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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. Memo to self - do not leave snow to get wet before shovelling it.

  2. My wife says I remind her of James Bond. I'm bad at following orders, I'm emotionally dead, and she'd like to see the role go to Idris Elba.

  3. My wife says I remind her of James Bond. I'm bad at following orders, I'm emotionally dead, and she'd like to see the role go to Idris Elba.

  4. Traditional Modernism

  5. Joined the Bachmann collectors club today, Class 47 No D1733 in XP64 experimental livery should arrive in the next few days :-)

  6. I just made a complete balls of a Ten Commandments brass loco inspection kit bought at the Manchester show today. I have learned a valuable lesson though - life is too short for fiddly brass kits.

  7. Of all the times you decide to break phone, you pick now. There goes my wages...

  8. I just made a complete balls of a Ten Commandments brass loco inspection kit bought at the Manchester show today. I have learned a valuable lesson though - life is too short for fiddly brass kits.

  9. has mowed a lawn. In December. In the Northern Hemisphere. Bizarre!

  10. has mowed a lawn. In December. In the Northern Hemisphere. Bizarre!

  11. Of all the times you decide to break phone, you pick now. There goes my wages...

  12. I just made a complete balls of a Ten Commandments brass loco inspection kit bought at the Manchester show today. I have learned a valuable lesson though - life is too short for fiddly brass kits.

  13. Socialismo o muerte?

  14. The Future was Yesterday. The Past is Present.

  15. Tomorrow is Black Five Day. Have I got that correct?

  16. What is happening? Trick or Treat, Black Friday, a few years ago no one had heard of this stuff.

  17. What is happening? Trick or Treat, Black Friday, a few years ago no one had heard of this stuff.

  18. What is happening? Trick or Treat, Black Friday, a few years ago no one had heard of this stuff.

  19. WARNING! Do not google 'Operation High Jump' if you do not want to lose a day burin was a kid! :-)ed in outlandish and fantastically insane speculation. Most fun I've had of that ilk since reading about 'Atlantis' and the 'Philadelphia Experiment' when

  20. I have a fat lip - just been to the dentist

  21. Now which DRS 37 do I want, extra lottery tickets this week then lol

  22. Would religious canines pray at a lab oratory?

  23. Just woke ip with the cramps, spent the last ten mins doing my best impression of the ministry of silly walks

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