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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. Please confirm that you have understood what the Chief Rabbit is saying to you.

  2. Is emulating a Bernie Steak House meal he had recently whilst listening to The Bones Of What You Believe by The Chvrches...

  3. really should remember not to sit in the local curry house with his trouser zip undone. It makes the staff very unhappy.

  4. That moment when you realise all the 1/8 Markits axles you thought you had are actually 3mm and you need to swap all your kit jackshafts for the correct gauge...

  5. Could someone please tell them - I DON'T WANT A SOFA.

  6. A boy owned a dog that was uncommonly shaggy. Many people remarked upon its considerable shagginess.

  7. Could someone please tell them - I DON'T WANT A SOFA.

  8. What if every day, we treated everybody we met like it was Christmas Day? It would certainly make the place nicer. Gotta be worth a punt, eh? :-)

  9. What if every day, we treated everybody we met like it was Christmas Day? It would certainly make the place nicer. Gotta be worth a punt, eh? :-)

  10. Merry Christmas to all. It's getting hit here in Melbourne... 35d so santa was wearing his shorts!

  11. feels like alan partridge, spending christmas night in the travel inn

  12. Four Days of the Falcon

  13. A Midwinter Class battlecruiser.

  14. The Merovingian

  15. Anybody who had never seen an owl on skis has obviously never taken acid

  16. Is it me or does it feel like the days are getting longer

  17. Brilliant, replacement phone has the same fault which has now bricked it. Back to Carphone then tomorrow morning, not the best really is it?

  18. has just noticed that Colin_Mcleod's avatar bears a striking resemblance to Mad McCann's pic on his AMRSS membership card.

  19. The Decibelles, a loud and expressive R&B quartet.

  20. Is just having a break from adding the coach bolts to an 00 scale wagon......Mind numbingly boring

  21. Remember, when you are opening your box, you are no longer just opening the box, you have an ongoing de-accession incident type of situation

  22. Strictly's on so I'm on here....

  23. Nazi flying saucer attack!

  24. Imperium Romanum in gloria est.

  25. Imperium Romanum in gloria est.

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