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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. The stove is roaring away in the signalbox trying to dry out my orange gear ready to get wet again later.

  2. The stove is roaring away in the signalbox trying to dry out my orange gear ready to get wet again later.

  3. 57 minutes late from Leeds on the late running 16.38 to Hull. No driver and a fatality at Selby were the reasons given. I don't know when or if I will get to Beverley!

  4. was amused by a 'Today' presenter being accused of a libelous statement during an interview. #upyoursjustin!

  5. was amused by a 'Today' presenter being accused of a libelous statement during an interview. #upyoursjustin!

  6. was amused by a 'Today' presenter being accused of a libelous statement during an interview. #upyoursjustin!

  7. Faster than the speed of shite

  8. After today feels as if we would be better off just demolishing the whole railway system and making better use of the land and money.

  9. Ordonanzoffizier Leutnant Spring-Brauner meldet sich wie befohlen!

  10. If the pound gets stronger vs the dollar and keeps rising will models come down in price?

  11. Question of the day (on another group) "Are there any books that are nice about the SS?" What do they teach people in school these days?

  12. "I am some no mark get me out of here" jeez weeks of more TV sh#te !!!!

  13. Eine Quittung bitte

  14. Yes, yes, we know that conceptually the idiot has won, but in terms of abstract, non-objective aesthetics, is it Art, darling?

  15. Just wondering, is there anyone in the UK or Europe who is actually happy with the result over there?

  16. Just wondering, is there anyone in the UK or Europe who is actually happy with the result over there?

  17. Finding the media's self indulgent navel gazing hilarious. That's what you get when you believe your own BS.

  18. Finding the media's self indulgent navel gazing hilarious. That's what you get when you believe your own BS.

  19. is concerned at the strange times that we live in both at home and abroad with a big black hole of uncertainty

  20. can't wait to see what the front cover of the next issue of "Private Eye" will look like :-D

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