NI paid up and now struggling to get work. Then finds that DWP do not have to give me any money!

  8. is waiting to see if he ends up in the Question Time audience in about a fortnight...

  9. I really need to get a kit started, but which one..?

  10. I really need to get a kit started, but which one..?

  11. I really need to get a kit started, but which one..?

  12. I really need to get a kit started, but which one..?

  13. I really need to get a kit started, but which one..?

  14. I really need to get a kit started, but which one..?

  15. It's ten to four, I'm still awake cause some buxxer's given me a right bad dose of the coughs and sneezes.

  16. Must be some half decent part time work out there!

  17. Must be some half decent part time work out there!

  18. Just had a visit from a young signalling enthusiast. He took on Ely North Junction with minimal tuition and worked it single handed. There is hope.

  19. Opens box of half-built kit. Looks at part built chassis. Puts back in box. Goes back to book instead...

  20. Opens box of half-built kit. Looks at part built chassis. Puts back in box. Goes back to book instead...

  21. For years I have wondered why words appeared in my posts that I hadn’t written. The other day I was looking at the screen and saw an underlined word change all on its ownsome. The word was intended to be ‘changing’ but I had typed shanging and the PC altered it to shagging.

  22. Looks like they're starting to replace the local street lights with LEDs. Yay! No more nasty orange glow in the garden and bedrooms!

  23. Has been on top of a Roseberry today....

  24. Monotonous Eclecticism

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